Staunton Vindicator
The Homespun Movement
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We like it much. It has the sweet savour of the cargo of tea that was thrown overboard in other days. Let Massachusetts remember that tea, and tremble at the homespun movement. The same spirit that animated her Southern sisters then, and brought their chivalry to her side, to avenge the injustice of a foreign tyrant, animates them now, and enables them to dare and suffer everything in defense of their Constitutional rights--their honor, and sovereign equality.
We like it too, because it enables us to fight the battles of the Constitution within the Union, in the most effective manner, and by the use of the most simple machinery.--Without arms, without even legal enactments, let every Southern man, woman and child exercise their undoubted right to determine with whom they will deal. Let them resolve each for himself that not one cent shall go from the South into the services of the Aid Societies, Underground Railroads, and Freedom Shriekers of the North, either through the merchant princes, manufacturers, institutions of learning, yankee book-sellers, yankee teachers, yankee pedlars, or any other channel. By such a policy, the Union will be perpetuated, and the immense resources of the South built up.--By such a policy alone can the conservatism of the Northern States be aroused into action, and the reign of their demagogues be terminated. Governor Wire has well said that the spirit of Northern conservatism is "passive," and has remained so, until it is rendered powerless for good. Let them be made to feel that a cheerful obedience to the compacts of the Constitution is necessary for their preservation, as well as for ours. Let their distinguished men, such as Millard Fillmore, lay down their maudlin sensibilities, and be taught that the great character of our liberty and Union is not so abhorrent to the laws of God and of Justice, as to make it "a painful duty" for modern philanthropists to carry out its provisions, in obedience to their solemn oaths. This is the sentiment among many Northern men, who call themselves conservative, which feeds abolitionism. It must be corrected before fraternity can exist between the North and the South; and while the two great and only objects of government are the protection of persons and property, Northern men must know that the most valuable property of the South is as sacred and as much entitled to protection as any other. They are greatly in the dark at this time on this subject, and can only be enlightened by a pressure on their pocket nerve. We say, then, success to the homespun movement.
The Right Spirit
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We are pleased to observe a disposition on the part of the Volunteer Companies forming throughout the State, to adopt for their uniform goods of our own manufacture. One of the Lynchburg companies was supplied a few days since with some three hundred yards of beautiful cadet mixture, from the Staunton Factory, and we learn that a number of other orders have been received. By the way, we hazard nothing in saying that the goods manufactured at the Staunton Factory, will compare favorably either in quality or appearance with any other establishment of the kind.