Staunton Vindicator
An article on Napoleon Bonaparte
Some international news
Charleston Convention
Market House
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Our neighbor of the Spectator suggest the idea of converting the Market House, which he contends has turned out a humbug and nuisance, into a large and commodious Town Hall. It will be remembered by our readers that we suggested at the time of the building of the Market House the feasibility of erecting above it such a hall, but, our worthy city Fathers thought differently, and so the enterprise fell through, or rather never commenced. We fully concur with the Spectator that such a hall is an absolute necessity, but that it would be expedient to convert the Market House into a Hall, we doubt. That the Market at present is an unutterable humbug and nuisance, and that something is wrong somewhere, and some body is responsible we don't deny, but there is as little doubt that a good market is infinitely to be desired, and can be established in our town, with proper management. This could be done if the proper authorities would stir themselves to have the laws carried into force, and also to enact various other ordinances, which could be enumerated, and which would be to advantage.
The Vote in the Congressional District
The Crops
The Springs Travel
Views of Mr. Stephens of Georgia
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"The great principle to be carried out is expansion--the right of the people of the South to go to the Territories with their slave property--protected by this Constitution, on a platform of equal rights."
Volunteer Toasts
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The following suggestions we clip from the Spectator, which we take pleasure in giving all the publicity which our circulation affords. We hope the farmers of Augusta will act on the suggestion: "Let our citizens when they send their flour, hay, whiskey, cattle, &c., to market, require their Commission Merchants to send them checks on the Richmond Banks in payment. Then let our citizens hand these checks to the Staunton Banks. This will make the Staunton Banks creditors of the Richmond Banks, and when the brokers come up with Staunton notes for redemption, our banks, instead of paying out gold and silver can redeem their notes with checks on Richmond Banks. The balance of trade is several hundred thousand dollars in favor of Augusta against Richmond every year, and yet Richmond is always drawing specie from the Augusta Banks. If our farmers and graziers, &c., will only adopt our suggestion the process will be reversed. We cannot only meet all demands on us by checks on Richmond, but, if necessary, we can draw large balances in species from Richmond. It is obvious that this would greatly strengthen our banks and give activity to business by enabling our banks to extend greater facilities to enterprising men. Try the experiment and we will soon witness the beneficial results. The visits of the brokers will be stopped--the war on the interior banks will cease--and the metropolitan bank will be taught a lesson of courtesy to the country banks. We shall hear no more of inability to accommodate the public with reasonable loans."
Celebration of the 4th at Staunton
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After the picnic was over the Company was called to order by Gen. Harman. N. K. Trout was appointed to preside, assisted by Major Washington, Capt's Harper, Mallory, Bushong, and Baylor. The following regular toasts were drunk: 1st. 4th of July--A day which history has inscribed in her annals with a pencil of light. May its annual return show that the spirit of liberty born in 1776 will never die. 2nd. George Washington--Virginia the home of his birth--America the theatre of his civil and military exploits, the world the habitation of his fame. After this toast was drunk, in silence, the people desiring to see and hear the near kinsman of George Washington, Major Washington was loudly called for and responded in appropriate terms. 3rd. Our ancestors of the revolution.--Immortal for their heroic deeds in the time which tried men's souls--may their descendants ever gratefully cherish in their hearts their memory, and live worthy of such progenitors. 4th. The few survivors of the war of the Revolution--like the Sibylline leaves they become dearer to our souls as their numbers grow less.-- The President remarked that there was no old soldier present, but this morning a near kinsman of Col. Charles Porterfield, who fell fighting at Camden, had handed him the journal kept by that gallant officer in that trying time. "I hold it in my hand it is a venerable looking record--among other matters frequently noted in it is his intimacy with, and good opinion of Gen. Morgan, in honor of whom the handsome company, now our guests, have named themselves "the Morgan Continental Guards." Major Washington, Commander of the Morgan Continental Guards, proposed Col. Charles Porterfield. He entered the war a private in Capt. Daniel Morgan's company of volunteers from Frederick County, in 1775--he fell at Camden in August 1780, all honor to his memory and justice from his country. 5th. The Constitution of the United States, the aegis of our liberty--may it never be perverted into an engine for its destruction. 6th. The President of the United States. 7th. The Senate of the U. S.--When danger menaces the Nation, we look to the wisdom and conservatism of the Senate for its salvation. 8th. The People--May they ever observe the distinction between liberty restrained by law, and liberty destructive of law. 9th. The Union.--May the bonds which make our nation of States one of the greatest of Governments never be weakened by an internal feud. Opposition from without will but strengthen them. 10th. The Volunteer Citizen Soldiery.--In the hour of peril looking to the post of danger as the post of honor, on the field of battle show themselves invincible. Responded to by Capt. Mallory of Monticello Guards. 11th. The Army and Navy of the United States.--The former when directed by Military skill, knows no such word as defeat the latter the right-arm of our defence and the hand maid of our Commerce. 12th. The State of Virginia. Let those who do not love her cavil as they please, we are not ashamed of such a mother. 13th. The Ladies.--God bless them!--The last of our regular toasts but the first in our hearts--then "let the toast be dear woman." Responded to by Col. Terrell. The President read the following letter from his excellency, Gov. Wise: RICHMOND Va. June 30th, 1859. Gentlemen:--Being a Visitor of William and Mary College I am compelled to attend to its affairs on the 4th prox. at a meeting of its Board. This will prevent me from attending your Military festival, at Staunton. I give you:--The American Union: Liberty to all--Equality to all--Protection to all persons and all property everywhere, at home and abroad! Yours truly, HENRY A. WISE. VOLUNTEER TOASTS The visiting military companies.--Welcome citizen soldiers--our hearts and our hands are open to receive you--you have shown yourselves to be honorable and worthy guests, we are sure you will make the best soldiers. Responded to by Maj. Washington and Capt. Mallory in spirited soldier speeches. Kenton Harper--Captain of the Augusta Volunteers and Governor of Parras while in Mexico--a good citizen--a brave officer. Responded to by the Captain in a very happy style. The President announced that the Hon. Wm. C. Preston is now in the County visiting the graves of his ancestors, and would join us in celebrating the day, but he desires me to say that his impaired health forbids it. Hon. Wm. C. Preston.--A son of Virginia--the late distinguished senator from the Palmetto State--may he long live to witness the national prosperity and liberty, to the protection and securing whereof he has faithfully devoted his talents and unsurpassed eloquence. The Ladies of Staunton--unsurpassed for their personal attraction and amiability of character--Long may they live to make happy such occasions as this by the sunshine of their presence. By Gen. Harman.--The Staunton Militia. Appropriately responded to by Capt. J. D. Imboden.
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"The following suggestion we clip from the Spectator, which we take pleasure in giving all the publicity which our circulation affords. We hope the farmers of Augusta will act on the suggestion."