Staunton Vindicator
Much of the front page covered with a tale called "Tale of the South: Den of the Robbers," which follows a poem entitled "My First Kiss."
Truthful and Eloquent Extras
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"Not less identified with the growth of our empire is the name and fame of the Democratic party."
Hon. James B. Clay
The Election--Positively for the Last Time
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"...we call upon our Democratic brethren throughout of Virginia and the South to unite with us in sincere prayer to the Almighty, that he may never elate out hearts by a 'Whig victory.'"
Who Elected Mr. Harris to Congress?
Who Defeated Mr. Skinner?
Methodist Episcopal Church
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The members and friends of the M. E. Church in Staunton are making an effort to erect a new house of worship on the site of the old Church which has become defective in its walls as well as too small for the accommodation of the people.
In order to accomplish this important work an appeal is made to a generous public, many of the Citizens of Staunton have already given a most noble and liberal response to the call, others will be waited on but when this is not done the friends of the cause of religion are most respectfully solicited to give their names to Col. R. Turk, authorized collector, E. M. Cushing, Esq., H H. Peck, Rev. Geo. G. Brooke, Pastor or any member of the Committee.
Dreadful Accident
Fourth of July and Ladies' Fair
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The ladies of the Methodist E. Church will hold their annual Fair at Union Hall, in Staunton, on the 4th and 5th of July.--An unusual effort will be made by the ladies on this occasion, as the proceeds of the Fair, Supper, &c;, will be strictly appropriated to aid us in the erection of a new Methodist E. Church in Staunton. Our fellow-citizens and visiting friends are most respectfully invited to give the ladies their presence and patronage.
Fourth of July Celebration
The Virginia Elections
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