Staunton Vindicator
Much of front page covered by story "Sam Varney's Venture" (Sam Varney was a Green Mountain Boy). The 7th column has political news about Rockbridge and Bath counties.
Potato Cheese
Root Crops
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"The carrot is unquestionably the best root crop for feeding cows."
Farmers' Department
Painful Accident
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The Hon. Alexander H. H. Stuart, of this place, received a telegraphic despatch on Tuesday from a gentleman residing in the South, stating that the steamer St. Nicholas, on board of which was his son Mr. B. Baldwin Stuart, had exploded near Memphis, Tennessee, and that his son was very dangerously scalded about the head and hands. Mr. Stuart and his wife immediately started South, and we hope by this time are by the bed-side of their wounded son. Many others were killed and others badly scalded by the dreadful explosion.
We are pleased to learn by a dispatch dated Thursday evening at 10 o'clock, that young Stuart is improving and his chances much better.
Public Speaking
The Illness of Mr. Letcher--Mr. Goggin Refuses to Meet Mr. Montague
Mail Robbery
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John C. Grove, the carrier of the mail from the depot in Staunton to the Post- office, was arrested on last Saturday by special agent McGuire, on the charge of having extracted from the mail a $20 bank note and a small quantity of gold. The letter containing the money was a decoy letter, placed in the mail for the purpose of detecting the robber, as for some time back money and checks had been taken from the mail in this section of the State. It is rumored that he has confessed the crime.
The Congressional Canvass
Political Discussion
Some Beef
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We observed on Thursday last, pass our office, one of the largest and handsomest Beeves ever brought to this market, which was raised by Maj. James Crawford, and purchased by our energetic young friends, Wm. F. Ast & Bro., who will have it on sale at Stall No. 1, this Saturday morning. Walk up ye lovers of good beef and get a piece.
The Hon. Edward Everett
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This distinguished gentleman arrived in Staunton by the cars on last Monday, and delivered his celebrated Washington oration, in the evening, to an appreciative and crowded house. The oration was eminently classical and learned, and fully came up to the distinguished author's reputation as the most elegant and accomplished scholar in America.
Judicial Election
Amusing Reminiscence
Life Insurance
Weather in Virginia
Messrs. Editors
Fatal Runaway Match
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Robert Miller, of Belleville, Ill., recently hired a man named James Bracewell, to work in his coal pit. While holding this situation, Bracewell had an opportunity to make love to Margaret, Miller's daughter. It was soon understood that Miller was opposed to Margaret's marrying her suitor, but the two seemed to be no less determined on that account, and on Saturday week, consummated their purpose accordingly. Miller, shortly after meeting Bracewell on the street, asked him if it was true he had married his daughter.--Bracewell replied, yes; whereupon Miller produced a knife with which he inflicted a stab in the left side of his son-in-laws's back. Bracewell lingered until Monday last, when he expired.
Mr. Goggin at Carolina
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"Mr. Goggin had never, from his infancy, drawn the breath of States Rights--a Federalist, a Whig, an American, and Opportunist, he had "boxed the compass" without ever once holding the opinions of a States Rights politician."
In column 1, times and places when candidates James Skinner (for Congress) and James Paxton (state) will be addressing Virginians throughout the state.