
Staunton Spectator
Radical Resolutions
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The following are the preamble and resolutions which were adopted at the meeting in the Court House on the 29th ult., which sent delegates to the Radical Convention in Richmond which met on Thursday last:
This meeting deeply impressed with the importance of a speedy restoration to the people of their political rights, and to have once more elected over them a Government of their own choice; securing to all the blessings of peace and prosperity; and heartily approving of the Convention proposed to be held in the city of Richmond on the 1st of Aug., to take into consideration the important subject of reconstructing the State Government, and restoring the Union. Therefore be it Resolved:
1st. That it is the imperative duty of every good citizen, of all parties and without distinction of color, promptly and in good faith, to give their aid to the work of reconstruction, in accordance with the requirements of the Military Bills.
2nd. That the only security for our Republican Institutions is a speedy re-union of all the States, under the constitution of the United States.
3d. That the Constitution of the United States is the Supreme law of the Land, and to the extent of the powers delegated by it, every citizen owes allegiance first to that government: and it is only in reference to the reserved powers that his allegiance is due to the State Government.
4th. That David Fultz Esq, the Rev. Geo A. Shuey, and Maj. John Yates, white, Benj. Downey and Aaron Shoveler, colored, be appointed delegates to represent this Meeting in the Convention to be held in Richmond on the 1st of August next.
5th. That the Newspapers of Staunton, and Richmond Whig be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.
JOHN YATES, President.
GEO. W. MCCUTCHEN, Secretary.
Radical Convention in Richmond
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On Thursday last, the day appointed for the meeting of the Radical Convention in Richmond, the chief cooks of the Radical party of this State, composed of "black spirits and white," put their pot to boil which contained the mess of pottage for which they had sold their birthright, and as its contents seethed and bubbled those who surrounded it may have sung in chorus, as did the witches in the dark cave on the blasted heath,
Who did "about the cauldron sing,
Like elves and fairies in a ring,
Enchanting all that pit in."
The witches' cauldron contained, among other savory ingredients,
"Eye of newt, and toe of a frog
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizzard's leg, and owlet's wing,"
The hell-broth of the witches' cauldron was not comparable to that of the Radicals', and the
"Black spirits and white
Red spirits and grey,"
who sang in glee around it, and would have been abashed and ashamed and would have vanished in disgust could they have been thrown into association with the "black spirits and white" who composed the Radical convention in Richmond.
The scene is represented by those who witnessed it as being indescribable. "Hunnicutt and his set" had their own way-the patriotic co-operationists were not recognised in the proceedings-they were not deemed worthy of any consideration-they were as chaff before the black storm-as mere drift-wood in the dark rushing torrent. "Hunnicutt and his set" first filled the African church to suffocation, then adjourned for more air and room to the Capitol Square, where they organized temporarily, then appointed a committee who recommended in their report the election of the same officers who acted in the Hunnicutt convention of the 17th of April last, and the adoption of the same platform of principles-making this Convention re-affirm what was done in that. This report was adopted by the meeting, after which the Convention adjourned till the next day at 10 o'clock. Having dispatched all the business they wished, "Hunnicutt and his set" would have adjourned sine die, had they not wished to remain in session that they might watch the action of Botts and the patriotic co-operationists. The Dispatch has a full and graphic report of the proceedings, but being too long to publish, we give the brief and tame report of the Whig as follows:
"The African Church was designated as the place and twelve o'clock as the time for holding the Republican Convention for the State of Virginia on Thursday the 1st inst. Many thoughtful friends and members of the party believed that it would meet as other conventions of a political character had done in former years-that outsiders, black and white, would stand back and let the delegates be seated, but such was not the case. Before the hour of the meeting, the African Church, which, in winter seats comfortably two thousand persons, was jammed to an extent that recalled all of the reputed horrors of the black hole of Calcutta.-Delegates of the highest standing and the most undoubted loyalty stood in front of the steaming building in mute amazement at the exhibition. A bake-oven would have been preferable to the squeezing quarters into which they would have had to crowd had they sought admittance and business in such an assembly and under such circumstances was, to say the least of it, an impossibility. In the meanwhile, propositions without effect were offered to diminish the crowd, and speeches made which no doubt led them to forget that they were perspiring like glass blowers or hearty pugilists preparing to become light weights. But neither persuasion nor harangues availed to bring about an evacuation of the building, until they were authoritatively informed that the convention would meet forthwith on the Square. Then a stampede indescribable commenced, and within a period too short to calculate with accuracy, they were on the east side of the Capitol, when Mr. Tucker mounted the steps and proceeded to nominate Mr. Hauxhurst, of Alexandria, for temporary chairman, and Mr. Charles Whittlesy, of the Alexandria State Journal, was appointed secretary.
Mr. Tucker next moved to appoint a committee of five upon permanent organization, which a stentorian voice in the crowd, which some one told us was Beckley, a most respectable colored man Alexandria, cried out give us a fair chance-one from every county. Somebody else amid the hubbub which prevailed proposed one from each Congressional district, while another, more grasping wanted one from each precinct. Mr. Tucker, who represented the Chairman, as soon as he could re moderate approximation to order, put the question amid cries, 'We are not ready for the question," when it was decided by him that the proposition to appoint one from each county was agreed to by the meeting, which, at this point resembled a bedlam more than anything else of which we can now think. Then came calls for delegates from the various counties to meet at designated places. Some under trees on the Square, some at hotels, and others at points too numerous to mention. At this juncture, we discovered that the white delegates were nearly all absent, and that the colored representatives of counties and colored people of Richmond were having it all their own way.-A recess of half an hour was voted, to give the delegations time to select their representatives on the committee, but, as usual, it was elongated considerably, and it was quite 4 o'clock before the committee reported, when it recommended the election of all the officers of the Republican Convention of the 17th of April last. The retirement of the delegations did not, , however, retard the exuberance of oratory which had been manifest from the beginning of the meeting. The speeches were varied in style and argument-some of the speakers being applauded while others less fortunate or attractive were hooted down.
One of the speakers, the colored preacher Givens replied to his predecessor who had reflected harshly upon Mr. Botts, and said that he regretted it as much on account of his hearers as Mr. Botts. He then proceeded to state that Mr. B. would be required to shape a bee line. The times have strangely changed where a colored adventurer from New York deems it his duty first to defend John Minor Botts from assault and then to prescribe the course of his political action in the future.
The convention wound up its proceedings on "the square" by adopting the platform and re-electing the officers of the convention of the 17th April last. After which it adjourned until ten o'clock Friday morning.
At night, meetings of white and black were held in the Hall of the House of Delegates and at Republican Hall. The negroes still seemed to be the ruling spirits, though the sentiment in both bodies seeming to be that of regret that the Botts' party had been shown the cold shoulder so effectually during the proceedings of the day, gave promise that the two parties might be made to coalesce the next day. In the Hall of the House of Delegates two of the negro speakers said that they "hoped that they might yet sit in that Legislative Hall as representatives of the people."
The following is an extract of the report of the speech of Gen. Pierce in the meeting at Pepublican Hall:
"If Mr. Botts would go for progress and the best interests of Virginia, he would strike hands with him; but if he stood in the way of the great car of progress it would grind him to powder. [Great cheers.] The General charged, gesticulated, and cavorted with great energy. In the course of his remarks, referring to General Longstreet, whose bravery he eulogized, he said he would not refuse him admission; but that he would not vote for him. "There was a devilish sight of difference between voting for General Longstreet and General Longstreet voting with us." [Great cheering.] He wanted General L. to sit on the anxious bench until his robes were washed white. [Cheers.]"
Thus the Northern people think in reference to the negroes-they think there is a "devilish sight of difference" between the negroes voting with them and their voting for the negroes.-They are willing for the negroes to vote if they vote with them, but are unwilling to vote for the negroes for any office. This the negroes will, in time, find out.
It will be remembered that "Hunnicutt and his set," as they were a short time since contemptuously termed by the Richmond Whig , on the first day had everything their own way, and re-adopted the platform of the Hunnicutt Convention of the 17th of April, and adjourned to 10 o'clock the next day-Friday-instead of adjourning sine die, because they wished to watch the Botts' party and the co-operationists, and to give them an opportunity to join the "Simon pures" if they could furnish satisfactory evidence that they were sufficiently loyal to be accepted into the true fold of Radicals.
As soon as the appointed hour had arrived and the meeting called to order-which was like calling spirits from the vasty deep-Dr. Bayne of Norfolk, colored, offered the following resolution:
"Resolved, That as the business of the Convention are completed as per call, that it adjourn sine die."
Thereupon there were many cries of different kinds, and "confusion was worse confounded." Finally Hunnicutt succeeded in gaining the attention of the assembled mass, and said that he was for receiving all who would sincerely repent of their political sins, and would stop cursing "old Hunnicutt and the Republican party," and concluded by hoping that the motion to adjourn would be withdrawn. Thereupon the confusion was worse confounded than before and after an indescribable scene the motion to adjourn sine die was passed, the party triumphing expressing by loud cries great exultation.-Thus ended the great Radical Convention, which Botts and the co-operationists confidently expected to control, but which they found they could do nothing with.
The negroes triumphed over Botts, the co-operationists, and, in the end, even over Hunnicutt himself.
The whites who sought affiliation with the negroes were rebuffed, contemned, despised.-If they have any feeling of self-respect left, they must feel humiliated to a degree bordering upon agony-and that feeling must be intensified by the reflection that their treatment was deserved and that none feel for them a particle of sympathy. The bottom rail was certainly on top in that Convention.
In the Convention, Botts and the co-operationists were not recognized, and Botts was not allowed an opportunity even to speak. When the Convention had adjourned, those who had controlled it-"Hunnicutt and his set"-graciously agreed to allow Botts to speak to the assembled crowd. He spoke, tried to impress the negroes that he had been their special friend for thirty years, denounced the Democrats, said they must be watched, that they had, like cats, nine lives; then read a written address embracing his platform which had been adopted in a caucus of his party the day before the Convention met, and which it was then agreed should be submitted for adoption to the Convention, but which they never got the shadow of a chance to do. The object now was, as they failed utterly in Convention , to get an endorsement of that address from the mass meeting then present, and accordingly Geo. Rye, of Woodstock, moved the adoption of Botts platform, but it was met with such a storm of opposition that Rye soon withdrew his motion, and thus the platform fell, and with it Botts and the co-operationists. They met with no more success in mass meeting than in Convention-the bottom rail was still painfully felt to be on top.
Speeches were then made by Gov. Pierpont, Chandler of Norfolk, Lewis Scott (colored) of Danville, Rev. Jno. Givens (colored) of Brooklyn, N. Y., Whittlesy, Pierce, and others-Resolutions endorsing the conduct of General Sheridan were offered by Butts of Norfolk and adopted by the meeting.
The author of these resolutions was charged with being a horse-thief. The Dispatch says that "the concluding words of the Governor's address were lost in the confusion attendant upon a personal difficulty between Mr. Buttz, of Norfolk, and Mr. J. F. Lewis. The latter charged Mr. Buttz with being a horse-thief, or alleged that he had stolen a horse. For some moments a fight was considered imminent; but Lewis finally made a public apology, with the explanation that he had only heard that Mr. Buttz had stolen the horse."
So far as the co-operationists are concerned, the world has never exhibited such a disgraceful and ignominious failure-so far as the negroes are concerned, it has no record of a more decided victory or more insulting exultation over the prostrate fallen.
Negro Suffrage and Representatives
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"When the ten Southern States are swept, as they certainly will be, by negro majorities in nearly every Congressional district, they will knock at the doors of Congress with 'loyal' black representatives in many cases. Can Congress exclude them on any pretext? Are they not 'loyal' beyond all doubt? If they are not eligible, how long will it be before they demand that privilege also, and enforce it at the hands of the negro party? Indeed, while we know that the negroes have not been made eligible so far by any legislative enactment, who dare say that if one be elected, he will not be permitted to take his seat? The Radical party has committed some of the grossest inconsistencies that ever marked the career of any political organization, and has shown an entire disregard for its good faith and honor. But it dare not resist the claims of the negroes to be admitted to any office to which they may not be raised. We saw that only a few days since the Radicals of South Carolina demanded that a negro should run for Vice President on the next Republican Presidential ticket. And while this great concession may not be granted so soon, it is clear that no feint of opposition can be made to the admission of negro Congressmen, elected from the reconstructed States.
"And just so soon as these gentlemen from Africa advance to the seats once occupied by Webster and Randolph, and Calhoun and clay, and the long file of scholars and statesmen whose voices have rung through those frescoed halls, the glory will have departed from the party which brought them there, to the shame and confusion of the American people. The ambition of political distinction, the greed of office, the love of party power, may have betrayed the great Northern masses into many excesses in favor of this race. Indeed, it were but justice to say that many susceptible natures were deeply moved by the supposed horrors of African slavery, and have run into those extremes of sympathy and partiality which we naturally indulge towards the victims of fancied wrongs. But the prejudices of race and color are the deepest and most ineradicable of those that divide mankind. When men grow angry, there is no insulting epithet that sooner leaps to their lips than the reminder of belonging to an inferior or dishonored race. And just so soon as the citizens of America, whose fathers discovered it, conquered it, peopled and civilized it, and made its name great and honored in every corner of the earth-just as soon as these white citizens, proud and self-complacent as they are, see a race just relived from bondage made equal to them, and set to legislate over them, there will come a quick cry of disdain and indignation, and the authors of their degradation will soon be brought to a summary account.
"This will be but the beginning of the end. When the reaction comes, and the Radical party is hurled from power, there is no foretelling the extent to which the people will go in the other direction. The negroes will certainly be rendered incapable of holding office, and may possibly be deprived of the right of suffrage.-We have no idea that any effort will ever be made, in the face of the world's opposition, to resolve them into a state of bondage. But we feel well assured that on the mere question of losing the civil and political privileges to which they have been elevated by recent legislation, the negroes will strongly resist and fight, and will thus precipitate that great war of races to which we have looked forward, with fearful forebodings, ever since the termination of the recent struggle.
"What will be the issue of such a collision, no one can doubt for a moment. While we deprecate earnestly its dreadful scenes, we believe that the white race would come out of them, not only triumphant but almost unhurt, while the inferior race would be swept away like the dead leaves of November. The work would be sharp and decisive. The genius of the Caucastan blood would assert itself with a terrible emphasis, and no subject race would ever thereafter attempt to cope with that dominant and ever victorious people.
"These seem to be the experiences upon which we are about to enter. They are full of tragedy and suffering and danger, and are well calculated to make us apprehensive. We have the consolation of believing that we are in no wise responsible for the present crisis, nor any impending evils with which the country may be visited. Our duty in the premises is to be collected and well prepared for any ordeal and emergency, so that when the storm breaks it will find us under shelter, and provided against the sorest perils and visitations."
Local News
Local News--Burglaries
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Having missed from time to time money from his money-drawer, John B. Evans., Esq., suspected that some one must be in the habit of entering his store at night and concluded to watch, and sure enough, whilst his brother David and Y. M. Bickle were in the store on Friday night last awaiting the entrance of the rogue, he opened the door with a key and walked in, but as he was greeted with the blow of a stick, which failed to knock him down, he did not stand upon the order of his going but went at once, and succeeded in making his escape.
On the next night-Saturday-some one broke open the window shutters and entered the store of John Engleman, on New Street, and stole some candy, &c. If this conduct is to be kept up Staunton will soon become as bed as Harrisonburg for burglary and robbery.
Local News--Sunday School Picnic
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The Sunday School of the Episcopal Methodist Church-South of this place, held a picnic in Taylor's grove, near town, on last Friday. The school was formed at the church, between 8 and 9 o'clock under the command of their Superintendent Mr. A. M. Simpson, and marched to the woods, where they spent the day very pleasantly swinging, eating and singing, and in many other modes of amusement. Rev. Mr. Phares, of Norfolk, delivered a very interesting and amusing address.
We regret to state however, that the enjoyments of the day was somewhat marred by an accident which occurred to two of the children-Willie Hughes and Mamie Steinbeck. Late in the evening when the school was making preparation to return to town, these two children were thrown from a swing, and were very severely hurt, but, it is hoped, not dangerously injured. Willie Hughes was badly stunned but has almost entirely recovered. Mamie Steinbeck sprained her foot, and ankle very severely, and is still confined to her bed.
With this exception the day was one of wild enjoyment and true pleasure.
Tribute to a Son of Augusta
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"Mr. Peters is a native of Augusta Co. , Va., but volunteered in a company, under the command of Capt. R. F. Dennis, which left this place in the early part of May, 1861, for Staunton Va., from which place it was ordered to Harper's Ferry and placed in the 27th Va. Reg., under command of Col. W. W. Gordon of our town. The 27th Va. Reg. was a part of the Brigade then commanded by Colonel Thos. J. Jackson, subsequently known as the famous "Stonewall" Brigade. Mr. Peters was with his Regiment in all of the hard fought battles and skirmishes during Jackson's first Valley campaign. He helped to win his name as "Stonewall" at the first Manassas. He was with his old chieftain when his guns were heard, speaking in thunder tones, in McClellan's rear at Richmond. He was with him in his last struggle for freedom, and was one among many who strove to avenge his death. From the death of Jackson he, as before, was always at his post, and, when that terrible day arrived, the surrender of the Confederate forces, he was there. When Co. E. 27th Va. Reg. was called upon to stack their arms, this noble soldier, with one companion, stepped forward as the representatives of a company, which, during the first of the war, numbered over one hundred men. When called upon to surrender the old gun, which had been his companion on so many hard fought fields, his noble heart revolted at the idea, and rather than give it into the hands of one of the enemies of his country, he broke it into a thousand pieces before their eyes, but this is not all, this noble soldier never asked for a furlough during the war. he was never absent from his company at any time and was never wounded.
Old Augusta gave some noble sons to our dear "lost cause," but she has none that she should feel more honor in claiming than Mr. Henry Peters.
In doing what he has done, he was led by no ambition-he did not strike because he wished his name to appear as one of Virginia's bravest sons-he had no rank in the army-he wore no bars or stars, but his noble heart throbbed for the state that gave him birth, and he hesitated not to strive for her liberty."
"The Lynchburg Republican thus speculates upon the effect of negro suffrage and negro representatives:"