
Staunton Spectator
No One Like a Mother
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A poor old woman lay upon her sick bed in a close uncomfortable room, with a daughter and little grandchild to take care of her. But whom do you think this aged woman called for all the time, and longed to have come and nurse her?
It was 'mother'-her own mother.
"O, there's nobody like mother to take care of you when you are sick," she said.
A person present asked how long her mother had been dead.
"About fifty years, I reckon," she answered.
Do you think you will remember your mother's loving care for fifty years? No doubt you will, if God spares your life. You may think but little of it now but you will think a great deal of it then. This woman's children and grandchildren had grown up about her, but her heart reached back over all that waste of years to the time when she was a child at her mother's side.
It was for "mother," "mother," that our poor boys, in tent and hospital, called and prayed when sick and wounded they were laid down to die.
O, there is nobody like a mother in love and care for us. What return are you making her every day for all she does for you? Do your feet run willingly to do her bidding, as soon as it is known? Do you try to save her trouble and lighten all her burdens? O, nothing in this world can do it so effectually as to know that her children are growing up good, and noble, and useful in the world.
Augusta County Fair
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The County Court at its last term chose ten citizens of the county to be Directors of the Augusta County Fair, as provided by the Act of Assembly passed last winter, and proceeded to divide them by lot into five classes to go out of office annually as follows:
1. John B. Baldwin and Asher W. Harman.
2. James Henderson and George T. Antrim.
3. J. Marshall McCue and Philip O. Palmer.
4. Saml. B. Finley and James Walker.
5. Wm. A. Burke and Wm. M. Tate.
We learn that a meeting of the Directory was held on Saturday last; at which Col. John B. Baldwin was elected President of the Fair and Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Secretary; and that committees were appointed and other steps taken to put the enterprise at once in active operation.
We understand that a committee was been appointed to select and report a suitable place at which to hold the County Fair, and we shall probably have some competition among the different neighborhoods as we presume the location will to a large extent depend upon the advantages offered in the way of suitable grounds and reasonable prices. The neighborhood of Staunton would naturally be preferred, as the most central and convenient-but other advantages may be offered which will go far to overcome the claims of Staunton, and it becomes the inhabitants of the Metropolis to be on the look out!
The charter provides that where there shall be one hundred and forty corporators contributing one hundred dollars each to the permanent endowment of the Fair-the whole management and control of it shall be taken from the County Court, and given to the corporators. The Directory have made arrangements to allow five or even ten years credit upon the amount required upon payment of the interest and a portion of the principal each year, and we have no doubt that the number of corporators required will be promptly found, so that the first annual Fair will be held under the auspices and control of the corporators.
It will be remembered that this is not merely an Agricultural Society. It is by the terms of the charter "a corporation for the purpose of establishing and conducting fairs and other examinations of the natural and industrial products of Augusta County, as a means of developing the resources of the County, and of promoting enterprizes, industry, economy and thrift among the people."
We cannot doubt that such an enterprize will meet with universal favor among our people, and we anticipate such an active co-operation of all industrial classes among us as will soon make the Augusta County Fair a matter of interest pride and profit to the whole community.
Home Manufactures
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There were many years ago several trades carried on Staunton, that have entirely ceased to exist. There were two or three manufacturers of hats; [UNCLEAR] -tree maker, one or two fueling mills; and a paper mill: Coopering was carried on much more extensively, than at present, so also we believe was the cabinet making business-that is the manufacturing of furniture; wagon maker too, had much more to do than now. A lottery used to be regularly carried on here, but for many years past, there has been none.
Now, why is it, that so many of these trades have ceased to exist, and why have others greatly fallen off in the amount of work done by them, and this too, when the population of the town has increased fourfold? Some persons tell us, that all these articles manufactured by the trades mentioned above are now brought from the North; and sold much cheaper than they can be manufactured here.
Should this be so? Have we not all the material here for carrying on the various manufactures, in as great plenty, and of as good quality, as they have anywhere in the North? We can also raise here in the Valley of Virginia (this garden spot of the State,) everything in the greatest profusion, to feed both man and beast. In this we certainly have a great advantage over New England, and in point of climate, we have a still greater advantage. In New England and in many other portions of the North, the winters are at least twice as long as here, and very much colder. Besides all this, we have untold treasures in the earth, in mineral; and we have too, fine water power; and the best of timber, in abundance. Our wagons, carriages, ploughs, wooden ware, and in fact everything that we use, made either from iron or wood, or of the two, combined, should be made out and out and entirely at home.--Why should we send abroad for hats, when we might have them manufactured at home, just as good and as cheap. Of many other things we might say the same.
We are told, that, it will be a long while before there will be much manufacturing carried on in this part of the country; that we have no money here to start factories with. We admit the fact, that money is scarce in this community, and our people generally poor; but still we believe, from the quantity of fashionable finery; for men and women-sold throughout this region of the country, that there must be much more money here than is generally supposed.
Now suppose each family in the counties of Rockbridge, Augusta and Rockingham, who are what are called "good livers!-were to curtail their expenses in the purchase of wearing apparel one-tenth, which we doubt not they could way conveniently do, and invest it in manufacturing establishments, we think it would probably be sufficient to start several such enterprises. We hear the remark, often made, that "our people are too extravagant, that they dress finer now than they did before the war." [UNCLEAR]we fear is too true with regard to a great many persons, not only in the towns, but throughout the country generally. During the war most of the people could get so little finery to wear, that we suppose now, they are somewhat like persons that have been nearly starved for want of food, being suddenly placed where they could get plenty to eat, not knowing when to stop eating; [UNCLEAR] Southern people, don't know when to stop buying.
"Union Prayer Meeting"
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A union prayer meeting of all the Christian denominations of this place in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening, at 5 o'clock. The committee, appointed at a meeting on last Sunday week, submitted the following report, which was adopted: STAUNTON, VA., June 28th, '67.
The committee appointed at first meeting of the Union Prayer Meeting on Sunday, June 22nd, 1867, met at the store of Mr. P. B. Hoge, a quorum, Messrs. Hoge, Strasburg and Baker being present. They respectfully submit for adoption by this meeting the following, as the order of exercises &c., viz:
1. Open with prayer of not more than 5 minutes in length.
2. Sing 2 or 3 verses of a hymn.
3. Read a brief lesson from the Scriptures.
4. Invite requests for special prayer to be handed in the Leader-to be read by him to the meeting.
5. Special prayer of not more than 5 minutes.
6. Exhortation or address from any one who desires, not exceeding 10 minutes in length.
7. Sing 2 or 3verses of a hymn.
8. Prayer of not more than 5 minutes.
9. Doxology.
Meetings are to be held in the different Churches-on successive Sabbaths, in the following order, viz:
Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopal, and Baptist. Meetings to be held at 5 o'clock P. M. , and to hold not over one hour.
We respectfully suggest that this meeting appoint an executive committee of one member from each Church whose duty it shall be to visit the streets and homes of the town-say half an hour before the meeting, and invite loungers, and others, to attend our meetings and spend an hour with us in worship. The committee shall also select the leader for our meetings, who shall lead 5 Sabbaths in succession; also give the names of those who will lead in prayer in public-having a list for the use of leader.
The committee also respectfully present, the following gentlemen as the Executive committee, viz:
Jed. Hotchkiss was selected as the leader of the meeting for the first five Sabbaths.
We are pleased to see this spirit of unity manifest by the christian people of Staunton, and we trust this meeting may be the means of doing much for the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom and to the breaking down of the strongholds of sin.
Local News--Registration Returns
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The Poll of Registration in the two districts of Staunton, which closed on last Saturday, stands as follows:
Local News--Concert By the Blind at the D. D. & B. Institution
Local News--Wesleyan Female Institute
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The closing exercises of this Institution, an adjunct to the Methodist Church-South, took place on Monday and Tuesday last, at the Church in this town.
On Monday night, every corner of the Church was crowded there being a public exhibition of Prof. Hewitt's music class. A full choir was, also in attendance, and opened the exercises with an original Ode to Science, composed, for the occasion, by Mr. Hewitt. At the conclusion of the Ode, the Professor made a short and neat speech in behalf of his pupils, and, then, introduced Misses Waters and Harris, who executed a very pleasing duet, on the piano forte with considerable ability. Miss Annie Walton, the prima donna of the evening, sang "Eve's Lamentation" with touching effect. Then, followed a brilliant Mazurka, by Miss Kat Trotter, and a vocal duet "O'er the hills" by Misses Waters and Walton; then came, in order, "Les voix des ondes," a neat piano solo, by Miss Walton; L'harpe Eoleanne," by Miss Maggie Harris; "La Reve," by Miss Fannie Waters-winding up with a comic duet, admirably sung, by Miss Walton and Mr. Hewitt.
The crowning attraction of the evening, however was the neat little Cantata of "Flora's Festival," which brought into action the vocal powers of the entire class, from the flashy voice of Flora down to the tiny warblings of the little Zephyr of four years. The poem is divided into three parts-Morning, Noon and Night, and is also interspersed with poetic dialogues.
Miss Annie Walton represented the mythological queen of the realm of flowers, with much ease and grace. Some of her solos were well calculated to show off her fine voice. We have space only to instance, "Hail, holy light," and "Ye burning stars." The other characters personified were Aurora, Miss L. R. Payne; the Queen Zephyr, Miss Mattie Harris; the Nyriad, Miss Fannie Blackburn; Diana, Miss Cynthia Balthis; Sunbeam, Miss Marietta Moore; Pea Blossom, Miss Fannie Waferk. These were all immortals; the mortals were the Queen, Miss Kate Pitzer, and the first, second and third Maids of Honour, Misses Henrietta McMullen, Kate Trotter, and Mary Bruce. We must, also, mention Prof. Hewitt who, as the Storm spirit, seemed to glory in the war of the elements.
Many of the choruses were admirably sung, for a class which has been but a few months in training; and, though the practised ear might have detected faults, yet the merits largely predominated, and every one of the audience seemed disposed to award the meed of praise to the fairy band who could discourse so eloquently through the medium of sweet sounds.
On Tuesday morning, the building was again crowded to witness the distribution of the awards, and listen to the address of the Rev. W. E. Munsey. The exercises were opened by a stirring Anthem, "Wake the song of Jubilee," sung with effect by the choir, followed by a prayer by Rev. George B. Taylor, of the Baptist Church. The Rev. Mr. Miller, of the Lutheran Church, read the report of the committee on examinations.-The Rev. W. A. Harris, President of the Institute, then gave an explanation of the plan adopted, and the degrees of proficiency required for receiving Certificates of Graduation or Diplomas in the several departments. To the following graduates in the different schools Certificates were awarded by the Rev. Mr. Harris and Prof. Leonidas Points:
School of Natural Philosophy.-Misses Fannie Blackburn of Rockingham; Maggie a. Harris, of Augusta; Bettie C. Shafer of Augusta; Kate Pitzer, of Covington, West Va.; L. Rebecca Payne, of Frederick; Annie D. Fletcher, of Accomac.
School of Chemistry.-Misses L. R. Payne, A. D. Fletcher; Cynthia Bathis, of Staunton; Fannie Waters, of Maryland; Annie E. Walton, of Shenandoah; Henrietta McMullen, of Green.
School of English Literature.-Misses L. R. Payne, A. D. Fletcher, Cynthia Balthis, Fannie Waters, a. E. Walton, H. McMullen.
School of French.-H. McMullen.
School of Latin.-H. McMullen.
Certificates of proficiency in the Junior Course of Physiology and Hygeian Anatomy were awarded to the following young ladies:
Misses Fannie Blackburn, Marietta Moore, Annie D. Fletcher, Maggie A. Harris, Cynthia Balthis, Kate Pitzer, Henrietta McMullen, Annie E. Walton, Fannie Waters, Bettie C. Shafer and L. R. Payne.
At the conclusion of the ceremony of distributing the honors of the different schools, the Rev. Mr. Munsey addressed the young ladies in a strain of pure eloquence, which riveted the attention of the audience for more than an hour. He selected Music for his subject-its origin and progress, not only as an art-but, as a mysterious agent of the Creator, working through every department of nature. To those who never had heard this eloquent gentleman before, the treat was a rare one-yet, the effort fell short, of his usual pulpit discourses; his forte is theology, and the grandeur of his eloquence displays itself in praise of the majesty and goodness of God.
At the conclusion of the address, Miss Ruth, a charming amateur cantatrice, from Richmond, aided by the members of the choir, sang with much pathos the following song, written expressly for the occasion by Prof. Hewitt. It is adapted to the fine old air of "Auld Lang Syne":
The parting song-the parting song
Harmonious let us sing,
That angels, as they sweep along,
May bear it on the wing.
There's sorrow in the word "Farewell,"
That lingers on the tongue;
And fond remembrance loves to dwell
The vanish'd seems among,
The parting song-the parting song,
Let our full voices raise,
To that old tune our fathers sung
With pride in other days.
The parting song-the parting song,
The strain of olden times,
When love was pure and friendship strong,
And joy rang merry chimes.
The soul is wing'd in every note,
While truth hangs on the lips,
Like dew upon the rose's leaf
That smiles although it weeps.
The parting song, &c.
The parting song-the parting song
That wakes the harp's sad strings,
When round the heart sweet mem'ries throng
And poise upon their wings.
Go where we man, the said, sad strain,
Will fall upon the ear;
Forgotten scenes loom up again
Through sorrow's crystal tear,
The parting song, &c.
The Rev. Wm. A. Harris, whose fine reputation as an educator has been richly earned in the South management of the first colleges in Virginia sustained that reputation in the decided success of this institution during the past year. He took charge of it under rather unfavorable circumstances, but with his characteristic energy and perseverance, he has placed it among the first institutions in Virginia. Its highly improved thorough system of teaching-the character of the able and experienced gentlemen, who assisted the President-Professors Hewitt, Points, Dr. C. R. Harris and others, render it worthy of the cordial support of the people of the South. The school is under the patronage of the Episcopal Methodist Church-South, and, therefore, should receive the united and hearty support of all that denomination. We predict for this institution a prosperous and brilliant future.