Staunton Spectator
Classified ads and previously published court reports, columns 1-3; poetry and illegible articles, column 7
Confederate States Congress
The Christian Spirit Illustrated in War
The Battles at Dublin and New River
The Demonstration of the Tennessee Railroad
Hoisting of the Flag over Jackson's Grave
Price's Victory
Self Respect Essential to Command
Classified ads, column 7
The Battle Between Lee and Grant
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We noticed last week the battles of Thursday and Friday, the first two days of conflict between the armies of LEE and GRANT. On Saturday following there was no battle, only some skirmishing. On the next day, Sunday, there was very hard fighting, and we were successful in repelling the assaults of the enemy. On Monday there was also some fighting. On Tuesday the battle was of a severer character than any which had preceded it. We repulsed the enemy with very great loss. Our loss was not small, but that of the enemy greatly more. On Wednesday there was no regular battle, but some active skirmishing, which was kept up even throughout Wednesday night. On Thursday, the 12th, the battle was terrific, and raged with fierceness from daylight throughout the day--the death struggle lasting ten hours.
On Thursday morning at day light, the enemy, having massed forces in front of Johnston's Division, made a most vigorous assault upon Jones' Brigade, and for a while our line was broken. They pressed our breastworks, gaining possession of several pieces of artillery, and capturing a number of prisoners.
Forces, however, were quickly sent to the relief of those thus engaged, and the enemy was driven back.
About 10 o'clock the enemy made most vigorous & repeated assaults upon Fields' Division, but were driven back with great slaughter.
At 2 P. M. the enemy made a most desperate fight in Ewell's front, but all accounts concur that we drove them back and punished them with great slaughter.
The musketry was the heaviest of the war.
The battle extended along our whole lines and was fought by the Yankees with more vim and bravery than in any other fight in Virginia.
Our men, after a temporary repose, in front of Johnston's division, successfully resisted every onset of the enemy, who repeatedly assaulted our lines with troops massed in as many as ten columns.
Our boys stood to their work manfully, piling the enemy's dead thickly before our breastworks.
The lowest estimate of the enemy's loss in the battle Thursday is 20,000. These figures are corrob[o]rated by a Yankee Colonel who was wounded and taken prisoner.
Our loss on Thursday in killed and wounded is estimated at 2000.
Since the battle of Thursday there has been no fighting, except artillery firing, that we have heard of to this time [Monday.] We suppose that Grant made his most vigorous effort on Thursday last, and, failing to dislodge Lee, will now find it necessary to postpone his trip to Richmond, and will be compelled to search a better route, if such can be found. We suppose he will find the back track towards Washington the only safe route for him and his army. Though the enemy had a superiority of numbers, we repulsed them in every conflict. There has been fighting for several days on the South side of Richmond. There was a general engagement near Drewry's Bluff on Sunday. The loss heavy on both sides, but much heavier on the part of the enemy than on our side. The enemy were repulsed. If we drive off this column, we are safe. All the others have failed.
In the Stonewall Brigade there are 926 missing. But 349 men left in this Brigade. There are 30 officers in the Brigade, killed, wounded and missing.
James H. Skinner, Colonel of the 52nd Va. Regiment, who lost an eye in the battle of Thursday, and Lt. Stephen Kinney of this place, who was shot in the battle, [illegible] more on Sunday evening last, [illegible]. Capt. Jno. Byers of the 52d Brigade was wounded in the battle Thursday, though not seriously. He [illegible] yesterday evening. He was short [sic] in the foot. Stribling Trout, of this place, was slightly wounded.
Supplies for the Wounded
Battle and Victory Near New Market
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On Friday evening last, the forces under command of Genl. Imboden had a skirmish with the advance guard of Siegel's forces at new Market [sic], in Shenandoah county, in which the enemy were driven back and a part of them captured, together with a number of horses. Ninety-five Yankees and two negroes (prisoners) arrived here on yesterday evening. At that time Gen. Breckenridge was on the march from this place, on his way to reinforce Genl. Imboden. He arrived in time on Saturday to form his line of battle about a mile South of New Market, and near the boundary line between the counties of Rockingham and Shenandoah--the position taken being in the county of Shenandoah. The enemy fell back and the battle was fought on the northside of N. Market. On Sunday, the Dutch General, "mit all dat fites mit Siegel," offered battle and after a severe engagement were defeated, with the loss of a good many killed, wounded, and prisoners, and five pieces of artillery. They were pursued as far as the bridge across the North Shenandoah, near Mt. Jackson, which the enemy partially destroyed and thus stopped, for the time, the pursuit, as the river was too full to ford. The force of the enemy consisted of 5060 infantry, 2000 cavalry and four batteries of artillery. The strength of our force, it may not be prudent to state at this time, but it was sufficient to defeat and rout Siegel and all "dat fites mit him."
Our loss was considerable, though up to this time (Monday evening) we have been unable to learn the extent of it. We have heard that the 62nd Regiment of Imboden's command lost 7 captains killed and wounded. We have learned the names of none of these captains except that of Capt. Currence, who was killed.
The Cadets of the Virginia Military Institute participated gallantly and efficiently in this battle. Their loss is reported 6 killed and 39 wounded.
We have received the names only of the following:
Killed. W.H. Cabell, --- Jones, Chas. Crocket, McDowell, Stanard, Randolph.
Badly Wounded. Garnet, Whitson, J. A. Stuart, Shriver and Capt. Hill.
Slightly Wounded. Chas. W. Turner, J. Wise, Johnston, Dillard, Berkeley Triplett, Marshall, Watson, and H. C. Reed.
Jno. A. Stuart, and Chas. W. Turner, are from our town and neighborhood. The other Cadets from this place, Alex. H. H. Stuart, jr., Carrington Taylor, Win. Crawford and Carter Harrison, we are pleased to learn were not hurt.
P. S. Since the above was in type we learn that we captured one hundred prisoners exclusive of the wounded, and that the enemy left 138 of their dead on the field, which would indicate a loss of not less that [sic] six or 700.
The casualties in the Captains of the 62nd Regiment alluded to above are as follows:
Killed. Captain Currence.
Wounded. Captains Chipley, Bastable, Hill, Holt, Smith, and Woodson.
Kindness to the Wounded
Staunton Artillery
Our Losses in Northern Virginia
Grant's Great Plans
Maj. Genl. J. E. B. Stuart Killed
The Fighting Renewed On Tuesday
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BATTLE FIELD, NEAR SPOTTSYLVANIA C. H., via LOUISA C. H., May 11.--There was heavy cannonading all day yesterday.
About 12 o'clock yesterday the enemy having got possession of a road leading to the main road to Louisa, C. H., with a large force, Heth's division was sent to drive them off, which was accomplished with slight loss to us. Our troops drove to the enemy back some three or four miles, and out of their lines of breastworks, capturing one piece of artillery, one caison and some 115 prisoners.
Among those wounded on our side was Brigadier Gen. Wm. H. Walker, of Virginia, whose foot had to be amputated.
Between 12 o'clock and nightfall the enemy made repeated assaults upon Fields' division, but was handsomely repulsed in every instance by our line of skirmishers, Fields' line of battle never finding it necessary to engage them, Fields' loss was very trifling.
Very near dusk the enemy made a vigorous and determined assault on Rodes' line of Battle, driving Daniel's and Dole's line of battle from their breastworks and capturing six pieces of our artillery--Johnston's North Carolina, Walker's Stonewall Virginia, and Gordon's Georgia brigade, however, quickly came to their assistance, driving the enemy back and recapturing our artillery.
The enemy's loss is said to be very heavy, especially in Fields' and Rodes' front.
The enemy are certainly fighting with great desperation and nerve.
Sedgewick is certainly killed, and it is reported that Warren and Stevens are also killed.
On other parts of the line yesterday there was nothing but heavy skirmishing.
Gen. Hays, of Louisiana, was wounded in the leg yesterday, not dangerously.
Fredericksburg was occupied by the enemy, Sunday night. The enemy have three pontoons over the Rappahonock. The town is said to be filled with Yankee wounded, the number being estimated as high as 15,000.
The enemy's loss thus far is believed to be fully 30,000 some have it 40,000.
Stuart's cavalry have been unceasingly fighting and pressing the enemy, and have done excellent service.
Our position is very strong. Grant has issued orders congratulating his troops on their success, telling them that Petersburg is in Yankee hands, and urging them to fight hard.
Our troops, thought wearied, are in good fighting plight, and confident of final success.
The enemy in their rapid raid around our lines captured a few of Ewell's ordnance wagons, and recaptured some of their prisoners on their way in Richmond.
Up to noon to-day no general engagement has taken place. There has been some skirmishing and occasional discharges of artillery, on our right.
Wounded in Hospital
Fifth Va. Infantry
Brig. Gen. Jenkins
Casualties in the 52d Va. Regiment, Up to May 7th in the Battles Near Locust Dale, Between the Armies of Lee and Grant
Interesting Letter
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We have been furnished with the following interesting letter, written by an intelligent gentleman who was a witness of the scenes he describes:
Camp Near Spottsylvania.
5 A. M., Wednesday, May 10, 1864.
My Dear---: We have now been a week on the war-path, fighting more or less, daily. I have not had time to write before. We repulsed all the attacks of the enemy on our left on Saturday, and pressed them closely. We buried on that day 1800 Yankees, in front of our corps alone and left fully 900 unburied. The enemy moved on down the river that night and we followed and kept along their flank on Sunday, skirmishing as we went. Rosser and the rest of the cavalry fighting their advance with desperate valor--losing many killed and wounded.
Gen. Early was put in command of Hill's corps, as Hill was sick, Anderson of Longstreets, he being wounded. The lines marched not more than 1 to 1 1/2 miles apart. Our cavalry fought back the advance of the enemy at Spottsylvania C. H., but had to yield. They wished to pass that way by the Brook road, but just then Anderson's advance got there and received them from behind some breastworks the cavalry had thrown up and gave them a decided repulse, driving them back and holding them there. The 2d corps followed the 1st and the 3rd brought up the rear and had a brush with the enemy in passing. We took up a line on the South Side of the Ny river, our right being 3-4 of a mile East of Spottsylvania C. H., and 1-2 mile in front, then carving Northward and Westward, but nearly parallel to the Rappahannock river, the enemy being across the Ny and enclosing a segment of a circle, their left being below Fredericksburg and their right near Chancellorsville, there was skirmishing and maneuvering for position and fortyfying on Monday. Tuesday the enemy attacked our lines, first in one place, then in another, massing divisions to do it, but we repulsed them in every instance until late in the day. They advanced three divisions quietly up a hill, our breastworks being down on the other slope a short distance, and then came rushing over the hill and carried it by assault, before we could fire more than 2 rounds, capturing our artillery there. They ran over Dole's and part of Daniels' and the "Stonewall" Brigades. But their triumph was short, for the rest of the Stonewall and Battle's brigades turned on them in gallant style and drove them back in rout, re-capturing our artillery. The enemy came on again but was served in the same way. They made as many as eight desperate charges on some parts of our lines and must have suffered great losses as they were repulsed at all points.
In the P. M., Gen. Early gave them a "Jackson flank," to meet their right, carried 3 lines of entrenchments and drove them then nearly 2 miles, capturing a good many, &c., & c.
We remain in the same position to-day--i.e. with Early advanced on the enemy's right and I suppose we shall renew the fight to-day.
Col. Higginbotham of the 25th was killed and I think Col. Brokner of the 44th. We have great cause for thankfulness at our great success against such enormous masses. The enemy had 15,000 wounded in Fredericksburg day before yesterday.
Yours truly,
J. H.