Valley of the Shadow
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In addition to various legal announcements and commercial advertisements, this page also contains a poem entitled "I'm Growing Old." Part of the page is illegible.

A Stir Among The Unnaturalized

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"This apprehension, we sincerely hope, is very well founded; for Congress will be exceedingly remiss in its duty if it does not promptly pass a bill, to go forthwith into effect, to bring alien residents in the Confederacy, who are within the conscript age, into the service."

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We understand, says the Petersburg Express, that there is considerable excitement among the unnaturalized "white folks" in the Confederacy. They are very apprehensive that one of the first steps of Congress, upon its re-assembling, will be to put those among them who are of proper age and fit for service, in the army. This apprehension, we sincerely hope, is very well founded; for Congress will be exceedingly remiss in its duty if it does not promptly pass a bill, to go forthwith into effect, to bring alien residents in the Confederacy, who are within the conscript age, into the service. The law must be a stringent one, for there will be an infinite deal of hard swearing about "a temporary residence," the "animo revertendi," &c. Some ought to get off on the "animo revertendi," principle, but, in our opinion, very few are entitled to come within this rule. Certainly, no man of proper age for service, who has been engaged in business in the Confederacy since the war began, let him swear never so hard, should be exempted under this principle. If he does not love us well enough to be imbued with the "animo manendi." a little genuine persuasion should be applied to induce him to "pitch his tent and tabernacle with us." The idea is intolerable that, while our relatives of every degree are subjected to the dangers and privations of the field, a set of men, who are amongst us for the purpose of feathering their own nest, no matter at what cost to the Confederacy, should shirk service on the plea that they are aliens. They stay here, are protected by our laws in their persons and property, pay no taxes for support of Government, discredit the credit of the Government that protects them by hoarding the "metals" to them so "precious," and then will fly the country to enjoy the wealth they will take with them rather than life an arm or pay a dollar for the defense of the asylum that has given them protection and wealth. Let Congress, if it has either the brains or the nerve to do so, deal promptly with these gentry. The country expects this legislation, and will be satisfied with nothing else.

True Patriotism

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"Here is a private soldier, giving his life, the last drop of his blood, and the last breath of his brave soul, to his country, and with that last breath bequeathing to her every dollar of his possessions!"

A Patriotic Speech

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"If home-family-friends-liberty cannot move you to action, then, indeed, is the heel of the despot upon our necks. If you cannot be stirred by those hallowed associations, we are a subjected people, ready for the yoke which tyrants have so long made for slaves and cowards."

Government Whiskey

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What does the Confederate Government do with all of its whiskey? Rockbridge is manufacturing it at the rate of nearly 200,000 gallons per year, Augusta county about 300,000 gallons, giving a total amount for two counties of 500,000. Suppose these two counties to make one tenth of all that is made in the State, (which is probably a low estimate), and we have FIVE MILLIONS [5,000,000] OF GALLONS as Virginia's contribution to this line of supplies. Now if all the other States together furnish as much more, we have no less than TEN MILLIONS (10,000,000) OF GALLONS. This is enough to deluge all the hospitals in the Confederacy with all the patients they contain.--[Lexington Gazette.

New Policy Of The Enemy

(column 7)


"Cut off, as we are, from the outside world, they [the North] believe our armies cannot be recruited, while they are in a position to get the floating population of Europe, to swell their numbers. In this way, they hope to finally exhaust us by our own successes."

Affairs In Tennessee

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"Upon the whole, the Republican thinks the prospect is cheering for a brilliant campaign in Tennessee. It only now needs a few dashes of the Stonewall order to make the State too hot for the Yankees to subsist in and compel a hasty retreat. Shall we have them? Did all of Jackson's spirit die with him? We hope not. If any be left, it has now a glorious opportunity for display, and the man who wins the mantle of the dead hero is immortal."

The First Secessionist

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Fort Sumter--The Bombardment Against It

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"Perhaps no greater example of stern, stubborn resistance exists in all modern warfare than the persistent holding of this point by the rebels, certainly history does not record one."

Peace And Union

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"It is not the war they object to, nor the management of the war, but only the people who manage it. There is still an inveterate delusion amongst 'Democrats,' that they, if they only had a chance could make peace and secure 'Union.'"

The Maryland Election

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War News

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The Enemy In Greenbrier

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"They had no respect of persons, and robbed those who were supposed to be Union men, as readily as and thoroughly as other persons."

Virginia Hotel

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"As Dutchmen are known to be fond of good living, and as Mr. Scheffer is a 'Simon pure' Dutchman, we have a good guarantee that his borders will have but little cause to complain of the fare which will be furnished them."

More Prisoners

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"Under the magic influence of these patriotic resolutions, the price of flour has advanced 100 per cent. Another such patriotic meeting would, like the touch of Midas, convert every barrel of flour into gold."

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Wanted for publication the names of those farmers who have strictly and honestly complied with the patriotic resolutions adopted at the September Court. Many resolved, but few have acted. We desire to give publicity to
"The few, immortal names"
That did not "resolve"--to lie.

If our space in the regular issue be too limited to contain the names, we will publish them in an extra. Virtue is sure to be rewarded. Under the magic influence of these patriotic resolutions, the price of flour has advanced 100 per cent. Another such patriotic meeting would, like the touch of Midas, convert every barrel of flour into gold. Call another meeting--it affords such relief to the poor!

25th Va. Infantry

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Va. Central R. Road

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Withholding Corn

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As many persons are now withholding corn [which means all kinds of grain] we would again call their attention to the following passage of Scripture: "He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him," but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it." We would recommend those who are now withholding corn, to post this upon the doors of their granaries that they may read it and reflect upon it whenever the poor are beseeching them to sell them grain at a fair price.

Be kind and charitable to the poor, and you will experience the "luxury of doing good."

House Burned

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"If there had been a male at the house when the fire was first discovered, it might have been very easily extinguished, but there being no one present but females, it got too much headway before Mr. Ervine arrived."

Blown Up

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"This will make the Yankees rather fearful of traveling on that route."


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A meeting of great interest has been in progress in the M. E. Church of this place for the last four weeks under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Mr. Dice. One hundred have made a profession of religion and Seventy have joined the Church--the meeting is still continued, and the congregations continue to be very large.

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Homeguards Of Rockbridge

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The Real Issue

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"These are to be thorough and perfect separation, with unconditional independence, or, failing this, then absolute and hopeless subjugation to the power of the Yankee race, political ostracism, social degradation, and loss of everything which a white man ever deemed worthy of preservation."

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Whatever may have been the true relations of the States to the Federal Government prior to the partial disruption of the Union, touching which there was a diversity of opinion among our own people, there is no shadow of doubt now as to what must be the future relations of the States that seceded to what is still called the United States. These are to be thorough and perfect separation, with unconditional independence, or, this failing, then absolute and hopeless subjugation to the power of the Yankee race, political ostracism, social degradation, and loss of everything which a white man ever deemed worthy of preservation. The issue is distinct and definite. The last resort of nations can alone determine it. The people of the Confederate States must lose everything, or make good their independence. There is no alternative, nor ought there to be any. Absolute independence from the old Yankee Government is a necessity we have to embrace, and we can never think of the close of the war upon any other basis.

The Citizens Of Fairfield

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Capture of the R. E. Lee

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The Poor Of Savannah

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"At any rate, we have an 'abiding faith' that we will some day have a more intimate acquaintance with him, and that preconceived prejudices will give way to the genial influences which Imboden and his command generally bring to bear on Yankee acquaintances."

For The Spectator

(column 5)


"The reason we do not mention the names of the perpetrators of this Yankee trick, is because of the fact that they are already too well known in the regiment, and we also wish to give them a warning which may teach them better. If the thing is repeated we intend to publish them by name in both the Staunton papers."

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Camp Stonewall Brigade,
Nov. 11, 1863,

Mr. Editor:--We wish to call your attention, and through the medium of your well known paper, the attention of the public, to what we consider the shameful and degrading conduct of two citizens of Augusta, who lately paid a visit to our camp near Brandy Station, one of these individuals has a son, and the other, two brothers in company D, 5th Va. Regt. of Infantry. These persons, before they left home, pretended, to all concerned, that they would take pleasure in attending to any boxes of provision or any thing else that the relations and friends of our soldiers wished to send them, without charging any price for their trouble. Under this impression, a great many packages were entrusted to their care.--On their arrival at camp, these men charged our soldiers the most exhorbitant [sic] prices for bringing down things, which it can be proved were hauled at a low rate of charge to Staunton, and on which they had to pay little or no freight on the cars; in some instances they charged more than the value of the package or box consigned to their care. The reason we do not mention the names of the perpetrators of this Yankee trick, is because of the fact that, they are already too well known in the regiment, and we also wish to give them a warning which may teach them better. If the thing is repeated we intend to publish them by name in both the Staunton papers. If there is one act of meanness greater than another surely it is that low hypocrisy, which, under the guise of kindness to our brave and suffering soldiers, takes care to fill the pockets of scheming speculators and extortioners.

Hoping sir that you will give this article a speedy insertion in your paper, and believing that you and your readers will take the same view of the case as ourselves, we remain with high respect.

Yours Respectfully,
MANY SOLDIERS of 5th Va. Regt.

The Right Spirit

(column 5)


"The whole county seemed to be moved by a stern resolve to give the enemy, who was then expected, the best reception possible. We were satisfied, from what we saw, that Averill would have had 'a hard road to travel' had he turned his face towards Staunton."

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We were exceedingly gratified with the spirit of patriotism shown by our neighbors of Augusta county on Friday and Saturday last.

The whole county seemed to be moved by a stern resolve to give the enemy, who was then expected, the best reception possible. We were satisfied, from what we saw, that Averill would have had "a hard road to travel" had he turned his face towards Staunton. There were ten companies, making a fine regiment of 800 or 900 then in the field ready to show the invader that the Augusta Raid Guards were ready for such an emergency as then seemed likely to occur. This formidable and effective organization is composed, of course, of the very best citizens of old Augusta--gentlemen who are exempt from military service, but who will claim no exemption from such obligations should the common enemy dare to put his foot upon their soil.--We were pleased to see several of our citizens who have left the county of Rockingham to reside with our neighbors in the ranks of this fine organization for home defence. The officers selected to lead this regiment of citizen soldiers are Hon. Jno. B. Baldwin, Col., Gen. Kenton Harper, Lt. Colonel, and Capt. Antrim, Major.--Rock Register.


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"Butler, the Beast, has issued an order that all Confederate officers or soldiers caught within their lines with their arms, shall suffer death."

The Mississippi Legislature

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Death Of General Posey

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Capture of Dr. Peters

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Republican "Majorities" In Ohio

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"The people here, although expecting it, were startled upon the receipt of the frauds, and are now putting their heads together as to the propriety of appointing investigation committees."

The Yankee Congress

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