Staunton Spectator
Miscellaneous assortment of advertisements, legal notices, and lists of deserters, columns 1-4
Price of Newspapers
From Tennessee
Not an Uncommon Case
An Englishman's Opinion of General Stonewall Jackson
The Southern Homestead
History Re-Producing Itself
The Peace Sentiment in the North
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We have never been disposed, says the Richmond Dispatch, to overrate the importance of the Peace party in the North or Northwest.--Our reasons for this have been too often given to bear recapitulation. But we are equally well satisfied that it is the policy of the South to encourage disaffection to the Black Republican Government, in whatever shape it shows itself or from whatever motive. Admitting it to be true that Northern Democrats oppose the war from party motives, and Northwestern Democrats from considerations of commercial interests, then we say let us, as far as we can, abstain from throwing ridicule upon that opposition, and encourage as far as we can everything that will divide the North and set the people against a fanatical Government which is doing them far more injury than it can do us. Our forefathers did not inquire too closely into the motives of France when she came to the aid of America in the Revolution. It would have been very absurd in them to throw in the teeth of France what was undoubtedly true, that, in espousing the cause of the American Colonies, she was influenced more by hatred of England than love of America. She was looking after her interests, not ours; but it would have been ridiculous to tell her so. Nations do not go counselling in these days, but follow their interests; and if the interests or [sic] any section or party in the North point to peace, let us by all means bid them Godspeed. Let us make their interests more palpable to them by a vigorous prosecution of the war, and let us give them distinctly to understand that reconstruction is a thing not to be dreamed of; but, at the same time, let us not throw cold water upon their attempts to overthrow the Black Republican despotism at Washington. For our own part, we believe the masses at the North are heartily tired and sick of the war, put [sic] the military tyranny of the United States has hitherto rendered powerless their aspirations for peace. It is not for us, however, to discourage them in their struggles for deliverance. We should help them with a few more victories, and the balls and bayonets of our brave soldiers are the best reliance for bringing about this object.
A Contrast--Free Speech in 60 & 63
Individual Prowess
Mercantile and legal announcements, columns 6-7
From Gen. Lee's Army
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Every one is asking the question, "Where is Gen. Lee's army?" and "Echo answers, where?" The only news we now get from that army is through the Northern papers. By an examination of the map of the Keystone State in conjunction with the telegrams in the Northern papers, it would seem that our forces are no where particularly, but everywhere generally--they seem to be spread about loose over a large part of that wealthy State. The Yankees have been concentrating their forces at Harrisburg, the Capital of Pennsylvania, and have boasted that they are able to defend that city successfully.--If they look North, the much dreaded "ragged rebels" are there; if they look South, they are there, and if they look West, they are there. From Harrisburg, they are found in every direction also, the news of the next few days will probably develope [sic]. By the telegrams in the Northern papers of the 28th ult., it appears that our forces occupied Carlisle at ten o'clock on Saturday morning, the 27th, without resistance. Without pausing they moved on towards Harrisburg, and at mid-day were within fifteen miles of that place. This looked like business! They seem, however, to have thence bent their course, in the first instance, to Duncannon, a point fifteen miles above Harrisburg, where the great Central Railroad crosses the Susquehanna, on its course towards Pittsburg [sic]. It needs no one to tell what took them there, or what became of that bridge.
On the same day, (Saturday) General Early's division occupied York, also, without resistance. This breaks up the Northern Central railroad, which leads from Baltimore through York to Harrisburg, with a branch at York leading to the Philadelphia road at Lancaster.--Our troops on the same day, occupied Hanover Junction. This is the point where the branch road from Gettysburg joins the Northern Central. It is eleven miles South of York, and forty-six miles from Baltimore.
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The enemy is pressing closely upon Harrisburg. Gen. Lee's whole army is undoubtedly in Pennsylvania. His own headquarters are at Hagerstown, Md., from which he is directing the movements. Gen. Longstreet's corps crossed near Williamsport on Saturday. A great battle is impending at Harrisburg today. Last night the rebels were within three miles of the city, and heavy firing was going on all day. This was probably the outposts, skirmishing as the enemy advanced.
Mechanicsburg was surrendered by our troops yesterday morning, and immediately occupied by the rebels.--They also took possession of York, our troops clearing out before them. They have done serious damage to the Northern Central Railroad, both at York and Hanover Junction. They have burnt two bridges at York Haven. The splendid bridge across the Susquehana at Columbia, a mile and a quarter long, which cost a million of dollars, was burned by our troops under Col. Frick, yesterday.
The utmost consternation prevails throughout the State of Pennsylvania, and at last there appears to be a disposition on the part of the people to rally for their defence. Fugitives, however, keep pouring into Harrisburg, Lancaster and other cities, in a state of complete terror, bringing their cattle, merchandise and household goods with them.
A train of one hundred wagons, loaded with supplies, and nine hundred mules were captured by the rebels near Rockville, Md., yesterday. Several officers, who were on their way to join their regiments, were also captured.
A rebel force, which is said to be 7,000 strong, and composed of three brigades of cavalry, is reported to be moving eastward towards the Washington branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. They are reported to be commanded by Fitzhugh Lee. It has been ascertained that they passed within 14 miles of Washington, on the North side, and it is presumed that they are striking for the trestle work upon the railroad between the capital and Annapolis Junction.
The "Herald" of the 30th ult., says that the enemy had not advanced on Harrisburg at latest accounts. Skirmishing at various points on the South side of the Susquehanna was going on yesterday, at Oysterville, and Maysville especially. All our forces were within the defences at sunset yesterday. The rebels had torn up the track at Mariettaville and Sykesville, thirty-one miles from Baltimore. The damage at the latter place is but slight.
General Early has levied on the authorities of York for $150,000 in greenbacks, 40,000 pounds of fresh beef, 200 barrels of flour, 30,000 bushels corn, 1,000 pairs each of shoes, stockings, coats and hats, 50 bags of coffee, and large quantities of sugar and groceries. General Early says "we will occupy the place permanently."
The defenders in the entrenchments at Harrisburg are prepared for an attack to-day.
The enemy is reported crossing the river at Bainbridge on pontoons, with the intention of cutting the Pennsylvania Central railroad.
The greatest alarm and activity prevail in Philadelphia. The Mayor and Gen. Dana have issued stirring proclamations, appealing to citizens to prepare to defend their homes.
There was a great panic in stock yesterday. The coal dealers held a meeting, and resolved to close their colleries until the crisis has passed, to enable the miners to volunteer. The merchants resolved to raise one million dollars for home defence. The Board of Brokers raised $25,000, to be divided among five hundred men, who may enlist for the emergency. A line of entrenchments will be commenced around the city of Philadelphia to-morrow. The splendid bridge over the Susquehanna at Columbia, valued at $157,000, was burnt on the 28th, to keep the rebels out of the town.
"Fighting Joe Hooker" has been superseded in the command of the Army of the Potomac, by Major-General Geo. G. Meade, one of General Hooker's corps commanders.
The following is General Hooker's Farewell Address to the Army of the Potomac:
"Frederick, Md., June 28, 1863.
General orders No. 65.
"In conformity with the orders of the War Department, dated June 27, 1863, I relinquish the Army of the Potomac. It is transferred to Major General Geo. G. Meade, a brave and accomplished officer, who has nobly earned the confidence and esteem of the Army on many a well-fought field. Impressed with the belief that my usefulness as the commander of the Army of the Potomac is impaired, I part from it, yet not without the deepest emotion. The sorrow of parting with the comrades of so many battles is relieved by the conviction that the courage and devotion of this Army will never cease nor fail; that it will yield to my successor, as it has to me, a willing and hearty support. With the earnest prayer that the triumph of its arms may bring successes worthy of it and the nation, I bid it farewell.
Major General.
Still Later
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From despatches received in this place on yesterday we learn that a hard fought battled occurred near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last, in which we were successful, though with heavy loss. The following private despatches were received here yesterday by citizens of this place:
Wincester, July 5th.--Lee whipped Hooker's army near Gettysburg Thursday and Friday, driving him towards Baltimore. Loss very heavy on both sides. Sickles, Reynolds and McClellan reported killed. Ambulances have been sent for wounded.
Second Despatch.
Wincester, July 5th.--Gettysburg battle continued from Wednesday until Friday, and still in line of battle at 6 o'clock, p.m., yesterday, when informant left. One of the severest battles of the war.
Generals Kemper, Barksdale and Garnett killed.
Generals Heth, Hood, Jones and Trimble wounded.
General Archer in the hands of the enemy.
The following wounded in the 11th Virginia regiment: Major Otey, severely in shoulder; Captain Mitchell, slightly in arm; Captain Horton, in leg; Captain Hunter, badly; Lieutenant Elliot, in thigh; Lieutenant Rhett, slightly.
Wounded men arriving here.
We lost about 4,000 prisoners, and captured about 12,000.
The above contains all the intelligence we could learn up to the time of going to press this morning.
The Jackson Statue
New Orleans
"Cooney Rickets"
Catherine Graham, A Yankee Spy
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Among the documents of Milroy captured at Winchester, is a report, dated Feb. 15th, 1863, from Michael Graham, of Gen'l Bank's secret service, to Maj. Gen. H. W. Halleck, Commander-in-chief, U.S.A., of the observations made by his wife, Catherine Graham, whilst traveling as a spy from Mt. Jackson up the Valley to Staunton, thence to Richmond, thence, by way of Culpeper, Woodville, Sperryville, Little Washington to Piedmont, thence to New Berlin, on the Baltimore and Ohio R. R., thence to Washington city. She says that from Culpeper she rode as far as Baltimore in company with Mrs. Kelley, of Staunton, and Mrs. Kenedy, of Culpeper, whom she thought, "from their actions and conversation, were two rebel spies." It is quite natural for the guilty to suspect others.
"All is infected which the infected spy,
As all seems yellow to the jaundiced eye."
This report of this female spy was endorsed as follows:
"Respectfully referred to Brig. Gen'l Milroy, for his information.
B. F. Kelly, Brig. Gen'l"
The result shows how much benefit Milroy derived from it. It is to be hoped that our community will derive more benefit from the information communicated by the "rebel spy" from this place. They would be pleased to hear of considerable reduction in the prices of millinery goods.
General Taylor's Victory in LA.
Fight Below Richmond
A Supposed Female Spy in Male Attire
Virginia Congressmen Elect
The Ohio Democracy--Vallandigham's Arrest--Bold Talk
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Senator Pugh, of Ohio, the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor, made a powerful speech to the Ohio Democratic Convention, taking strong grounds in favor of the liberty of speech, peace and the defense of Vallandigham. He characterised Burnside's order No. 38 as infamous; called upon the assembly to rise to his rescue, if he was arrested for his words, and declared that he would maintain his rights though he lost his life. He closed by saying, "Now, my fellow citizens, I call upon you in the name of 180,000 Democratic freemen of Ohio, not to disperse or go home until you have demanded of Abraham Lincoln the restoration of the person you have nominated for Governor, and I exhort you not to hear of anything else--nor talk or think of rebellion, of war or of peace, until he is restored to us. And if we fail, let us imigrate [sic] to some other country where we may be free."
Respect for General Lee
The Capture of Fairfax C. H.
Then and Now
The Ladies' Gunboat
One Axe Already Ground
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It will be remembered that when, during the recent canvass, we spoke of persons having "axes to grind," the Editor of the "Vindicator" manifested such a degree of sensitiveness, that we warned him the public would be apt to infer that "he, too, had an axe to grind."--The result has shown that he had more cause to exhibit sensitiveness than we had supposed, for it seems that when we were speaking of those having "axes to grind," we were all the time touching him on the raw, and it is now not at all surprising that he winced as much as he did. With a witticism that would have put Charles Lamb to the blush, he very modestly said, in substance, that his aspirations for office did not amount to so much as axe grinding but only hatchet grinding.
To give him, then, the benefit of his witticism, we will say that he hurried to Richmond with his hatchet, and had it ground in short order--in other words, he received the appointment of Confederate Tax Collector for Augusta county. How others, having axes to grind, will succeed, time will develope [sic]. There is nothing like disinterested patriotism.
Those Who Must Enroll
General McClellan
Gen. Joe Johnston
Narrow Escape
The Stonewall Brigade
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This brigade, which followed the lamented Jackson from the commencement of the war to the close of his brilliant military career, bore itself with gallantry and shared in the honor of the capture of Winchester. Several battle flags were captured by the brigade, and two Yankee regiments--the 18th Connecticut and 5th Maryland surrendered to the 2d and portions of the 5th Virginia. Although their gallant leader has gone, his old brigade sustained his reputation.--Dispatch
"The Southern 'Watchman' puts up the following knock down argument in reference to the price of newspapers to which we invite the attention of the readers:"