Staunton Spectator
Col. 1 - 5 ads. Col. 6 poetry. Col. 6 and 7 Congressional records.
Plant Corn
Murdering Women
The Darkies in Council
Various battlefield reports, including a naval engagement at Charleston. Bottom illegible. Col. 4 Telegraphic Dispatches. Col. 7 ads and notices including list of letters left at the Post Office.
Human Nature Consistently Frail.
For Congress
The 25th and 31st Regiments
Full Text of Article
On Saturday evening and night last, the 25th and 31st Va. Regiments arrived at this place on their way to-----where they will render gallant service. These regiments have seen hard service, and never failed to admit themselves in a gallant manner in the heat and trial of battle. Many of these men have sealed their devotion to their country with their hearts' blood. These regiments are composed chiefly of soldiers whose homes are in the possession of the enemy. We hope they will soon be redeemed, that these gallant men may again enjoy the comforts of home, by their own blazing and cheerful firesides. In the disaster of Rich mountain, in July, 1861, the 25th Regiment lost by capture 381 men--22 officers and 359 privates.
In this place on Sunday last, some of these soldiers imbibed too freely of the "liquid fire," and becoming rather exuberant, were arrested by the Guard of the Provost Marshal and placed in the Guard House. Some were arrested who were not in that condition. For some time there was considerable excitement, and a conflict between the soldiers of these regiments and the Guard seemed imminent. The Colonel of the 25th happened to be in town, and he succeeded in having his men released and their sympathizers and friends sent to their regiment. This ought to be a sufficient warning to the citizens to have every drinking establishment broken up. Will the newly elected Council do their duty in this respect, or will they aggravate the evil by throwing open the floodgates of crime?
Have we so soon forgotten the sad fate of Mr. Snider, or shall another human sacrifice be offered on the altar of this devouring Molock? Shall the peace and order of the town, and the safety of the lives of our citizens be weighed in the balance with the paltry considerations of the revenue. God forbid!
We would invoke the Council to pause and reflect, and to reflect seriously before they consent to bring upon themselves the awful responsibility of such consequences as may result from their action.