Staunton Spectator
Advertisements, columns 1-4; poetry, column 5; war news, column 6; article giving the background of acting Brigadier General Reynolds, column 7
Reliance Upon God
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Nothing is more evident in this war than that those Generals who put their trust in God are the most fortunate and the most successful. Almost every victory has been won under the lead of Generals who feared God, but not man, whilst almost every defeat has been under Generals who were not God-honoring and God-serving men. We know there are some who think and assert that the Almighty has nothing to do with this contest, and that a wicked and profane General, if he is a brave man and skillful officer, can accomplish as much as one of piety and reverence.--Facts do not sustain this opinion. We admit that no matter how pious a General may be, if he has no capacity and no courage, he can not be expected to win victories; but if other things be at all equal, the General who trusts in God will always prove the more successful, as the history of this war has thus far clearly demonstrated.
Lee and Jackson are the two great Generals of the War, by common consent, and they are the two men most remarkable for their religious elevation. Beauregard, too, who, we are satisfied, is one of the great men of this revolution is a man who feels his dependence on an Almighty Power. We could mention several other bright and shining examples of men of this discription [sic]. On the contrary, where have we sustained a signal defeat that a General, who was notoriously a profane swearer or a drunkard was not highest in command? We admit that sometimes wicked men may gain victories, but these are the exceptions and not the general rule. Congress has passed an act making drunkenness among officers a ground for their removal; and yet, are there no high officers who get drunk and are not punished? The Army Regulations say:
ART 3. "Any non-commissioned officer or soldier who shall use any profane oath or execration, shall incur the penalties expressed in the foregoing article; and a commissioned officer shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence, one dollar, to be applied as in the preceding article." (That is to the use of the sick.)
Now, if officers of high rank get drunk and use profane language, can they expect anything else from the privates; and is it right to punish private soldiers for following the examples set them by their officers? We have been struck by the remarks maee [sic] by General Stuart in the latter part of his report in reference to his expedition into Pennsylvania. He says:
"Believing that the hand of God was clearly manifested in the signal deliverance of my command from danger, and the crowning success attending it, I ascribe to Him the praise, the honor and the glory."
We are engaged in war with an enemy greatly superior to us in numbers and in resources, who are mad with rage and disappointment. Our soldiers are fighting in a just and holy cause and we must, if we desire success, put our trust in the God of Battles, whilst at the same time we use all the human means necessary to accomplish the great purposes for which we commenced this struggle.
Speculators and Demagogues
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There are but two classes of persons in the North or South who are anxious for the continuance of this wicked, unnecessary and destructive war. It is stated among the thousand rumors, that Gen. McClellan recently remarked, that were it not for the demagogues, General Lee and himself could end the war at once. We place but little confidence in the rumor, yet of the correctness of the remark attributed to him, we have no doubt.
The war was inaugurated and has been persevered in mainly through the bad counsels of trading demagogues and merciless speculators and extortioners, whose sole aim has been a selfish purpose to secure place and profit. The peculation and speculation which have been carried on at the North have saddled that Government with a debt which it will never pay; and the official thefts and extravagant speculation upon the government and the people of the South, have risen to such a pitch as to threaten our army and people with starvation and consequent subjugation.
We have said repeatedly, that the speculation and extortion now practiced in the South are doing more to hasten our subjugation than everything else beside. Every thoughtful person in the country not involved in the high crime of beggaring the people and the government, must see it. Look at the deadening, chilling effect of this speculating mania upon the large masses of the people whose sons and brothers are in the army. Every one is melancholy and dejected, not at the ill success of our arms, but at the certain disaster which is being brought upon the country by the speculators. No one is cheerful but them. They "have never seen better times," they say, they "have never made so much money before."
Many of these land sharks enjoy shade offices under the Confederate government, and many others were among the most noisy advocates for secession. They nor their sons have gone into the war, and do not intend to. A day's or a week's speculation can pay for substitutes, whose blood may be spilled as water, and what do they care? Verily, Yankee bayonets and ball are not so effectually conquering as they are. The worst enemies of the Confederacy are those who speculate upon salt, flour, bacon, corn, leather, cotton and woollen goods. Many have suddenly become rich, both Jews and Gentiles, and they have no concern except to keep the war raging that they may make money. And what is to be the result, if they continue it? Is not the overthrow of the South the inevitable consequence? What earthly power can prevent our being overrun by the Yankee hordes, if this state of things continue? And yet they cry, "All is well." Our victories and advantages gained over the enemy are magnified by them, and when our reverses become glaring, they talk of speedy "foreign intervention."
Let them be put down. Patriotism, humanity and the salvation of the country demand it, and let it be done speedily. There is no good reason under heaven why salt, and flour, and bacon, and corn, and leather, and cotton and woolen goods, should demand the present prices. Avarice--avarice among our merchants, farmers and manufacturers and speculators, is at the bottom of it, and it is a viper gnawing at the vitals of the country.--Raleigh Standard.
Proclamation of Governor Letcher
Speculation and Extortion
Confederates in the Hospital at Sharpsburg
Report that General A. B. Burnside has taken the place of General McClellan as commander of the army of the Potomac, column 2; battlefield reports, columns 4 and 5; notices and advertisements, columns 6 and 7
The Chattanooga Rebel has the following: