Staunton Spectator
Various reports of battles and skirmishes.
No Reconstruction of the Union
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As long as the Union was a temple of freedom, at whose shrine all the devotees of Liberty might worship--as long as it was a beacon light guiding the tempest lost on the sea of despotism to a haven of peace--as long as it attracted the gaze and admiration of the friends of liberty throughout the world, and excited the hopes of the down trodden victims of tyranny, wherever found bending beneath the galling yoke--as long as it promised to hand down to posterity the rich inheritance bequeathed us by our patriotic ancesters [sic], we were the devoted friend of its preservation and perpetuation; but when it was changed from a temple of freedom to a prison for the friends of liberty--when its vast powers were used to rivet the chains of despotism upon the limbs of freemen--when it was perverted to the destruction of every principle of free government--when the Goddess of Liberty was dethroned and the gorgon of tyranny was installed in its stead, we rejoiced that the people, in the majesty of their strength, arose with the might of Sampson, and razed it to the ground. They were not such blind devotees as to worship the temple when the Genius of Liberty had been driven from it--they did not mistake the temple for the indwelling Goddess. The Southrons were people who knew their rights and dared to maintain them without reference to the perils which surrounded or the vast expenditure of treasure attending it. They were resolved to be free, and [when] they could not be so by remaining in association with the people of the North, they resolved to dissolve all the bonds binding them to that section of the country. Lincoln drew the sword, seemingly ignorant of the fact that it is an instrument which may cleave assunder [sic], but has no healing virtues, and with it severed the bonds which bound us to the North. We would not now consent at any time, or under any circumstances, to be again brought into Governmental association with the people of the North. We are opposed to reconstruction on any terms whatever. The silver chord has been severed, the golden bowl has been broken, the Union lies in ruins and we hope it will never, never, NEVER be reconstructed. The following extract from the address of Robert E. Scott, of Fauquier, announcing himself a candidate for Congress, expresses our views much better than we could in language of our own:
"Let no one entertain a thought of re-constructing the old Union. The time for re-construction has past. The people of the North have interposed between us and them a wall of fire and a river of blood, so that henceforth we must live as separate States both independent and free to follow its own system of government and civilization, or one subject to the other. We can never live together again as members of one family, associated under a common government. In the name of the Union the Northern people have trampled upon its most sacred rights; in the name of the Constitution they have broken its strongest covenants; in the name of free speech and a free press they have destroyed both; in the name of liberty they have established a galling despotism, and impelled by a blind zeal, inspired by hatred to us, they rejoice madly in the chains that fetter their own liberties. Such an example of a civilized people, born to the inheritance of freedom, thus wickedly surrendering their birthright, is without a parallel in the history of the world from the remotest origin of man. People thus willing to become slaves themselves are fit instruments to make slaves of others, and to this end the war is prosecuted. We will meet it bravely and fight it successfully. Eight millions of Confederated freemen can never be conquered. Great Bethel, Manassas and Springfield will prove to be but typifications of the victories hereafter to be won in the battles wherein Southern Independence is to be defended.
Of the issues that formerly defined political parties among us, I shall say nothing. The occasions that gave rise to them have passed, and let these divisions pass with them. When all are engaged in a common cause, when every man's dearest interest is at hazard, when each individual is struggling for his personal liberty, when our armies are filled by men from every State and politicians of every opinion, when the energy of all, the strength of all, and the union of all are demanded for the common safety, I hold him to be the worst enemy of the country who would recur to past political diversities, and in this hour of trial stimulate afresh those domestic dissensions out of which already so much injury has been wrought, and by which alone our cause can now suffer shame."
Groundless Charges
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We were surprised to find in the Lexington Gazette, a paper usually conducted with commendable propriety and discretion, a very grave charge preferred against the Surgeons in the Hospital of this place, based upon no evidence justifying it. To protect the soldiers, and to expose the conduct of those remiss in their duty to them, is right and proper; but to prefer grave and groundless charges against persons who are not only innocent, honorable and high-minded gentlemen, but who are doing all that medical skill and the most assiduous attention can do for the health and comfort of the soldiers is a very grave offence [sic], and we are surprised that it should have been committed by our esteemed contemporary of Lexington. The Editor's concern for the comfort of the soldiers, has caused him to forget that justice is due to those who minister to their comfort and relief. The Gazette learned from a gentleman who got his information from a sick Rockbridge soldier, that the surgeons in the Hospital appropriated to their own use the delicacies sent to the soldiers by kind and charitable contributors. This information, thus communicated to the Gazette, is wholly erroneous, as will be seen by reference to the card of the chief surgeon published in this issue, and to which we would call the attention of the Lexington Gazette and Richmond Dispatch, as they are requested to copy it.
Since the 20th of July, the number of sick soldiers in the Hospital here has averaged 475, requiring the services of seven Physicians, who have labored faithfully in the discharge of their arduous duties. The excellent lady who is acting as matron of the Hospital is the widow of a gentleman who was one of the most eminent physicians and professors of the University of Virginia. She has charge of all the Hospital stores and the contributions of the charitable, and she distributes them as needed and gives personal attention to the tables of those who are able to go to their meals. The public may rest assured that the delicacies contributed by the charitable are consumed by the soldiers and are not "devoured" by the "hyena" surgeons.
Rev. G.G. Brooks
Another Victory of Southern Arms
Indian Tribes in the Southwest
A Woman's Devotion
Lexington Gazette
No Money for Lincoln
Bloody Enactment in Kentucky
Gallant Act of a Virginia Boy
For the Spectator
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To William Frazier, Esq., of Rockbridge.
Dear Sir: I take this method of addressing you upon the momentous question--How can this war be brought to a successful and speedy termination? It has assumed such vast proportions, and is waged under such feelings of deadly hate, that all men now agree that it cannot be expected to end till one or both of the parties are exhausted. On our part it is a struggle for national existence--a grand and holy Revolution, like that of our fathers for the maintenance of civil and religious liberty. We have staked our all upon the issue. We must succeed or perish. There is no middle ground we can occupy between complete success and independence on the one hand, or utter, irretrievable, eternal national degradation and ruin on the other. If it takes every man and every dollar in the whole South to maintain our cause, the sacrifice must be made. The only important question therefore is, have we the means of success within our reach, and if so how should they be employed? I affirm that we have those means--more than amply sufficient--of men and money. We have more than a quarter of a million of the best soldiers on the globe now under arms, and led by Generals in whose skill, education and bravery the whole country has unbounded confidence. With such an army properly sustained almost anything is possible of accomplishment.
The war will not end until the North is crushed. Even if the people there wished to abandon it, they will not have the power to do it for more than two years. The Executive and the Congress of the United States dare not give up the contest, or they perish. The people cannot reach them at the ballot box, if they would, for more than two years. Then to end the war we must crush the infernal despotism at Washington. That can only be accomplished by destroying their means of raising money, for without money they cannot raise men, and without men they cannot carry on the war. The large cities of the North are the great money centres that must be attacked. Our Government must, therefore, abandon its present defensive policy, and must carry the war into the enemy's country. To do this with the certainty of success, it would seem that we should concentrate all our means and energies for a speedy forward movement. To attempt the defence of a border of 2,000 and a coast of 4,000 miles against the inroads of marauding parties of thieves and pirates, is to fritter away our strength without the accomplishment of any permanent good. We must let the border and the coast, except at a few prominent points, take the chances of pillage and present ruin. All such damages can be reimbursed hereafter. We must concentrate here in Virginia 300,000 men during the fall and winter--furnish them with all that is necessary to the formation of a perfect army. We have the men now in the field, and it is only necessary to assemble them together. Then when early spring opens, let a column of 100,000 men move from Winchester northward to Harrisburg, Pa., throw another column of 100,000 men across the Potomac east of the Blue Ridge to occupy Baltimore, leaving a reserve of 100,000 men on the southern shore of the river to menace Washington and defend our own Capitol. The navigation of the Potomac will by that time be cut off, a[n]d the "grand army" will be hemmed in Washington to starve at leisure, or come out of their works into the field where we can always whip them. If they don't come out to fight, leave them in Washington to be looked after by our reserve, and push on the columns from Harrisburg and Baltimore simultaneously upon Philadelphia, thence to New York and Boston. Can 300,000 men do all this? Who doubts it?
This winter will do more for our success in those large cities than an army could do. Starvation will raise up allies for us there. The war between capital and labour will break out when "bread or blood" is emblazoned, as it will be, on the banners of the street mobs there. The approach of an army from the South will accelerate the disintegration of society in all the doomed cities of the North, and their streets will flow with blood, and their dark places be lighted up with conflagrations before our cannon are placed in battery on their suburbs. The millions of gold in the vaults of the banks and bankers of these great commercial centres are a rich prize for a frantic mob whose wives and children are perishing with wants. Let us then adopt a policy that will let loose this mob--unchain this fierce rabble upon the white-cravatted, black-coated hypocrites and money-changers who have waxed fat upon the spoil of the sunny South through long years of unjust and plundering legislation.
It may be objected that invasion is the error our enemies have committed, and we should profit by their example. The cases are different. They have invaded to subjugate and destroy an innocent people. Our enslavement is their object, and to resist our people are all in arms. We should go not to subjugate them, but to deliver ourselves. "Independence and peace" would be our motto as we advanced into their country, and we should not find an entire people armed against us. The despotism at Washington once disarmed of its omnipotent and omnipresent power in the North, public sentiment would find expression there again, and a peace party would spring into existence with sense enough to see that war is their ruin, and courage enough, when supported by our bayonets, to declare for peace.
We can accomplish all this if Congress is made up of the right kind of men, to undertake it at once and with an energy worthy of the constituency they will represent. Many of the voters of our District believe that you possess the talents, the industry, the energy and courage to represent us in the next Congress as we should be represented. That you comprehend the issues at stake, and have the nerve to meet them we feel confident. As one of the citizens of the District deeply interested in the success of our great cause, and speaking what I know to be the sentiments of many others, I believe a majority, I call upon you to become a candidate for Congress at the ensuing election upon what I know to be the ground you and every other true man now occupies--a vigorous prosecution of the war into the enemy's country for the sake of peace, till they become as sick of fighting as they did on the day of
General Hospital at Staunton
A Circular
Tribute of Respect
A Brave Boy
Wanton Destruction of Property
Church Notice
Commisioners of Election for Augusta County
"We are surprised to find in the Lexington Gazette a very grave charge proffered against the Surgeons in the Hospital of this place, based upon no evidence justifying it."