Staunton Spectator
A Favorable Sign
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The outrages committed in the Northern States in the violent efforts to suppress any expressions of sentiments in the opposition to the tyranny of Lincolnism, by the demolition of such presses as know their rights and dare to maintain them, furnish the most conclusive evidence that there is a feeling of opposition to the farther prosecution of Lincoln's unholy war pervading the masses of the people of that section which inspires as much dread in the minds of the tyrants at Washington as the masked batteries of the "rebels," the very thought of which makes their knees knock together with more violence than did those of Balthazzar when he read his doom in the mystic handwriting on the wall. They tyrants know that the rights of the people have been ruthlessly violated, that the constitution has been trampled underfoot, that the most sacred bulwarks of freedom have been destroyed, and that they would be justified in rising in the majesty of their strength that they might crush the tyrants who would enslave them, and consequently they fear and tremble and very properly deem their only means of safety consists in a wanton and destruction of such presses as persist in remaining true to the sacred rights of the people. The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press must be destroyed, else the masses of the outraged people will rise in mutiny. The tyrants feel that they are standing upon the crust of a volcano through which the compressed fires of freedom may any day burst forth, and involve them all in total and irrevocable ruin. It is not the presses they dread, so much as it is the response with which their free expressions meet in the hearts of the masses of the people. If the sentiments of these presses did not find an echo in the hearts of the people they would remain unmolested. The fact that they have destroyed such presses as oppose their policy, furnishes conclusive evidence that they are conscious their policy will not bear the test of criticism. They, themselves, affix the brand of conviction of wrong-doing upon their own brows--by their own conduct they stand self-condemned in the pillory of public opinion.
Mr. James Lightner Killed in Missouri
To the Ladies of Augusta
The President's Proclamation
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President Davis, in accordance with an act of Congress, has issued his proclamation notifying all of the Southern Confederacy, who do not recognize the authority of the same, to leave within forty days from the date of the proclamation, or they will be treated as alien enemies. The proclamation and the law, we publish in another column for the benefit of all whom they may concern, and advise them to shape their course accordingly. The distance to abolitiondom is short and the coast clear, and the man who is not loyal to the Southern Confederacy has no business in it. This is no time to harbor the disaffected, every one of whom has it in his power to do mischief by acting the spy. All may not do it, but all have it in their power, and should, therefore, be removed beyond our limits. Ours should be a harmonious and homogeneous people.
Mechanical Nursing Swing
War News
The Blockade Broken
Impending Doom
The Complaints of "Phil"
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Some Rockbridge man, under the signature of "Phil," in the last Lexington Gazette, in a vein of facetiousness, complains that justice has not been done Rockbridge county in the appointment of field officers of the 52d Regiment, to which that county has furnished three companies. He complains that Augusta county is receiving many honors, and Rockbridge none at all. The Governor should not overlook the merits of "Phil," who would no doubt wear the "shoulder straps" with dignity and grace. The following is an extract from the somewhat lengthy jeremaid of "Phil:"
"But a word or so about this new Regiment. It will be seen that in the appointment of officers, Augusta fares well. Inspector General Baldwin is the Colonel. This is regarded as a good appointment, for Col. Baldwin has the intellect to carry him through any position that may be assigned him. But why double honors when there are still a few Augusta men without any military titles? Col. Baldwin is Inspector General. Surely that is enough. But it don't stop here. Augusta must be treble loaded with rank and titles. The Lieutenant Colonel is Michael G. Harman, who, by his flaming proclamations, has made himself familiar as household words to all the people of West Augusta and a thousand other Western places besides, under his stirring appeals and over his flaming signature of "Quartermaster and Major Commanding." It appears that in the roaring tide of his affection for Augusta, the Governor can find more titles and offices for that favored county than he can find men to wear them. He had doubled Baldwin's, and when it comes to his especial favorite, Mike, two ain't enough, he must give the "Quartermaster and Major Commanding," a third, so that Mike can rise in his stirrups, mount a new shoulder strap and equestrianize through the thoroughfares of Staunton with Ostrich feather streaming out behind and a longer title floating out before, so that we may all know that Mike, in addition to what he was as Quartermaster and Major Commanding is now also Lieutenant Colonel. Originally it was M.G. Harman, "Quartermaster and Major Commanding," ex officio Governor of Western Virginia; now with the rank and increased dignity of Lieutenant Colonel, why cannot Mike also be know and revered as Lord of Augusta and Duke of Staunton? In view of the double and treble burden of rank and title which the Augusta Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel of this new Regiment have to bear upon their physical constitutions, we would suggest that about six or a dozen additional surgeons be appointed from Augusta (or the more favored because more loyal Northwest) to this new and prodigally titled regiment, as special guardians of the health of the two Colonels with five titles, to say nothing of the ranks and degrees that belong to their ex officios.
But what shall we say of the Major of this titulary Regiment? Well, we don't know what. Just Major Ross, and nothing more; for he doesn't come in with a long array of titles and ex officios. He represents Rockbridge, but from what county he is from we don't know, and refer the inquisitive reader to Gov. Letcher, who possibly may know from whence he hails. "Know then this truth, Enough for us to know,"
he is duly labelled and credited to Rockbridge. Let us be thankful for what has been intended for our brave and gallant county, although she hasn't got anything. We will take the will for the deed, and be grateful to the Governor for what Rockbridge ought to have but what she has not got."
The editor of the Gazette, in reference to the article of "Phil," says:
"Our correspondent, "Phil," in speaking of the field officers of the Regiment composed of the volunteers out of the militia of Rockbridge and Augusta, does injustice to perhaps all of the gentlemen. As to the first, Col. Baldwin, no better appointment could have been made, and we regard it as a noble act in him in leaving a higher position and going into more active service in a lower position. Indeed we regard it as pure patriotism for him to take any military position. For our part, we would prefer the fame that John B. Baldwin has as a lawyer, to the military fame of any of any man in Virginia. If, therefore, Col. Baldwin estimates real greatness as we do, he has no reason to aspire to any military position. None can elevate him above the position which he has attained by the brightness of his own genius.
We know nothing of Mr. Harman as a military man.
In respect to Mr. Ross, we have always taken him to be an admirable gentleman, and we believe that he stood well as a tactician at the V.M. Institute.