Staunton Spectator
Bottom left and right illegible. Two pro-Confederacy poems. Two Proclamations from the Governor regarding the raising of troops.
A Few Words to Our Subscribers
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We have been determined to issue the "Spectator" as long as we could possibly do so, whether at a profit or loss. Until we had furnished three soldiers from our office for the army, we continued the publication of the paper by issuing a half sheet. We were determined to continue publication, though at a loss to our own pocket, and had just received a large supply of paper for that purpose when the call for the services of the company to which we and the hands in our office belong appeared--thus making it impossible to continue its publication. We know that the good and generous subscribers of the "Spectator" will not complain of us for discontinuing it's publication under these circumstances. We promise them that its publication will be renewed if ever we return from the field of strife. We hope that our enemies will be conquered, and that our subscribers and friends will enjoy long and happy lives in the free and independent Confederacy of Southern States.
Fight on Rich Mountain
From a Georgia Soldier
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Mr. J.M.G. Medlock, Editor and Proprietor of the "Central Georgian," is a soldier in the 1st Georgia Regiment which passed through this place a few weeks since. The following is an extract from a letter of his, written at Beverly, to his paper.
"The citizens of Staunton treated us very kindly. More enthusiasm I have not seen anywhere. At Waynesboro, in Augusta county, Va., we found tables spread with an abundance of provisions for every man on board. We all partook freely of the good things set before us, and gave three hearty cheers for Waynesboro--but especially the ladies--bade them farewell, and went on our way rejoicing. At another station, (I regret I have forgotten the name of the place) the citizens heard that our regiment was to pass up the evening before, and made great preparations for giving us a supper, but they had mistaken the time and were greatly disappointed. Some of the ladies of that place visited our regiment after we got to Staunton, bringing baskets of provisions along with them.
This is emphatically a land of milk and butter, and the milk has flown freely to the weary soldier wherever it was to be had, with a few exceptions.
At Staunton we were also treated kindly. Scarcely an hour in the day passed without something being sent to the camp for our comfort. The same spirit that animated the hearts of our mothers in the days of '76 is still to be found in Old Virginia and in other States. All my acquaintances know that I have ever been a devoted friend of women, but I have now great reason to be more her friend than ever before. Her hand has ever been ready to supply the wants of the soldier as he passed her door, and her generous heart always responsive to those ennobling virtues which render her almost divine. The memory of her kindness has sunk deep into my heart of hearts, and will there be cherished to the remotest period of my life. But I have not language sufficient to do justice to the subject. I shall never forget a kind lady of Staunton, Mrs. A. B. Cowan, who, with her own hands, prepared provisions for me sufficient to last several days. Everything good that she could crowd into my haversack was put in, and then a bundle placed in my hand. Her kindness, and that of her family brought home more forcibly to my mind that I found a tear welling up in my eye. May God bless her and her household. But I have already devoted too much space to myself."
Districting the State
The Militia Called Out
Militia Called Out
Ex-Gov. Matthews of Mississippi
A Horse Presented to Gov. Letcher
Copy of the Facts found by the Court of Inquiry at Beverly, Va, in the case of Col. G. A. Porterfield.
Generals in the Confederate State's Service
A Sunday in Camp at Yorktown
Federal Troops Robbing a Virginia Bank
A Significant Incident
Gen. Jackson's Motto
Another Veteran Gone
Corn Beer
Stribling Springs