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Column 1 ads. Column 2 poetry/fiction.
An Appeal to Righteousness and Peace
(column 3)
A letter from a Presbyterian in Hampden Sydney defends the right of secession and asserts that the Central Presbyterian should have upheld this right throughout the entire crisis.
"Virginia, by her Union men, had gone to the verge of dishonor rather than secede."
Military Surgery
(column 5)
Advice for doctors in military service.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis
(column 5)
Item reports that Jefferson Davis was married first to Zachary Taylor's daughter. She has been dead for some years and he is now married to a woman originally of Philadelphia who has a brother in the Union army.
Warning Against Overconfidence in Politics, as in Religion, All Important
(column 6)
Reports a speech by Ex-President Fillmore that defends the South's independence in the face of a President elected only by the votes of the North.
Dear General Scott
(column 7)
A niece of Andrew Jackson writes a letter to Gen. Scott urging him to do everything in his power to avert the war that is upon the nation.
The Despots of Europe
(column 7)
Asserts that only the most tyrannical regimes in Europe support the North and compares the invasion of the South to the Austro-Russian invasion of Hungary.
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Telegraphic dispatches and articles regarding troop movements.
President Davis in Richmond
(column 1)
Item reports Davis's arrival in Richmond.
Arrest of Edward C. Randolph
(column 1)
Reports the arrest of Randolph, a suspected spy, in Middlebrook, Augusta Co. by members of the Greenbrier militia.
Victory Will Be Ours
(column 1)
Urges Southerners not to become overwhelmed by the seemingly superior strength of the Federal Armies. The South will be victorious because the South is in the right and will not be defeated if "we perform our whole duty manfully and faithfully."
Full Text of Article
We hope that no Southern man will suffer himself to become discouraged in consequence of the number of our enemies. He should remember that we are in the right, and that Providence will not suffer us to be defeated, if we perform our whole duty manfully and faithfully. "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong." A contemporary well says that "the success of a gallant struggle on the side of right and justice, against wrong and oppression, is almost inevitable." A virtuous and gallant people in a good cause never have failed. If we are right, and do not falter, we must succeed. Weak as we may appear, and strong as the Federal Government may seem, in the hour of trial, we shall have the strength of David; our enemies the weakness of Goliah [sic]. Let us then rest assured that the battle is not with the strong, but to the vigilant, the active and the brave who fight for right."
What Shall We Wear?
(column 2)
Urges citizens to economize so that more goods can be donated to the troops. In particular, citizens are requested to dress modestly and cheaply.
Full Text of Article
Economy is a commendable virtue at any time, but it now becomes a patriotic duty. The people should now economize as much as possible, that they may have more means to contribute to the defense of the State, and to the comfort and necessities of our soldiers. The Revolution in which we are now engaged will demand heavy sacrifices, and we should prepare ourselves as well as possible to bear them. No money should now be expended for luxuries or mere display. We should now confine our purchases to the necessaries of life, and to such articles as are of positive utility. Business of almost all kinds has been paralyzed, and the majority of persons will suffer heavy losses. We hope that the merely ornamental will be sacrificed to the useful. The gentlemen should give up fine broad-cloth suits and be content with cheaper ones that would wear equally as long and be quite as comfortable. The ladies should be willing to forego the pleasure of appearing in costly silks, and high-priced bonnets. The fashion should now be to wear cheap and durable apparel. The time for "Flora McFlimseys" is when the country teems with wealth and smiles with prosperity. In such times as we have at present, they should be banished from the country. We hope that those whose means would enable them to dress extravagantly will set the example of appearing in a dress which will combine neatness, cheapness and durability. The wealthy can afford to do this without any suspicion that it is the consequence of pecuniary necessity, and will secure the praise of doing so through laudable motives. But as long as costly apparel is considered a badge of respectability and a pass-port to good society, the majority cannot afford to consult economy, unless the recognized leaders of the styles should make it fashionable to do so. The chief beauty of any dress consists in the fit, and it should be made to fit the times as well as the person. We hope to see unpretending calico dresses, which have been banished from the towns, again introduced. Who will set the example? What lady will lead in this laudable enterprise? The ladies of Staunton have as good a right to "set the fashions" as the less worthy ladies of Paris have.--Patriotism now demands it.
(column 2)
Reports that Augusta now has thirteen organized companies, twelve of which are in active service. Item also reports that the Augusta Lee Rifles still have room for more volunteers.
Names in Announcement:
Capt. R.D. Lilley
False News
(column 2)
Item reports that last week's news of a battle at Hampton was utterly false. The article argues that control of the telegraph should pass to government authorities in order that no more false reports are transmitted on the wire.
What Was It?
(column 2)
Item reports that many people around the county heard sounds that were similar to the firing of heavy cannon. The closest cannon being fired were a Aquia Creek, prompting queries as to how far away cannon can be heard.
Circuit Court
(column 2)
Announces the commencement of the Augusta County Circuit Court.
Names in Announcement:
Judge Thompson; Michael McAlony
Firing at Aquia Creek
(column 3)
Reports an exchange of artillery fire between a Federal Steamer and Confederate shore batteries.
Tim Rives
(column 3)
Answers charges of submissionism directed against Tim Rives, who gave a pro-Union speech at the Convention.
Gen. Huger
(column 3)
Provides a brief biographical sketch of Gen. Huger, who has been placed in command of the Virginia forces at Norfolk.
Fight at Fairfax C.H.--Capt. Marr Killed
(column 4)
Details of a skirmish at the Fairfax Court House.
Military Despotism
(column 4)
Item reports the arrest of Mr. Merryman, the President of the Agricultural Society of Maryland, by Federal Troops. He attained a writ of habeas corpus from Justice Taney, but the President suspended the writ, leading Taney to declare Merryman's imprisonment unlawful.
Proclamation of Jefferson Davis
(column 5)
President Davis proclaims a day of fasting and prayer on Thursday, the 13th of June.
The Government in a Quandry
(column 5)
The Washington Correspondent for the New York Times asks how prisoners are going to be dealt with in the conflict.
Save Rags
(column 5)
Item urges the citizenry to save rags.
The War Spirit South
(column 5)
A letter from a Texas man to a New York journal asserting that Southerners are united in their defense of the South and denying claims that Southerners are pressed into service.
The Burial of Ellsworth
(column 5)
Reports the funeral of Ellsworth in New York.
Gen. Beauregard
(column 5)
Reports the arrival of Gen. Beauregard in Richmond.
Regiment of Virginia Volunteers
(column 6)
An appeal to the authorities in Richmond by the Augusta County 5th Regiment to install Col. Baylor as their commander. He had been replaced by the Military Board.
Names in Announcement:
Capt. Newton; Francis Roberts; Col. W.S. Baylor; Capt. James Waters; Lieut. James Marquis; Lieut. William Blackburn; Lieut. Thomas Burke; Capt. S.M. Crawford; Capt. H.J. Williams; Lieut. W.C. McKamey; Lieut. Samuel Helms; Lieut. W.H. Randolph; Lieut. M.H. McComb; Lieut. J.W. Gipson; Lieut. J.H. Kerser; Capt. O.F. Grinnan; Lieut. C.W. Grills; Lieut. Henry Ross; Lieut. J.W. Wilson; Lieut. W.G. Gilkerson; Lieut. O.B. Ramsey; Lieut. C.H. Calhoun; Lieut. W.P. Johnson
Sketch of the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Staunton, June 1, 1861
(column 6)
Reports the results of the Staunton town council meeting.
Names in Announcement:
James Patterson
Removal of Government
(column 6)
Reports the removal of the Confederate Government from Montgomery, Alabama to Richmond, Virginia.
(column 7)
Writer reports that the company of volunteers from Mt. Solon, Augusta County was honored by the ladies of the town.
Names in Announcement:
Capt. Grinnan
The Star Spangled Banner
(column 7)
Asserts that the flag for which the Federal troops fight is not the same as the flag that floated over the battlefields of the Revolution.
By the Governor: A Proclamation
(column 7)
Governor requests all volunteer companies not already mustered into service to meet at the designated rendezvous points.
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Page Description:
Advertisements and Markets
To the Mothers and Wives of Virginia
(column 1)
Article asks women to contribute luxury items of metal and jewelry to the cause of the Confederacy.
(column 2)
Louisa Lushbaugh, wife of Harman, died on May 24 at age 37.
Names in Announcement:
Louisa Lushbaugh; Harman Lushbaugh
(column 2)
Martha Jane Johnson, daughter of William and Mary Johnson, died on April 30 at age 22. She had been a member of the M.E. Church.
Names in Announcement:
Martha Jane Johnson; William Johnson; Mary Johnson