Valley of the Shadow
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Column 1 ads. Columns 2 and 3 fiction. Various items enjoining Virginians to resist Lincoln's "mercenaries." Various military orders. List of naval resignations.

Virginia, God Bless Her

(column 5)

Full Text of Article

We are prouder than ever of the land of our birth. Virginia gives this day satisfactory assurance to the world that she has not "lost the breed of noble blood." Her long patience and forbearance under wrongs and injuries will not henceforth be construed into timidity or a time serving policy, by the world, or by any portion thereof. She has defined her position in characters of living light. At the first open declaration of hostilities on the part of the Northern aggressor, she defiantly displays in his presence her time-honored flag, with its motto so suggestive to all Tyrants.

Her sons, from the sea-shore to the mountains, come forth with unexampled enthusiasm to uphold "that standard sheet" at the risk of life, fortune and sacred honor. The moment Virginia calls upon her sons to come to her rescue, the voice of party and of faction is hushed, to be heard no more till her battle shall be fought and her victory won. The call of Lincoln for 2,300 troops from this State, to assist him in reducing our sisters of the South to subjugation, will be responded to by forty times that number, if need be, to assist in teaching him and his councilors a lesson of humility which they will never forget. The spirit of patriotism which animated our forefathers in the days of '76, still burns in the hearts of their sons! God bless the old Commonwealth!--Enquirer of April 23rd.

Another Proclamation

(column 5)

Extract From Gov. Hicks' message

(column 6)

Address to the People of Maryland

(column 6)
(column 6)
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Various articles urging unity. Various reports of troop movements in other states. Column 7 ads.

Affairs at Harper's Ferry

(column 2)

Gen. Harney's Arrest

(column 1)

Ladies' Soldier Relief Associations

(column 1)

Augusta Lee Rifles

(column 1)

The Place of Rendezvous

(column 1)

Stand United

(column 2)

Full Text of Article

This is not time for crimination and recrimination. All discord is as, as it should be, avoided, and the whole band performs in perfect harmony. Men stand shoulder to shoulder in one common cause. No question need be made as to what road individuals took to arrive at the point where all stand, it is enough to know that we are a unit. None have stood firmer for the Union than we, while we believed there was the least shadow of hope of a reconstruction and preservation; but, alas, the day of hope is past, the die is cast and our once happy Union is broken beyond the possibility of repair.

(column 2)

Command at Harper's Ferry

(column 3)
(column 3)

The State Convention

(column 3)

Military Appointments

(column 3)

Letter from Bolivar Christian, Esq.

(column 5)

To the Voters of Old Augusta

(column 5)
(column 5)
(column 5)
(column 5)

The Constitution Subverted

(column 6)
Page 3
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Advertisements and Staunton and Richmond Market listings

Meeting of Congress--Message of Davis

(column 1)

Old Augusta

(column 2)
(column 1)
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