Valley of the Shadow
Page 1
Page Description:

Christmas story, column 3-4. Very lengthy letter from John Bell on the current state of the Union, columns 5-7. Parts of columns 5-7 are illegible.

(column 4)


"Love and a good dinner are said to be the only two things that change a man's character;" "The best capital to begin life, is a capital wife."
Page 2
Page Description:

Conclusion of Bell's letter from previous page, top of column 1. Short articles scattered about the page related to Union/secession activities in other states and in Washington. Proceedings of Congress, column 3. Ads, columns 6-7.

Christmas Saintation

(column 1)

Town Hall

(column 1)

South Carolina Convention

(column 2)

A Singular Case--Horrible Cruelty

(column 4)

Concert on Thursday Night Last

(column 2)

Grand Military and Civic Ball

(column 6)
Page 3
Page Description:

Most of page is advertisements and land sales

For the Spectator

(column 1)


(column 2)


(column 2)


(column 2)


(column 2)


(column 2)


(column 2)


(column 2)
Page 4
Page Description:

Advertisements; bottom left is blurry.