Page 1
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Official returns of every county in Virginia, with votes for President in 1860 and for Governor in 1859, column 5. Proceedings of Congress, column 6. Poetry, columns 3 & 7.
A Peace Offering
(column 3-4)
A long letter submitted by "Mediator" to the Baltimore Christian Advocate with regard to the rifts in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He calls for reconciliation of Northern and Southern factions.
Sentiments Offered by Friends and Relatives on visiting the Grave, and erecting a Monument to the honor of Dr. H.H. Kibler, on Saturday, Dec. 1, 1860.
(column 4)
Report on a visit to the grave of Dr. Kibler, on eulogies delivered by relatives, and on the erection of a monument at the gravesite.
Names in Announcement:
Dr. H.H. Kibler
The New Envelope
(column 5)
Short piece on the introduction of the new ruled stamp envelope.
For the Spectator
(column 6)
Minutes of meeting of the Court Martial of the 33rd Virginia Militia Regiment, held in Middlebrook, with resolutions passed regarding the stance of the unit vis-a-vis the sectional crisis.
For the Spectator
(column 7)
Author laments the growth of sectional feeling amongst citizens. He fears the results of secession.
Page 2
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Pieces are scattered about the page regarding secession/Union acitivities in other states. Excerpts taken from editorials of other newspapers. Weekly proceedings of Congress, column 4. Political rumors from Washington dispatches, column 5. Speech from Daniel Webster on the Compromise of 1850, column 6.
We do not Despair of the Republic
(column 1)
Editorial expressing confidence in the ability of the Union to stick together. Makes references to signs that the North recognizes Southern "rights." Editorial is followed by a p.s. indicating that the government in Washington appears to be falling apart.
The True Mode of Settlement
(column 1)
Editorial calling for the reinstitution of the Missouri Compromise line, with territory above 36' 30" as free and below it as slave.
Secession no Remedy
(column 1)
Editorial arguing that secession is no cure for the ills of the body politic and that such a "cure" would be worse than the "disease."
A Word in Season
(column 2)
Editorial commenting on a letter written by Alexander Stephens to a friend in New York. The Spectator argues that revolution is not something to be undertaken lightly in a country with such a generous Constitution as the United States. If the South wishes to form a Confederacy, the Spectator advises a calm and careful deliberation of both its course and of the new form of government it wishes to establish.
Coercion Applied to Virginia
(column 2)
Spectator accuses South Carolina of trying to force Virginia into joining them as a secessionist state.
Letter of Col. Jno. B. Baldwin
(column 3)
Letter written by John Baldwin of Augusta County to the Committee that invited him to a dinner being held by the Bell/Everett Club of Richmond. Baldwin expresses his disappointment that he cannot attend, but offers his support for staying in the Union as the best course for the South.
Names in Announcement:
John Baldwin
We Should Stay in the Union
(column 3)
Editorial praising and supporting the editorial position of the Richmond Whig against secession.
Letter of Hon. Alex. H.H. Stuart
(column 4)
Letter from Alexander H.H. Stuart to the Bell/Everett Club of Richmond accepting their invitation to a dinner, and expressing his disappointment in the election but his confidence for the future.
Names in Announcement:
Alex. Stuart
It is the Interest of England to have the Union Dissolved
(column 6)
Summary of Baltimore American's editorial claiming that England's interest in the event of an American Civil War would not lie with the South, but would lie in keeping the sides divided so as to capitalize on the disruption of trade. Accuses Britain of driving the issue of abolition as a wedge between sections and urges Americans to resist the disunion impulse.
Page 3
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Article on Georgia Unionism, column 1, and excerpted piece from the New York Journal of Commerce, column 1. Most of page is advertisements.
(column 2)
Married on December 11. Miss McComb is from Augusta, and Mr. Clarkson is from Nelson County.
Names in Announcement:
Rev. William Baker; Jno. Clarkson; Martha McComb
Page 4
Page Description:
Advertisements; bottom left is illegible.
Spectator approves of Baltimore American's position on England and an American Civil War.