Valley of the Shadow
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Column 5 has a story entitled "The Sight of a Beautiful Blind Girl Restored by Marriage." Most of the page is full of literary stories, poetry, and morality tales. Columns 6 and 7 contain letters to the editor, but none with local names or relevance to local events. Bottom half of column 7 is illegible.

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In column 1, Spectator offers subscriptions at low rates until the Presidential election and urges people to circulate copies of the paper at political clubs. Page is scattered with bits of political news and rumors, especially about and in support of the Bell/Everett ticket.

Will You Assist the Election of Lincoln?

(column 1-2)

Steamship Burnt

(column 2)

Wesleyan Institute

(column 2)

Waynesboro' Hotel

(column 2)

Democratic Meetings

(column 3)

Full Text of Article

In pursuance of the published announcements of last week, both wings of the divided Democracy held meetings at the Court House on yesterday. The one endorsing the secession nominee, and appointing delegates to the Charlottesville Convention, and the other endorsing the regular nominees and appointing delegates to the Staunton Convention, both of which conventions will meet on the same day, August 16th. They both adopted the same resolution in reference to uniting the party upon a single electoral ticket--the vote to be given to whichever ticket would carry most electoral votes in the States other than Virginia--thus giving Virginia no voice in the election, but to echo that of the other States--transferring the Douglas votes to Breckinridge, or the Breckinridge votes to Douglas as the votes of other States may determine -- trampling upon States Rights, especially the rights of Virginia.

The Douglas meeting was first held, and then gave way for the Secessionists. After both meetings had adjourned, the people assembled were addressed by Ex-Gov. Wm. Smith, Ex-Lieut. Gov. Shelton F. Leake, Dr. Saml. Moffett, of Rockingham, Gen. Harman, Jas. H. Skinner, Esq., Jno. A. Harman, Esq., and the Castor and Pollux of Democracy, Jacob and George Baylor, Esqs.

As our form was nearly made up when these meetings adjourned, we have been prevented for want of time and space, from commenting upon the proceedings and speeches as we otherwise would have done. It was the universal expectation that Messrs. Smith and Leake would boldly attempt to

"Beard the lion in his den
And the Douglas in his hall."

but the people were sadly disappointed, for they "roared him as gently as a sucking dove."

Dr. Moffett's manner showed very clearly that he was prepared and was anxious to meet the celebrated champions of the secessionists if they were disposed to enter the lists; but as they refrained from discussing the issues between the two wings of the party, and as the olive branch was tendered and accepted in the resolution to which we have referred, he was prevented from making a vigorous onslaught upon the secessionists, as he would have dome under other circumstances.

Without any purpose to disparage the efforts of the other speakers, we must say that there was more good sense and patriotism in one sentence of the speech of John A. Harman, Esq., than in all the other speeches together. He said that he would take back all he had ever said against the Union--that he was now a Union man up to the hub, and was in favor of throwing all the disunion democrats over-board. He said, too, that he did not want any more "silk-stocking, hifalutin swell-heads"--that they had too many of them now.

The Union doctrines are beginning to take hold upon the hearts of the people. The Union men supporting the Union ticket have great encouragement to prosecute vigorously their good work. "Look with hope for to-morrow," for a glorious victory is beckoning to you its embrace. She will not slight you and "kick" you, as the girl did Extra-Billy who gave him the "rule" and the "mitten," but not her heart and hand. Work in the good cause and "look with hope for to- morrow."

At the close of the meeting, Jacob Baylor, Esq., stepped upon the rostrum, and swinging his hat over his head, shouted, "Three cheers for the United Democracy." But the cheers were not forthcoming--like the "spirits of the vasty deep" they were called for, but would not appear. The Democrats were dumb, and the assembled Whigs burst into laughter at the very ridiculous spectacle presented.

Want of space prevents us from publishing the resolutions of the two meetings in this issue.

The Two Conventions

(column 4)


(column 7)


(column 7)


(column 7)
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Page is mostly advertisements, land sales, etc.

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