
Staunton Spectator
Speech from Mr. Hilliard of Massachusetts delivered at the Baltimore convention, column 6; short biographical portraits of John Bell and Edward Everett, column 7.
Vote totals for various offices are listed across tops of columns 3-5, but print is illegible. Weekly proceedings of Congress, column 5. Short articles, rumors, etc. about internal politics of both the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as short pieces favorably reflecting on Constitutional Unionism are scattered throughout the page.
Full Text of Article
The undersigned have sold their interest in the Staunton Spectator to their late partner in the proprietorship, Richard Mauzy, Esq., who introduces himself below to those of our readers who are not already acquainted with him. In surrendering the control of the journal, it is a satisfaction to know that it falls into the hands of a gentleman so competent to conduct it with ability, and whose political sentiments accord so entirely with our own. With an intimate knowledge of his character, talents and attainments, we can most conscientiously, as we do most cordially, commend the Spectator to the continued patronage of the public.
In retiring from the position which we have held for nearly twelve years, as the editors of the "Staunton Spectator," we confess to a feeling of sadness such as those feel who are about to part, perhaps finally, from friends endeared to the heart by long and intimate association. We have been cheered and sustained in the arduous and sometimes disagreeable duties of an important and responsible profession by the kind and encouraging words of many generous friends, and are indebted to the party whose principles we have steadily advocated, for a liberal and substantial patronage. To all with whom we have held weekly communings, we are under obligations for an unmerited appreciation of our labors in their behalf, and we would return them our sincere thanks.
To paraphrase slightly the language of a favorite ballad, we may say--
"Many the changes, since first we met."
In the political world, which has been our peculiar element, parties have sprung into existence, run their careers and passed away. It has been our lot to feel but little of the genial sunshine of success, but animated by the consciousness of higher motives than mere party triumphs, we have endeavored to steer steadily where "right and duty pointed the way"--even in the midst of disaster and defeat. During our administration we have witnessed the dismemberment and decay of the glorious old Whig party, and the sudden extinguishment of its apparently vigorous successor, the American organization, and have remained on the watchtowers long enough to see the great Babylon of Democracy, against which we have unfalteringly battled, tottering to its fall. On the other hand, we have seen the great Northern power of Black Republicanism, so threatening to the perpetuity of our institutions, grow into gigantic proportions; and participated in the last glorious effort of the true patriots of the land to build up a party on the broad platform of the Constitution for the salvation of the Union and the enforcement of the laws. Our heart's desire is, that this great and patriotic movement may be crowned with success, and although not among the leaders in the contest, we shall perform duty faithfully and cheerfully as private soldiers in the ranks.
Many changes have taken place in the town of Staunton since we assumed the management of the Spectator. The population has increased largely, and is almost entirely changed. Most of those who were known as the old and substantial citizens of the place twelve years ago, have passed from the threatre of action, and their places are supplied by others--many of them not "natives to the manor born." Staunton has become changed from a town to a city--and now rejoices in a Railroad, Telegraph, Gas, and many other wonderful things to which she was a stranger then. And now another change has passed upon the venerable journal of the county, whose reputation we confidently commit to the keeping of its new editor and proprietor, and whose fortunes we commend to the fostering care of its numerous patrons.
To our contemporaries of the press with whom we have maintained a long and agreeable intercourse, and to whom we are indebted for many flattering and encouraging words, we can only say "farewell"--a word that conveys our best wishes for their personal prosperity and professional success. We shall often refer to their pages with interest, and renew with satisfaction the pleasant acquaintance of "auld lang syne."
As will be seen by reference to the "Valedictory" of my former partners in the proprietorship of the "Staunton Spectator," I have become the sole Editor and Proprietor of this paper.--Under the editorial administration of my late associates, the "Spectator" has acquired an enviable reputation as an able, dignified and chaste journal. I have too just an appreciation of my own abilities to be vain enough to believe that I shall be able, "solitary and alone," to render the paper as valuable and acceptable as when favored by their combined talents and learning. I will endeavor to preserve the reputation which the paper now possesses for dignity, truthfulness, sound morality and wise conservatism.
Since my earliest recollection, I have entertained an exalted esteem for the character of Henry Clay, the Orator, Statesman and Patriot; and since I have arrived at man's estate, I have been as humble, though earnest and zealous advocate of his policy of Government. In politics, therefore, there will be no change in the character of the paper.
Believing that there exists no incompatibility between the "Union of the States and the rights of the States," I am in favor of the preservation of both. Whilst I would surrender none of the rights of the State, I would never none of the bonds of the Union, for the preservation of the Union in its integrity is necessary to the preservation of our liberties. With the "Father of his Country," I esteem the "Union as the palladium of our liberties," and cordially endorse the [illegible] of the great expounder of the Constitution--"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
I favored the adoption of the peaceful measures known as the Compromise of 1850, as a settlement of the vexed questions which agitated the public mind, and which, till settled, destroyed the peace and periled the existence of the Union.
I was opposed to the adoption of the Kansas bill, for the reasons, chiefly, that it would reopen the bitter fountains of agitation which had been sealed by the Compromise measures of 1850--that it was a violation of the most solemn pledges given by both of the great National parties in National Conventions assembled--that it recognized the odious doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty, which would prove to be to the institutions of the South what the Grecian horse had been to Troy--that it would result in preventing the extension of slavery as a permanent institution in any Territory, even that South of the line of Latitude 36 deg. 30 min.--that it would destroy the reverence which the people felt for Compromises--that it would give a dangerous potency to a Northern sectional party--that it would sow the dragon's teeth of disunion--that the South would be selling its birthright for a mess of pottage, as it would exchange its dearest interests for a profitless abstraction.
The present frightful proportions of the Black Republican, and the distracted and dismembered condition of the Democratic party, and the fate of the cherished institution in Kansas, do not diminish the confidence I have felt in the correctness of my opinions in reference to the blunder committed by the South in its advocacy of the Kansas bill.
There are enemies to the country in both sections of it--abolitionists and Black Republicans in the North, and disunionists and secessionists in the South. That our free institutions are imperiled cannot be concealed, and hence there exists a necessity for the friends of our Government to arise in the majesty of patriotic strength, burst asunder the slavish shackles of party prejudice, forsake as well that party which has proven itself corrupt and incapable of administering the Government, as that which is purely sectional, that they may rally with the might of freemen to the support of such candidates as will, if elected, preserve the Union and sacredly guard and protect the rights of all the States.
It is fortunate for the country that an opportunity for the performances of this patriotic duty is now presented to the friends of the Union.--The ticket for the emergency has been nominated and reads as follows:
For President,
JOHN BELL, of Tennessee,
For Vice President,
EDWARD EVERETT, of Massachusetts.
These are candidates for whom the people can vote with pride and pleasure. Let all who feel that they have a "country to serve as well as a party to obey," rally enthusiastically to the support of the Union ticket, and victory will perch upon its glorious standard.
Census of 1860
Ice Cream Saloon
District Offices
The Rockingham Democracy
Circuit Court
Election of Judge
Bath Elections
The Great Political Failure of the Day
The Irish Hegira for 1860
Presiding Justice
Elliott's Knob