Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; letter from Parson Brownlow stating that he will never join the Democratic party column 3; note that Parson Brownlow has accepted the chaplaincy of the 69th Ohio, column 4
The Capture of New Orleans
The President and Republicanism
Hon. A. H. Reeder
Their Situation at Corinth
Death of Mrs. Lincoln's Brother
Advertisements for political candidates, column 1; account of President Lincoln's visit aboard the French frigate Gassendi, column 2; reports from General McClellan's army at Yorktown, news from Fortress Monroe, report of the death of General Johnston, column 4; advertisements, column 5
Iron Is King
Navy Supplies
The Latest from New Orleans
From Gen. Halleck's Army
Account of an incident at Pittsburg Landing involving Captain Terrill's battery, column 3; advertisements, columns 3-5
The May Festival
Sudden Death
The Flag of the Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania
Pennsylvanians at Pittsburg Landing
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Official Report.
Head-Quarters Fifth Brigade,
Battle-field near Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.
April 12th, 1862.
Honored Sir:--I embrace the first moment of time allotted me since the terrific battle of the 6th and 7th inst., to inform you that the old Keystone was represented in the battle of the 7th inst., by the 77th regiment.
We were 28 or 30 miles from the scene of action from the scene of action on Sabbath morning the 6th inst., when we distinctly heard the cannonading, and, of course, made all possible haste to reach the battle field. Leaving our transportation we marched forward 22 or 23 miles, over roads almost impassable, to Savannah on the Tennessee river, where we arrived at 7 o'clock P.M., and after standing in the street under a most drenching rain for eight hours, we embarked on board a boat at 3 o'clock A. M., on the morning of the 7th, and landed at Pittsburg Landing at 6 o'clock the same day, when, after a hasty cup of coffee and a cracker had been disposed of, we were ordered forward into battle. The 77th was held in reserve for the 5th Brigade from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock A. M., under a galling fire, without being allowed to fire a gun, when we were ordered to support the 4th Brigade, commanded by Gen. Rosseau, which they did till about 12 o'clock, when the Regiment was detached by order of Gen. M'Cook, for the purpose of flanking three regiments of the enemy, which the 77th nobly did, and also in the meantime fired upon and silenced one of the enemy's batteries by killing all their horses and many of their men. Just here a considerable body of rebel cavalry charged down upon us, but were repulsed with severe loss. Again they came and again the 77th repulsed them, when they retreated in confusion. Our Regiment took many prisoners that day, among whom was Colonel Battles, of the 2d Tennessee infantry.
Suffice it to say that all the officers and men of the 77th fought cooly and bravely that entire day. I am especially indebted to Lieut. Col. Housum and Maj. Bradford for distinguished services during the battle.
Our loss is quite meagre--only two or three mortally wounded, and some five or six seriously and slightly. This, I apprehend, is on account of our loading and firing lying on the ground.
The loss on the Federal side is very heavy, but nothing to compare with the loss of the Rebels.
The ranking officers of our brigade all being wounded, I find myself in command of the Brigade, and I may add it was the Brigade on Monday.
Trusting that you will pardon this incomplete and badly written epistle, written on a drum head,
I am, dear sir,
Your obedient servant,
F. S. Stumbaugh.
To his Excellency, A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania.
The Rebel Outrages at Manassas
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Washington, April 30.--The committee on the conduct of the war, made a report today, on the subject of the barbarities committed by the rebels at Manassas, on the bodies of the federal soldiers, who fell at that battle.
The committee give ample evidence to sustain all the previous allegations. The report shows that the most inhuman acts were perpetrated by the rebels. The committee say:
"The outrages on the bodies of our dead will revive recollections of the cruelties to which savages subject their prisoners. Our soldiers were buried in many cases naked, face downwards."
In other cases, the testimony shows that the bodies were left to decay in the open air. Their bones were dug up and carried off as trophies. Drinking cups were made of their skulls, &c.
The testimony of Governor Sprague is extremely interesting.
One of our men, who was taken prisoner, testifies that five of his comrades were shot by sentinels. The murders were prompted by other rebels.
Dr. Honiston, Surgeon of the New York Fourteenth regiment, testifies that the rebels brutally refused him permission to aid the wounded who were under his charge on the field. He avers that he saw rebel Surgeons unnecessarily and inhumanly operate on our soldiers. Some of our wounded were left lying on the field at Bull Run, through one rainy and one sultry day, and when they were at last brought in, their wounds were completely alive with larvae deposited by flies.
Gen. Richetts testifies that the rebels threatened to knock his brains out as he lay on the ground, wounded: that they stripped his first lieutenant and left him naked on the field. Also, that our soldiers who died at Richmond were buried naked along with negro corpses.
Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5;