Page 1
Page Description:
Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; news of a battle at Yorktown, columns 3 and 4; news from Fortress Monroe, column 5
The Pennsylvanians at Winchester
(column 4)
Prints a general order in which the governor of Pennsylvania congratulates the members o the 84th and 110th Regiments for their "gallantry" at Winchester.
A. L. Russell, Adj-Gen. P. M.
Emancipation in Western Virginia
(column 5)
Reports that in the districts of West Virginia where residents decided to vote on gradual emancipation as part of the new constitution, an overwhelming majority voted for abolition.
Page 2
Page Description:
News from Island No. 10, columns 4 and 5; the second story concerning the surrender of Island No. 10 continues in column 1 of page 3
Glorious News!
(column 1)
Summarizes the situation of the Union army at various points, including the recent victory at Island No. 10 and the setback that occurred at Corinth, Mississippi.
(column 1)
Answers the Valley Spirit's claim that the Republicans were the ones who immediately answered the President's call for troops and thus are responsible for the war. The Dispatch agrees that the Republicans did respond promptly to the President's call and proposes that the Democrats had just as much reason to fight to uphold the Constitution and the Union as did the Republicans.
From Tennessee
(column 1)
Notes that Colonel Hazard has captured 160,000 pounds of meat on the Cumberland River and that Colonel Duffield has confiscated a load of mail from Corinth with more than 150 letters revealing valuable information about the Southern troops.
War News!
(column 2)
Reports a victory in Tennessee near Pittsburg Landing and describes the battle in some detail.
Glorious News!
(column 5)
Prints the official dispatches communicating that Union forces have secured the surrender of Island Number 10.
Page 3
Page Description:
Additional details of the surrender of Island number 10, column 1; news from General Banks' Column, columns 1 and 2; advertisements, columns 4 and 5
(column 2)
Notes that Sanford and his Opera Troupe gave a "laughter-provoking" performance in Franklin Hall the previous Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Snow Storm
(column 2)
Reports that a snow fall began the previous Sunday night, which continued to fall until the previous Wednesday night. Notes that the snow that fell during the entire rest of the winter did not equal what fell in the past week.
Democratic County Committee
(column 2)
Remarks that it is strange that the Democratic County Committee meeting will not be held at the offices of the Times, which is the official Democratic organ of Franklin County, but at the Valley Spirit office. Expresses wonder that the editor of the Times does not fear that "treason may be hatched" in that office.
The 77th Under Fire!
(column 2)
Notes that the 77th Regiment under Colonel F. S. Stumbaugh must have fought in the recent "bloody contest" at Corinth, Mississippi. Expresses pride at the participant of the local regiment and anxiety to learn news of the casualties they might have incurred there.
Prosecuting Attorney
(column 2)
Expresses support for W. S. Everett, Esq., in his candidacy for the office of prosecuting attorney.
Names in Announcement:
W. S. Everett, Esq.
Anniversary Exercises
(column 3)
Recounts the recent celebration of the anniversary of the Presbyterian Sabbath School in Chambersburg.
(column 4)
Mr. Frederick Divelbiss, about 75 years of age, died of apoplexy in Warren township on March 29.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. Frederick Divelbiss
(column 4)
Reverend James Tenla, about 68 years of age, died on April 5 in Warren township after a brief illness. He was for many years a preacher of the Tunker sect of Christians.
Names in Announcement:
Reverend James Tenla
Page 4
Page Description:
Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5