Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3
The First Year of Mr. Lincoln's Administration
An Expedition to Eastport, Alabama
News from Missouri and Tennessee, column 4; news from the upper Potomac, column 5; advertisements, column 5
Somebody is Lying
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The Spirit has kept up a constant howl about Abolitionism, charging the present Rebellion upon the policy and acts of the Republican, or, "Abolition" party, as it calls it. This has been and is the burden of its weekly issue, mixed up with just such arguments against the course pursued by the Government to restore the Union as those used by the veriest Southern Rebels that now run unhung.
Somebody is lying--who is it? In connection with Mason and Slidell, the South has a host of agents in England and France to beg those Governments to recognize the Slave Oligarchy as an independent power. Among these agents is the notorious Wm. L. Yancey, of Alabama, and others equally base, who have addressed a letter to the British Parliament for the purpose of operating upon the anti-slavery sentiment of England, and thus prejudice our Government in our estimation, the better to secure favors from the English Government. In that letter these base traitors have, among other things, made the following honest and truthful declarations:--
"It was from no fear that the slaves would be liberated that secession took place. The very party in power has proposed to guarantee slavery forever in the States, if the South would but remain in the Union. Mr. Lincoln's message proposes no freedom to the slave. * * * * * * The great object of the war, therefore, is not to free the slave, but to keep him in subjection to his owner, and to control his labor through the legislative channels which the Lincoln government designs to force upon the master."
Somebody is lying in this matter, and we leave the reader to judge who it is. The Spirit says, but for the election of Lincoln and the fear of the South that the Republican party would abolish Slavery, there would have been no attempt at subverting the Government. Yancey says, "It is from no fear that the slaves would be liberated that Secession took place," &c.
Does not this prove most conclusively that the Spirit's assertions are most untruthful and reckless. The truth is, that as soon as the Southern politicians found that they could no longer control the Government, and shape its policy for their own benefit, at the expense of the working millions of the Free States, they determined to break it up.
The Tax Bill
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The following is an abstract of the Tax Bill as reported to the House of Representatives, at Washington, on Monday last:
It provides for the appointment, by the President, of a Commissioner of Internal Revenue, with a salary of five thousand dollars. His office is to be in the Treasury Department, with a suitable number of clerks. The country is to be divided, as the President may direct, into convenient Election Districts, with an Assessor and Collector to to [sic] be appointed by the President for each District, who shall have power to appoint such Deputies as may be necessary. The bill provides for a duty
And stamp duties on all kinds of legal and commercial papers, all patent medicines, telegraphic messages, and all goods by expresses.
The Tax Bill contains one hundred and five sections, and is one of the longest of any kind ever before prepared--months of preparation having been bestowed upon it.
Death of Brig-Gen. Lander
France and America
Evacuation and Burning of Columbus
Advertisements interspersed with articles, columns 1 and 2; news from Nashville, Boston, Washington, column 2; advertisements, columns 3-5
An Interesting Scene
Tax on Whisky
Spring Election
Letter from Major Zagonyi concerning the disbanding of the Fremont body guard, column 1; prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 2-5
The Two Projects
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There will be a division of sentiment in Congress on the proper attitude which our Government should assume towards the States now in rebellion. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, has a bill, which is on the basis of the Sumner resolutions, and has been approved by the Committees on Territories of the Senate and the House, which virtually destroys all State Governments, and establishes Territorial Governments in their places, without any power to legislate for the protection of slavery, which is thus virtually abolished. In opposition to this scheme is a bill offered by Senator Davis, of Kentucky, which provides for the punishment of traitors, but protects the loyal inhabitants of States in re-organizing their State Governments.--Each bill is declared by its friends to have the support of the Administration, but it is believed that the Cabinet are divided.