Valley of the Shadow
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Advertisements, columns 1 and 2

Secession Wagon--Union Side

(column 3)

Full Text of Article

AIR--Wait for the Wagon.

Secession is the wagon, 'tis painted nice and new;
The horses they are fractious, and draw a factious crew;
But then the whip's a good one, the lines are safely tied,
So jump into the wagon and we'll give you all a ride.
CHORUS--Then, drive along the wagon--
The Secession wagon--
We'll put them in their wagon,
And give them all a ride.

Come all ye Northern freemen and fall into the ranks,
The "Secesh" need a lesson, and we will stop their pranks;
We'll bring them to subjection--we'll subjugate their pride,
We'll put them in their wagon and give them all a ride.
CHORUS--So, drive along the wagon, &c.

The wagon it was stolen, and so the horses too.
And all their spending money was taken right from you;
But Floyd's the man to do it, tho' others long had tried,
So we'll put them in the wagon and give them all a ride.
CHORUS--So, drive along the wagon, &c.

Jeff. Davis we will catch, and Stephens we will bag,
And all the Southern leaders, who of their bravery brag;
We'll box 'em up so neatly, and from all care exempt,
They never shall have troubles, for they shall be well hemped.
CHORUS--So, drive along the wagon, &c.

Claib. Jackson is included, and Price we'll kindly treat;
For we know he always travels with the loosest kind of seat;
And the poor deluded rebels, whose trusts have been belied,
We'll show them every kindness on their Secession ride.
CHORUS--So, drive along the wagon, &c.

The niggers we don't want them--for them we do not fight--
For tho' we make them freemen, we cannot make them white;
We'll only take their masters who do not with us side,
And put them in the wagon to take a Secesh ride.
CHORUS--So, drive along the wagon, &c.

M'Clellan is our driver, Abe Lincoln holds the reins,
And he will drive the wagon with the greatest care and pains;
His hold it is a good one, and it will never slip.
So, jump into the wagon, he'll take you through the trip.
CHORUS--So, jump into the wagon, &c.

Arrest of Brig. Gen. Stone

(column 3)

The Charges against Brig. Gen. Stone

(column 4)

The Army at and near Romney, Va.

(column 4)

Fire and Explosion at an Oil Well

(column 5)

Delaware for Freedom

(column 5)

Full Text of Article

A bill is to be introduced into the Legislature of Delaware to abolish slavery in that State. By this bill it is provided that all slaves over 35 years of age shall be freed within 90 days after it becomes law; all under 35 shall become free on reaching that age; all males born after the bill becomes law are to be slaves till they turn 21, and females till they are 18, all slavery is to cease after January 1st 1872. These provisions are made conditional upon this, that "Congress will, at its present session, engage to pay to the State of Delaware, in bonds of the United States, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, the sum of $900,000 in ten annual instalments [sic], ninety thousand dollars to be payable on some day before the first day of September 1862, to establish a fund for securing full and fair compensation to the owners of slaves who shall have been divested of their property by force of the act in question."

Delaware has, according to the census of 1860, 1805 slaves, and the sum asked of Congress for their gradual emancipation amounts to $500 a head, which is a fair price. The Wilmington Republican says that many of the slaveholders would gladly exchange their slaves for money, which they could use in payment for their lands and contemplated improvements."

If this measure comes up before Congress for its response, we hope that body will make it a condition to the national assistance that the State of Delaware shall engage itself to provide by sufficient laws for the rights of the freedmen, and also for their education.--Ex. Post.

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News from Fort Henry reporting that Fort Donelson in Alabama has been surrounded, news from the expedition up the Tennessee River, column 4; news from Mexico, column 4; news from Europe and Tennessee, column 5

Burnside Heard From

(column 1)

Pennsylvania Direct Tax

(column 1)

The Spirit Squirms

(column 1)

Full Text of Article

From the labored article in the last Spirit, in reply to our comments on the extraordinary confession made by Senator McDougall, (Democrat) of California, the other day in the Senate, relative to the knowledge he and other Democratic leaders possessed relative to the "plan" to bring about secession, before the consummation of the foul treason, we are led to believe some body must have been hit. The Spirit wriggles like an injured worm, and between the horrid night-mare of Abolitionism that disturbs his repose, and the fear that this country may become, in truth and in fact, "the land of the free," before this wicked rebellion is brought to a close, he is sorely distressed.

Further Particulars of the Capture of Roanoke Island

(column 2)
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advertisements, columns 2-5

Interesting to Teachers

(column 1)

St. Valentine's Day

(column 1)

The 22d of February

(column 2)


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Page 4
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Proceedings of Congress, column 1; prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 1-5