Valley of the Shadow
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Page Description:

Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3; incident from the war in western Virginia, columns 3 and 4; anecdote concerning Colonel Berdan, international news items, column 4; article reporting that the expedition launched by Generals Grant and McClernand down the Mississippi River will soon be underway, column 5

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News items from Fort Pickens, "news and gossip" from Washington, news of the battle of Pensacola, the latest from General Bank's column, columns 2 and 3; information from a deserter of an Alabama regiment, column 4; advertisements, columns 4 and 5

Future Triumph

(column 1)

Important Movements

(column 1)

Reconnoisance to Drainsville

(column 2)

Losing Railroad Cars

(column 2)

Full Text of Article

Since the war has broke [sic] out the freight cars of the different railroads have been used freely upon one another's roads. The result is that none of them know where their cars are. It is no unusual thing to see cars of the New Jersey Central, or Williamsport and Elmira and Pennsylvania Railroad standing about the sidings at Washington. The Balt. and Ohio Railroad have lost over forty that they cannot find, and have, accordingly, sent out men all over the country wherever a railroad runs to hunt them up and get them home. The freight coming into Washington every morning would make one continuous string for two and a half to three miles long. To-day, a train nearly half a mile long, loaded with wood, came in. Before the war, wood along the road was poor sale, little or none being sent over the road; now the trade is immense, and prices have again gone up for woodland to almost fabulous rates.

(column 4)

Full Text of Article

We take the following extract from a letter written by a lady in Charleston, S. C., to the Philadelphia Inquirer. It speaks for itself:

"Disguise the truth as we may, all thinking men here feel their position peculiarly unsafe; and those who are surrounded by female relatives, have their anxiety increased a thousand fold. We do not fear for the clash of contending armies, though that is sufficiently terrible to excite much apprehension; but even amid the carnage of war, the veriest boor within the armies would respect women; though traitors try to teach us that the Northern war cry is "Beauty and Booty;" but we do dread lest at midnight the fearful sounds of servile insurrection shall salute our ears. You know the negroes are far superior in number to the whites, and now that there are so many absent in the army their majority is greatly increased. If they rise we are in their power! Do you know what that means? Remember the history of all servile insurrections, and recall the horrors enacted by the race whom oppression has helped to brutalize. Of course the masters would fight desperately; but how could the small number of male whites defend their helpless wives and daughters against a tenfold force of maddened slaves, whose strength and ferocity are well known."

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Reports from Port Royal, Martinsburg and Winchester, and Fairfax Court House, columns 2 and 3; advertisements, columns 4 and 5


(column 1)

Thanksgiving Day

(column 1)


"All secular employment was suspended, and our town wore all the quiet and order of a Sabbath day.

Under Fire

(column 1)

Thanksgiving Sermon

(column 1)

More Troops

(column 2)

From One of Our Own

(column 2)


(column 3)


(column 3)


(column 3)


(column 3)
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Incident of bravery on the part of officers and soldiers in Virginia, column 1; prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5

Instructions to Gen. Sherman

(column 1)