Valley of the Shadow
Page 1
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Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; news from Louisiana and Virginia, columns 3 and 4; graph indicating the voting results for Franklin County from five companies stationed at Washington and Pittsburgh, columns 3 and 4; explanation of why Henry May went to Richmond, anecdotes, column 5

Page 2
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Reports of skirmishes near Washington, report of a battle at Rolla, Missouri, column 3; reports from Fortress Monroe, Darnstown in Virginia, and Baltimore, column 4; advertisements, columns 4 and 5

Our Government

(column 1)


"If we would command the respect of the world, the rebellion must be crushed out, though it should cost untold treasure and blood, and we must exhibit to mankind everywhere, at home and abroad, the ability of the Republic to maintain itself against the attacks of internal as well as foreign enemies."

Full Text of Article

After an existence of eighty-five years as an independent nation--recognized by all Government as the peer of either; with a growth of population unparalleled, and a development of wealth and national resources which has astounded the world; with a future, upon which the nation was just entering with giant strides, that bid fair to place us, in point of influence, prosperity, strength, and power, if not in the lead, at least among the first nations of the earth; with a system of government the least oppressive, and the best ever devised by human wisdom, in which the rights of all were abundantly protected--to have such a picture, such a glowing prospect, marred by a few bad, ambitious men, is sufficient to arouse not only the wrath of men but the indignation of angels.

But deplorable as it is, the bright prospects of our country have been clouded by the rebellious spirits of the South, who have precipitated a revolution for the purpose of subverting the Government, which cannot but be regarded as the most wicked, the most unreasonable and the most unjustifiable that is found upon the page of the world's history.

Ours is, emphatically, the People's Government, and it is for the People to say, whether it shall be maintained intact, with all its advantages and blessings, not only for the present but for future generations, or whether the fair fabric shall be permitted to crumble before their eyes, shorn of its strength and beautiful proportions, resulting in anarchy and confusion, and productive of the worst evils which afflict any people anywhere.

We are in the war for the maintainance [sic] of the Constitution and the union, and having laid the hand to the plow, it will not do to look back--our watchword must be onward to victory. Any other course would but prove our people cravens, unworthy of their glorious inheritance. If we would command the respect of the world, the rebellion must be crushed out, though it should cost untold treasure and blood, and we must exhibit to mankind everywhere, at home and abroad, the ability of the Republic to maintain itself against the attacks of internal as well as foreign enemies. The time for compromising with the thieving, perjured rebels, has long since passed; and if the whole people have not already made up their minds to carry the war to a successful conclusion, it is time they would. It cost too much blood and treasure to secure our Republican Government, and we should be willing to spend an hundred times as much to maintain it. If the teeming millions of the North but put their shoulders to the wheel, the work will b accomplished in good time--the Constitution will be maintained, the Union will be saved, and peace will be restored--and our country will against resume her march on the road to prosperity and to her destined greatness and grandeur.

A Short Cut to Peace

(column 1)

Full Text of Article

Our neighbor of the Spirit has discovered a panacea which is warranted to cure the ills of the country--"the remedy" that will be sure to restore Peace to our borders; and he is so confident in its curative properties that he asserts that our troubles "never will be settled until that is adopted." Now, reader, what do you suppose the balsam is that is possessed of such intense, double-distilled, concentrated Union-saving virtue?

Do you reply, it must be larger armies, more bullets, and heavier blows on the heads of the traitorous crew that are in revolt against our mild government. That is a reasonable and sensible idea, and one that a real Union man would suggest as not only practicable, but the only one that would seem to be possessed of those medicinal qualities and virtues demanded by a natural and sensible treatment of the disease. But even this is not "the remedy" proposed by the Spirit, and not to detain you longer, we will reveal the secret in our neighbor's own language, as follows:

"If the real Union men of the North, Democrats, old line Whigs and conservative Republicans will unite and crush out the Greeley and Beecher Black Republican party, the Union may yet be restored without much bloodshed."

This appears to be a very silly (simple we should have said) remedy for so terrible a disease; but to show the insincerity of the Spirit, and that it has no confidence in its own prescription, why did it not unite with the "real Union Democrats," old line Whigs and conservative Republicans," at the late election to "crush out" not only "the Greeley and Beecher Black Republican party," which seems to be so very heinous in its estimation, but all other parties that stood in the way, and consolidate a great Union Party on their ruins? No, no; that didn't come up to our neighbor's Union-saving idea. He only wants the "Black Republican party" "crushed out," judging from the manner in which he rejected the union proposed by the Republicans before the election.

The Republican party is the "Mordecai at the king's gate," and which so offends this Union-saving Haman; and as long as Mordecai is in the way, Haman will not save the Union. So grievous in the estimation of the Spirit, is the existence [sic] of the Republican party, that if it could save the Union by any other means than the one it suggests, the Union might go to the dogs, for all it cared, rather than use the other remedy.

High Prices

(column 2)

Southern Rumors

(column 2)
Page 3
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Advertisements, columns 2-5; short article announcing that Colonel Geary has engaged in a fight with the rebels at Harper's Ferry.

Stumbaugh's Regiment

(column 1)

Second Crop

(column 1)

Governor Curtin

(column 1)

A Regiment That Will Suit Everybody

(column 1)

Subscriptions to the National Loan

(column 2)
Page 4
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Prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 1-5

Flight of Breckinridge--A Historic Parallel

(column 1)

The President a Tired Giant

(column 1)


"You could not to save your life, even in you were that man's bitterest enemy, look upon that shattered giant and come away without feeling a respectful pity for the suffering that is so plainly written on his honest face."