Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3; article concerning the capture of Mississippi City by the Union army, column 3; news from Washington involving the capture of an army transport by the rebels and a grand review of cavalry and artillery exhibited in the capital city, columns 4 and 5
Report of a freight train accident on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, column 2; story of a skirmish at Hatteras Inlet, column 3; news from Missouri and Fortress Monroe, columns 3-5; advertisements, column 5
The Election
Voting in Camps
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Now that the election is over, we can urge a matter which we have heretofore refrained from urging, lest our motives might be misconstrued: that is, the repeal of the law providing for the holding of elections in the camps of the Pennsylvania volunteers, on the regular election days. As it has been claimed that a majority of our volunteers were Democrats, it might have been pretended that we opposed the law because its operation might favor the Democratic cause. The reverse proves to the be fact; for, so far as can be ascertained, the Democrats, although actively canvassed, polled a much smaller vote than the People's Party's men, at the election held yesterday.
But no matter who may be in the majority, the effect of the law is bad. Soldiers engaged in the service of the country, with an enemy almost within sight, should not be disturbed by electioneering politicians. It is evident that they think so themselves, for in some regiments no polls were opened, and in those where they were opened, scarcely half the men voted. This proves that when men go to fight, they do not care to vote, and probably not one volunteer in twenty would consider himself injured by being deprived of the right of sufferage while in the army. The officers of the army, we know, from the Commander-in-Chief down, condemn the law, and it was contemplated, at one time, to forbid voting in the camps. But is was propably [sic] thought well to try a single experiment, the opportunity being thought favorable, as there was no danger of an attack from the enemy. But as it has been proved that the soldiers do not set a very high value on the privilege of voting while in active service, we trust that the law will be repealed at the next session of the Legislature, or else that the opening of the polls and the introduction of politicians into the camps will be forbidden by the General in command. The effect of carrying party politics into the army cannot foil to be most demoralizing.--Phila. Bulletin.
Advertisements, columns 3-5
Election Day
Wagon Stolen
Patriotic Firemen
An Example
More Soldiers
Departure of the Troops
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Col. F. S. Stumbaugh's Regiment left this place on Monday evening last, for Pittsburgh. Owing to bad management somewhere, the soldiers were marched from their encampment about four o'clock, P. M., at which time they were to take the cars, but were detained at the depot in the midst of a drenching rain, for two hours. The soldiers had supplied themselves with mean whisky before they left, and consequently, many of them became intoxicated, producing a great deal of confusion and fighting. Through the efforts of the officers, a partial quiet was restored, when the cars left, bearing them towards their Western destination.
A soldier named Myers, from Luzerne County, connected with this Regiment, but to what Company we have not been informed, was run over by the cars when near Carlisle, and terribly mangled. It is supposed that he jumped from the train, when the accident occurred. He was discovered the next morning by the Freight train, which passed over him, and on going back to pick him up, he was found to be cold, which is evidence that he met his death the evening before. His remains were taken to Carlisle and interred.
Not True
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The report that Col. Knipe was shot by a soldier, turns out to be a hoax, which probably owes its origin to the following:
A supposed young man, of feminine manners and appearance, belonging to the regiment, was detailed as hospital nurse, where, having control of the supplies, he become [sic] somewhat addicted to an indiscriminate use of the wines, and in an unguarded movement divulged the fact that she was a female, the wife, it is said, of one of the privates. Finding her sex discovered, and learning that she was to be discharged, she managed to obtain the countersign, passed the guard, and made her way, still in male attire, to a neighboring farm-house. She had her hand bound up with a handkerchief, and begged some camphor to put upon it. She then stated that she was the son of Col. Knipe, that he had been assassinated by a private, a friend of Lanagan, and she had received the wound in attempting to save the Colonel's life. She wanted a horse and buggy to pursue the murderer to Rockville, where she knew he had gone. The unsuspecting farmer conveyed her to Rockville, upon promise of remuneration; but on arriving there she gave him the slip, and has not since been heard of, except, perhaps, by the reporter who so ingeniously furnished the press with the information referred to.
Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5