Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; reports of war news from Missouri, an "engagement" at Matthias Point off the Virginia coast, a firing on the U. S. steamer the Pocahontas, a skirmish near Grafton in Virginia, and the capture of secession bridge burners at Baltimore, columns 3 and 4; news from West Chester, Albany, Alliance in Ohio, Bangor, Fortress Monroe, and New York, column 5
Latest News by the Mails!
Orrstown and Treason
Grand Union Meeting
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One of the most grand and patriotic meetings we ever had the pleasure of attending, convened in the Court House on the evening of Thursday last, the proceedings of which will be found in another column. The Court Room was filled to its utmost capacity, of individuals of all party predilections, who came forward, with the highest and most patriotic motives, to countenance and aid the formation of a Party in Franklin county, regardless of all party distinctions heretofore recognized, but governed, animated and influenced by the fundamental nd [sic] leading idea of supporting the National Administration in its efforts to crush the Rebellion, to maintain the Constitution and the integrity of the Union, and to enforce the Laws.
A more glorious assemblage never before convened in that Hall of Justice. The patriot's heart could not but leap with joy at the utterances of the several speaker, and the outbursts of applause with which they were received by the audiance [sic], it must have pulsated with feelings of degradation, shame and confusion, at the thought, that while love of country and of National unity animated all around, it alone, like the toad, was cold, clammy, and repulsive.
Southern Enlistments
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At this moment compulsory enlistment is going on everywhere at the South, says a respected cotempory [sic], and the price of substitutes is so high that we hear of a faro banker at Richmond, who could not be spared paying twelve hundred dollars for one. The Rebel leaders are by this time aware that they cannot fight us except with superior numbers, and these they will have, if they have to make a levy en masse of the whole population of the South capable of bearing arms.
It is life or death to them. What ever we do, they will strive to meet with more numerous recruits, until the population is thoroughly exhausted; and they hope to keep constantly ahead of us in numbers, and so either gain decisive victories, or else worry us into submission.
Berdan's Sharpshooters
Advertisements, columns 1 and 5; court proceedings, details found in the Valley Spirit, columns 4 and 5
Extra Car
The Volunteer Company
Attempted Robbery
Camps of Rendezvous
Forced to Leave
A Franklin County Regiment
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An effort is about being made to raise a Regiment of soldiers in Franklin County. A number of prominent citizens in different parts of the County, we understand, are prepared not only to give the movement their aid and influence, but take positions as privates in the ranks, or as officers, as the several companies to compose it may determine.
The thing is not only practicable, but highly praiseworthy. This County at the present time, since the return of the three months men, cannot have more than 200 or 250 men in the field, while we have a population of more than 40,000. The companies now in the field, and which were organized in this County, are composed in great part, but not entirely, of our citizens. Without stating it as a fact, but which we think will approximate the truth, we would say that of our own people, there are not more than 60 men in Captain Dixon's company, 40 in Lieut. Col. Campbell's, 50 in Capt. Eyster's, and 50 in Capt. Stetzel's, altogether, 200.
In the war of 1812, Franklin, with a much less population, threw into the field, if we have been correctly informed, something more than 800 men. If the County could do that much nearly half a century ago, she ought surely be able to raise a Regiment now for the war--especially when it is a war for the very maintainance [sic] of our existence as a Nation.
A company can be organized, consisting of 1 Captain, 1 First and 1 Second Lieutenant, 5 Sergeants, 8 Corporals and 63 Privates, making 79 men, rank and file; but to be admitted into the service, each company must ocntain [sic] 104 men.
If the proper effort was made, there is no reason why the points we are about to name, in connection with the country surrounding each, could not muster a Company to make up the Regiment, viz: The Valley 1 Company, Loudon and St. Thomas 1, Mercersburg 1, Upton and Welsh Run 1, Greencastle 1, Waynesboro' 1, Quincy 1, Fayetteville 1, Chambersburg 2. If a full company cannot be raised at the points named, the greater part of one can, and thus the fractions can be thrown together to form a whole.
Let an energetic trial be made, and we feel assured that the patriotism of Franklin Co. would not let the noble object fail of entire and complete success. As yet, our people are not arroused [sic] sufficiently to the importance of the tremendous struggle in which our country is involved. It is time, however, that they were. The enemy is presumptuous and daring, and, to secure his final triumph, resorts to fire, impressment, robbery and purgery [sic]. To meet such an enemy, it is time that the people and the Government would become terribly in earnest. Every movement and act of the Rebels exhibits their determination, and the friends of the Government must put on their whole panoply of strength, and crush out the monster Treason at once, and thus prevent a protracted struggle.
The people of Franklin County at least should be in earnest. We occupy a border county, and the thing is within the range of possibilities that we might yet be compelled to meet the enemy on our own soil, and witness not only the destruction of our fields and dwellings, but the ruthless murder of wives and little ones. Arouse! then, people of Franklin, and aid the formation of this Regiment, and thus contribute to push the war into the enemy's country. The South has most cruelly brought it on-let the South feel its full force and weight.
Current prices, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5