Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1-3; article describing the incarceration at Philadelphia of pirates from the sunken privateer Petrel, column 4
N. Y. Herald's Proposition
News articles from Washington, Baltimore, New Hampshire, St. Louis, and Fortress Monroe, columns 2-5
Gen. McDowell's Report
What It Takes for an Army
Thirteen Dollars Per Month
Advertisements, columns 3-5
Jewish Burial
Hope, Attention!
Death of Col. James C. Boyd
Fast Riding
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On Saturday afternoon last, Constable Gross arrested a man for fast riding through our streets, which is in violation of a Borough Ordinance. He was taken before L. S. Clarke, Esq., Burges, when he paid the fine imposed. It would be a very fine thing if more were arrested and fined for the same offence, as there is a deal of risk of life and limb incurred by children particularly, owing to fast riding and driving on our thoroughfares.
Change of Name
Forced to Leave
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Mr. Jno. W. Shinefield, son of Mr. Shinefield, late Steward of our Alms House, with his wife and four children, arrived in our midst on last Friday, under very distressing circumstances. For five or more years past, Mr. S. has been a resident of Ravenswood, Jackson County, Va., where he carried on the merchant tailoring. The people of the town in which he resided, owing to their Union sentiments, and for fear of being forced into the rebel ranks by Gov. Wise, who was approaching the place with his rebel forces, precipitately crossed the river into Ohio, with whatever of their property they could hastily gather up. Mr. S. succeeded in taking but a small quantity of his goods, leaving behind nearly all that he was worth, which of course, fell into the hands of the enemy. With his family he then endeavored to make his way to this County, his former residence, with what difficulty any person may well imagine, as he had but a small amount of money when he left Virginia. He succeeded, however, thro' much trouble, in reaching Harrisburg, where he supposed he had escaped the ferocity of the rebels and reached a humane and civilized community, but judge of his surprise when, on application to obtain lodgings and something to eat for his family, he was denied entertainment by the proprietors of eight different Public Houses! He was refused this after a statement of his situation and after offering everything he possessed in pledge for payment. Mr. Shinefield would have had to lodge his little ones in the Market-house but for the kindness of a police officer, we believe, who took them to his home. Mr. S. and family are of genteel appearance, and why such cold-blooded inhumanity should be exhibited towards him, we are at a loss to say. One thing is certain, the names of these hotel proprietors should be made known, and their houses shunned by all decent people.
Court Week and Rain
Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery
Article describing the execution of Thomas J. Armstrong at Philadelphia, column 1; prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 2-5