Semi-Weekly Dispatch
Advertisements, columns 1-3; proceedings of extra session of Congress, columns 4 and 5
End of Congressional proceedings, column 1; report of union victory at Huttensville in western Virginia, arrival of troops at Fairfax courthouse, column 4; other minor news items pertaining to the war, column 5
Free Speech and a Free Press
Rapid and Effective
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The country is beginning to realize some of the good fruits of placing the right men in the right places in the rapid and effective movements of Gen. G. B. M'Clellan. Within less than one week he has met and vanquished, a rebel force of at least 10,000 men under Gen. Garnett, putting his detachments to rout in three several engagements, capturing at one time two or three hundred prisoner, forcing the unconditional surrender of about six hundred men under Col. Pegram at another, and winding up with an other engagement where Gen. Garnett heads the rebels, in person, in which Garnett is killed, over one thousand prisoners taken with all the cannon, camp equipage, besides a great number of horses, leaving not even the stump of an army remaining to the foe. His triumphant message to head quarters is, "Our success is complete, and Secession is killed in this part of the country."
Such are the men, and such the movements which are destined to re-establish, throughout the broad expanse of our beloved land, the sacred principles of Human Rights and Human Equality, and we verily, begin to feel more than ever confident that "when this war shall be brought to a close, that, no cause of war shall exist." After our army of Liberty shall have performed its mission, Statesmen from North and South shall meet in days past, but without the haughty insolence displayed, which for years past has been the wont of many Southern Congressmen towards the Northern, who scracely [sic] dared oftimes to call himself the peer of him whose servants said "my master."
These days are gone. The Northern Statesman no more shall bow his neck to such disgrace. They will henceforth meet as equals, acknowledged, and as such respected.
Push then the battle forward. Let no back step be taken until no traitor dares to pollute the common atmosphere with the poison of his influence--until the Snake, Secession, stings itself to death.
Apprehension of Danger to General Scott
Are the Rebels Cowards?
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The soldiers of the rebel army have run at Philippi, at Romney, at Falling Waters, at Rich Mountain and everywhere else. It really looks as if they were all cowards and not fit to fight with brave men. General McClellan was not far wrong when, in one of his proclamations, he expressed regret that his soldiers would not find "foemen worthy of their steel." It has been suggested here that the mystic letters of the Virginians, F. F. V., really mean Fast Flying Virginians.
But we cannot allow that the Southerners are cowards. It would be a reproach to our own blood, and to the race from which we and they have sprung. In a good cause they have fought and will always fight as bravely as any men in the world. Some of them are perhaps sincere in their faith in the excellence of their cause. But we know that many are not; that thousands of their men have been impressed, or have enlisted for fear of injury if they did not enlist. When an army thus composed finds itself face to face with a body of loyal troops, and is called on to fight against the glorious Stars and Stripes, is it any wonder that the hearts of the men fail them, and that the enormity of the crime they are engaged in is for the first time felt to such a degree, that they fly or surrender? Let us not jeer at the rebels as cowards. The weakness they show may be the first sign of returning loyalty.
The above, from the Phil. Bulletin, is full of truth, justice and common sense. History doe not write Americans as Cowards whether of Northern or Southern birth, and had it not been for the vainglorious boasting of certain braggadocio Southern papers, and speakers, their own bravery would never have been called in question.
Havelocks a Failure
Revival of Trade in Philadelphia
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The leading editorial in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of the 16th contains information of a cheering character, respecting the revival of trade in that city. The writer says:
"The signs of recovery from the paralysis produced by the first shock of war are multiplying. Business of every kind is reviving, stocks are going up; manufacturers are stirring themselves with a view to more active operations; some branches are more busily employed than ever, owing to the necessities created by the war; the farmers are all busy gathering in a splendid crop; there are signs of a pretty good fall trade in our mercantile circles, partly the result of this great crop--these, and the exhilerating [sic] news of victories to the Federal arms and demoralization and disaffection in the ranks of the rebels, are restoring public confidence, and, confidence once restored, half the mischief of a business panic is undone and repaired.
Advertisements, columns 2-5
Funeral of a Volunteer
Got a Prize and Off for Home
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A uniformed individual, of the colored persuasion, passed through our place on last Sunday, riding a very fine horse and bearing with him a carbine and holster pistol, exciting considerable curiosity among our people. On being questioned it was found that he had been with the 8th regiment in the character of a servant to one of the officers; that when the "Chivalry" took prisoners those 43 Union men who mistook them for friends, he was about: and seeing a ready saddled horse with a carbine strapped to him, "lying around loose," concluded, a horse was no use without a rider, and so, jumped upon him and was making for home as fast as possible.
How the Rebels Obtain Information
Anecdotes from the Chicago Journal and Harper's Drawer, column 1; prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 2-5
"The above from the Phil. Bulletin, is full of truth, justice and common sense."