Semi-Weekly Dispatch
List of federal, state, and local officeholders, column 1; advertisements, columns 1 and 2; poem, column 3; article about the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794, column 5
Colonel Kelly
The Charleston Mercury Coming to Its Senses
The "Wild Cat" Regiment
The Brave Old General Markle
Beautiful Illustration
How They Deceive the People
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The following extract from a letter written by a minister in Western Virginia, dated June 8th, will serve to show the base methods taken by the rebels, to create a spirit of fear and hatred of the North. The letter says:
"The Church is injured very much by this war. People have been made to believe that they would be given into the hands of the negroes , and that there would be a general slaughter. This, numbers have told me, and I have tried to convince them that it was false, but I could not. Some threatened if I did not leave they would have me arrested.
These false impressions are made by false-hearted men. The manner in which the people are humbugged in this State is terrible."
Articles concerning the "disaster at Bethel," column 3; report on the Virginia Union Convention, column 4; excerpt from a Boston Traveler article describing the operations of the South Boston Iron Foundry; advertisements, column 5
Summary of News
List of Troops
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The following is a tabular list of the various regiments which have arrived in this place, and are encamped in the neighborhood:
7th Reg't Pa. Volunteers, Col. Irwin.
8th " " " " Emly.
10th " " " " Meredith.
2d " " " " Stumbaugh.
3d " " " " Minier.
6th " " " " Nagle.
23d " " " " Dare.
21st " " " " Ballier.
24th " " " " Owens.
20th (Scott Legion) " " Gray.
Independent Rangers, Capt. McMullin.
The City Troop Cavalry, " James.
14th Reg't Pa. Volunteers, Col. Johnson.
15th " " " " Oakford.
13th " " " " Rowley.
1st " " " " Yohe.
9th " " " " Longeneck'r.
16th " " " " Zeigle.
11th " " " " Jarrett.
1st Reg't Wisconsin Vol. Col. Starkweather,
1st " R. Island " " Burnside.
4th " Conn. " " Woodhouse.
Regular Troops
Captain Doubleday's Fort Sumpter Men.
Lieutenant Hunter's U. S. Infantry.
Major Sheppard, 5 companies U. S. Inf.
Troop of 300 or 400 U. S. Cavalry.
Justice to Our Troops
Correspondence of the Associated Press.
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Washington, June 10th.--The non-payment of the troops, which is exciting some comment, is caused by the absence of the necessary pay-rolls. There is no lack of money or of a disposition on the part of the Government to pay them. So soon as the requisite forms can be complied with, this temporary inconvenience will be remedied.
A recent General Order of the War Department is as follows:--"Second Lieutenant W. McCreery, Fourth Artillery, having tendered his resignation when in the face of the rebels, his name will be struck from the rolls of the Army.
(Signed) L. Thomas, Adj. Gen."
Want to Change Their King
Pennsylvania Fifth
Prices current, column 4; advertisements, columns 4 and 5
McClure Rifles
Balloons for the Battleground
How to Serve Them
More Arrivals of Troops
Election of Officers
The Coming Harvest
Correspondence of the Bulletin
On a "Cut-Loose"
Advance of Gen. Patterson's Column
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The following orders have been issued by General Patterson:
Chambersburg, Pa., June 5, 1861.
General Orders, No. 25--Commanding officers of brigades, regiments, battalions and companies, will give their attention to the following requirements, and will be held responsible requirements, and will be held responsible to a strict compliance with them:
I. The allowance of transportation to troops on the march shall not exceed the following: and this, as soon as practicable, will be reduced under the direction of the Chief Quartermaster:--
A general officer and his staff, 1 wagon.
Field and staff and band of a regiment, 1 wagon.
Cavalry or horse artillery company, 1 1/2 wagon.
Infantry company, 1 wagon.
The baggage will be limited to musket cartridges, camp and garrison equipage and officers' baggage, (mess chest and personal effects included), not to exceed the regulation allowance, viz:--
For general officers, 125 pounds.
Field officers, 100 pounds.
Captains, 80 pounds.
Subalterns, 80 pounds.
II. The regimental and battalion Quartermasters will each be responsible for the baggage train of his command, and will fill all requisitions for transportation made upon him by the chief of the Quartermaster's department.
III. The commands to march from this point will take in their wagons four days' provision, and in their wagons four days' provision, and in their haversacks one ration. Troops will always have in their haversacks, and carry on the march, one ration, cooked.
The medical officers will take only those articles which the Medical Director shall designate.
IV. A depot or depots for supplies will be established on the line of operations at one or more convenient points, and different commands will be directed to send their requisitions, properly approved, to specified places, always sending in time to be supplied before their provisions are expended, and yet not have on hand enough to trammel a movement.
Extra supplies and surplus baggage will be sent with an invoice to the Quartermaster, to be forwarded from this point, on favorable opportunities, after the necessary provisions, medical stores, etc., are in position.
V. On the march and in camp, purchases of authorized supplies will be made by the proper Quartermasters and Commissaries only on the orders of their commander, and, if they have not funds, certificates of the purchases will be given, to be presented for payment to the chief of the proper department at these head-quarters.
VI. Nothing whatever is to be taken for public purposes without due compensation, and by authorized agents, and if depredations are committed upon persons or property, the offenders, if recognized, must be promptly punished, and when in the power of the United States, compensation rendered.
VII. Every opportunity to drill must be employed to instruct the men and discipline them. Officers must not act under the delusion that troops are perfect in their exercises, or that the time will ever come, while they remain in the field, when relaxation in duty or drill will not impair efficiency, and render them unworthy of the confidence of the Government and the country.
By order of Major-General Patterson,
F. J. Porter, Ass't Adjutant General.
Article on the breech-loading gun, column 1; short article from the Louisville Journal about the Disunionists of Tennessee, column 1; brief article on Colonel Farnham, Colonel Ellsworth's replacement, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5
"The following, from the Wheeling Intelligencer, of Saturday, will be interesting to our readers, showing, as it does, the high estimation in which the Colonel is held by his superior officers:"