
Franklin Repository
Woman's Suffrage
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For the Franklin Repository.
Nearly four thousand years ago, a mighty swelling song of praise went up from the banks of the Red Sea, the voice of a great host, just delivered alike from the hungry waters and the hungrier Egyptians. Sweetest in that song of praise were the notes of the dark-eyed and low-browed Hebrew women; and loudest and clearest was the voice of Miriam, the prophetess, leader, alike with Moses and Aaron, of that mighty host, God's chosen people, she of whom the prophet Micah says, when speaking of God's merciful kindness to the Israelites, "I sent before them Moses, Aaron and Miriam."
More than three thousand years ago Deborah was a ruler on the purple hills and under the sunny skies of Palestine, and to her, sitting under the shade of the stately palm, the Israelites came up for judgment. Again she is with Barah leading on ten thousand mighty men of valor to conquest and to victory: and yet again, in connection with him, in the presence of all Israel, singing a magnificent song of praise to the most High God.
A little later and we see a formidable Queen, with a vast retinue of servants and officers, and camels and horses ladened with spices, gold and precious stones, on her way to visit the Hebrew court, there to take council with earth's "wisest man."
In the New Testament we read of Candia, Queen of Ethiopia, and of the prophets Anna, "which departed not from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day."
In later times a woman led the armies of France to victory. And no better ruler has ever sat upon the throne of Great Britian than sits there to-day in the person of a woman and a mother.
In the history of our own country, woman's heroism and woman's intellect has often been an anchor in its darkest and most perilous trials.
To day the civilized world rings with the praises of Ida Lewis, as it did a few years since with the praises of Grace Darling, for acts of heroism performed in what is called the peculiar province of man.
Woman has taken command of the vessel at times of peril on the sea, and steered it safely to port. She has planted, sowed and plowed, builded, planned and invented, and has poured words of eloquence from the pulpit and the forum.
History, sacred and profane, tells us that from the earliest times, and under the most disadvantageous circumstances, there have been women who have held places of political and religious power and trust, with credit to themselves, their sex and their country.
Why is it then that in a government that gives to man the largest freedom and greatest privileges of any government under Heaven, woman is totally ignored? Why all this hue and cry from freemen, when any attempt is made to give her an equality of political or business privileges?
If she violates a law she must suffer the penalty, but she must not take any part in making that law. If she owns property she must pay taxes, but she must not say how those taxes are to be applied, or by what men or party to be reaped. In a land we are proud to call "a home for the oppressed," she must do more work for less wages than a man, and even though God give her a tongue as eloquent as that of Webster, or as persuasive as that of Clay, "she must keep silence."
As regards woman's suffrage, I am aware that many of its advocates are neither beautiful, pretty or of bewitching modesty. Faces too unlovely to be bribed by a kiss, you are sure to find among its ranks. I am aware that among its advocates are those whom we can neither love or reverence, persons who gather into the ranks merely to hear or to teach some new thing.
But is it not so with every cause, especially with every new cause? Was it not so with the slave cause, than which no purer cause ever had no existence? Is it not so with many of the loudest declaimers in the cause of professed christianity?
But, says Mr. Heavybrain, the ladies do not care to vote, most of them in fact would not use the right of suffrage were it extended to them.
I am aware (and am thankful that it is so) that there is a class of women among us that are so happy in their husbands, their homes and their children - women so reverenced by their families, so surrounded by every comfort and luxury of domestic life, that nothing but the severest sense of duty could drive them to the ballot-box. These women are the idols of our homes to-day; where they may be to-morrow God alone knows - and thus is it that it is a duty they owe to themselves, to claim and exercise the right of suffrage, for, though rich to-day they may be poor to-morrow, though strong arms and living hearts protect them to-day, they may be brotherless, fatherless, widowed, indeed, to-morrow.
It is a duty owed to that sister who, mad with hunger, disappointment, taunts, jeers and curses, is rushing frantically to the terrible refuge of the "maison de joie," a sister to whom the words "woman has a vote" would give hope to enable her to slave, starve, or beg yet a little longer, and strength to flee with swiftly flying steps that treacherous door. It is a duty owed to that frail sister who is even now looking down into the black waters of the East river, preparatory to a final plunge, that she trusts may bury alike her shame and remorse.
It is a duty we owe, petted, worshipped Queens of the drawing room, to thousands of your less fortunate sisters. Sisters who are to-night wading the slums, threading the alleys, gasping in the tenement house, blanching in the cellars, starving in the attics, dying by inches in the slop-shops, of our great cities. Sisters to whom cruel words and more cruel blows, fierce curses and fiercer kicks, shame, fear and abuse are every day's portion. Sisters to whom the proclamation of woman's suffrage would be the loosening of bonds.
For do what we please, say what we may, beat about the bush as much as we like, woman poor and unattractive must ever be overworked, underpaid and denied of her just rights; while beautiful and unprotected she is subject to treatment still more base, until she has the right to protect herself by the ballot-box, and she thus becomes political power in the land.
Thousands of schemes there are, and have been for ameliorating the condition of the poor women of our cities. But nothing can prove effectual without the ballot box. Give them that, and they will right themselves. But says Mr. Softhead, really, ah, the polls, ah, are not fir, ah, for a lady, ah. You know, ah, filthy, ah, profane swearing, drunkenness, ah, vulgarity, ah, and ah, men with their coats off. I grant it all, even to the coats off, but is it not so with every place from which woman is excluded? Is it not so with court rooms, offices and stores where only men do gather. Yes, even more, take women from our churches, and in a few years they would be unfit for her to enter.
Still another gentleman gets off some beautiful thoughts concerning "woman's influence, her mission being at the hearthstone, the holiness of motherhood, the mother doing a higher, nobler work, a work more pregnant with consequences than that of greatest statesmen; the power the name of mother has over the most profligate," &c. While I do wish to gainsay all this, it must be allowed that the majority of those men so anxious to do woman poetical, are found sadly wanting in practical justice, and are frequently those who do least credit to a mother's influence, and are most seldom found within the influences of the mission they are so willing to give to woman - the hearthstone.
Now I will grant that my ideal woman is not one that plows, sows, lectures, preaches, or owns property and does business in her own name and person. My ideal woman, and the ideal woman of every true masculine nature, is that of a clinging, dependent creature, whose best safeguard is her very helplessness and dependence upon man; her chiefest attraction her purity and freedom from every thing masculine. The oft repeated simile of the strong oak and the clinging vine, best expresses our ideal man and woman. But why, when we never call for our ideal man, should we always demand the ideal woman.
When man, instead of her protector is so often her tempter; when in place of caresses he so often gives her blows; instead of giving her a support he is so often a parasite, living upon her wages. In fine, is so often not the loving brother, kind father and devoted husband, but the brutal master; not the rugged oak, but only the rotten shell or broken reed; is is strange that woman should strive to support and protect herself? The clinging vine is beautiful, but when the oak is rotten or wanting, is it not best to prune and train the vine to support itself?
When there are so many men whose chief aim in life is to cut and sew cloth, make confectionery, or sell silks, ribbons and laces, is it strange that we should have women who have a greater vocation for agriculture, business or the pulpit than for wifehood or motherhood? And if we gratify the white-handed "male woman" of the fancy store with his instincts, why deny our more masculine sisters theirs?
Again, while man remains the selfish creature that harbors and treads in our large cities, thousands of our women can never have the opportunity of becoming wives or mothers. There are at a low calculation fifty thousand men in the city of New York who do not intend or wish to get married. This one city then cuts off fifty thousand women from the mission of the hearthstone. And from this number, on an average, a trifle over one fresh victim is every day in the year sacrificed to the brutal passions of these men, aside from a large number who are daily forced by starvation prices to hover on the borders of this vast army of fallen women. The numbers of these victims would be greatly decreased, were the various avocations of business and other pursuits open to them at a fair rate of compensation. This host of unprotected starving, helpless and fallen women is every year increasing and swelling to an alarming extent. Something must be done to relieve the army of sin and destitution. I can see no hope except in equal rights and the ballot-box Woman must hereafter work side by side with man in the several pursuits of agriculture, commerce, trades and manufactures, and in order to obtain a fair compensation and be protected in her rights, she must be a political power. Although, as I have already shown, there have been in every age women capable of holding the reins of government, it is not possible that women will ever hold office in this country. And if any woman ever holds office in this country, she will be placed there by the votes of men, for the most of women prefer most decidedly to be ruled by the opposite sex, and no woman, however must loved and respected by them, could command their votes.
It is argued that the degraded women of our cities will avail themselves of the ballot in case suffrage is granted to woman. I can see no force in this argument, so long as we give to their partners in ignorance and crime of the opposite sex that privilege, and so long as these women are but a "drop in the bucket" in comparison to large numbers of virtuous and intelligent voters that we would gain.
If every man was, as he should be, the chivalrous protector of woman, then we might cast woman's rights and woman's suffrage to the dogs, and we should be the last to advocate them. But we cannot hope for the ideal man or woman before millennium, until then give them an equality of business and political privileges, the right to protect themselves. WEB WOODMAN
Our Ticket
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In last week's issue of the REPOSITORY we had barely time to say, before its appearance, that a county ticket had been nominated, and that it was composed of good men. An event of so much importance requires a more extended notice. The Convention met in Tuesday, the 3d inst., and its proceedings were marked with deliberation, and the utmost harmony. Its selections were received by the party with decided signs of approval. We do not mean to imply, however, that the choice of the Convention satisfied everybody. On the contrary, there being three our four applicants for each of the important offices to be filled, the personal friends of each of the defeated candidates naturally felt a greater or lesser degree of disappointment, as well as did the candidates themselves. This was only momentary, however, and already the ticket meets the approval of the whole party. We predict for it a triumphant election.
William C. M'Knight, Esq., our candidate for Assembly, is well and favorably known throughout the county, as a gentleman of intelligence, unbending integrity, and positive Republicanism. He has been a resident of Franklin county during the last twelve or fourteen years, and previous to that time resided in Indiana county, which he represented in the Legislature, to the satisfaction of his constituents, and with credit to himself. Though he has never sought office or position in the Republican party, he had always been an active and influential worker for its success. He is one of Antrim township's most respected and worthy farmers, and his deserved popularity will justly add to his strength. Such men as Mr. M'Knight are sadly needed in our Legislature, and the Convention deserves the thanks of the Republican party for his nomination.
John A. Hyssong, Esq., of Mercersburg, nominated for the office of Prothonotary, has been a Justice of the Peace at that place for years, and possesses excellent business qualifications. Within a year, after a satisfactory examination, he was admitted to the practice of law in the courts of our county. If elected, as, we have no doubt he will be, he will make a prompt, obliging and efficient Prothonotary. He will be a popular candidate, worthy of the office, and will receive the warm support of the whole Republican party.
For Register and Recorder the Convention selected H. C. Greenawalt, Esq., of Fayetteville, out of three unexceptionable candidates, all of whom were well qualified to fill the office. Perhaps Mr. Greenawalt owes his nomination to the fact alone that he had more personal friends in the Convention than either of the others. He is a popular, genial, clever fellow, with a superior education, and will make a capital officer. He will poll more than his party vote.
Lewis W. Detrich, of Hamilton, was nominated for Clerk of the Courts. Mr. Detrich is a young man who lost an arm in the services of his country, and has always been an enthusiastic Republican. He is every way worthy of the office for which is party has nominated him, and will be triumphantly elected. But for the fact that he was partially disabled in the rebellion, and was therefore entitled to the assistance of the Republican party, they would be unwilling to remove his competitor, Thad. M. Mahon, who was also a wounded soldier, and had given perfect satisfaction to every one by the careful and attentive discharge of his duties in the same office.
Capt. James C. Patton, of Mercersburg, was nominated for the office of County Treasurer. Capt. Patton is well known throughout the whole county, and everywhere popular. Two years ago he was a candidate for the nomination for the same office, when the Convention saw fit to nominate Samuel F. Greenawalt, Esq. Again brought before the Convention he was nominated, though the candidate for Prothonotary had already been taken from Mercersburg. This certainly is the only thing which could be urged against him, and this cannot relate to the man but only to the locality from which he was taken. No better man could be chosen for the office than Capt. Patton, and none more ardent in his devotion to Republican principles. We bespeak for him an active campaign and a triumphant election.
For Commissioner, Capt. John Doebler, of Chambersburg, was chosen by acclamation. As one of the gallant Captains of the 126th regiment, and ex-Sheriff of the county, he is known and liked by every one. He is the only nomination taken from Chambersburg, and was made without solicitation. In his hands the important and responsible interests of Franklin county can be safely trusted.
John Frey, of Guilford, was nominated for Director of the Poor. His is a farmer of that township, and it is enough to say that no better farmer, no better Republican, and no more popular man lives within its limits. His nomination is equivalent to an election.
Isaac Miller, for Auditor, and Dr. J. A. Maclay, for Coroner, both of Green, are men of stainless reputation and deserving of any office in the county.
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The whole Republican ticket is now before the people, for their consideration. It can be elected without a single exception, if the Republicans but do their duty. Gov. Geary was elected three years ago by a splendid majority, when the party had to take him on trust. They knew that he was loyal, they knew that he was brave, but they did not know whether, if elected, he would administer the affairs of the Commonwealth wisely, economically and honestly. Now they know that he will do all of these, for had he not given us the test of experience?
Judge Williams was defeated two years ago, when the Republican party was paralyzed by the perfidy of their President, and despair and disgust had usurped the place of hope. This condition of things no longer exists. The power of the administration is not now wielded in the interests of the Democracy, and the Registry Law, wisely passed by the last Legislature has completely cut off a bountiful supply of Democratic votes. This alone will reduce their aggregate vote by thousands. The importance the leaders of that party attach to the Registry Law is apparent from the bitterness with which they assail it, though they have thus far failed to show a single reason for their opposition, except that it effectually prevents fraudulent voting, to all honest voters an overwhelming argument in its favor.
It is evident from the nomination the Democracy have made, that they have no hope of defeating Judge Williams for the Supreme Bench. That party is not lacking in profound and able lawyers, or experienced and learned judges, yet it has nominated Cyrus L. Pershing, a gentleman who is absolutely unknown as a lawyer or jurist, for their candidate for this high office. Nor is he one of that class of unobtrusive great men who shrink from notoriety, but whose great merit is known and appreciated where they live.
Mr. Pershing was a respectable member of the Legislature for several years, and is well known as a politician of that class, but is unknown, both at home or abroad, even as a mediocre lawyer. The Democratic members of the bar of our own county could have furnished four or five lawyers as well qualified for the position of Supreme Judge as Mr. Pershing, and the nomination of either J. M'Dowell Sharpe or Judge Kimmell would have been a guaranty to the voters of the party that the convention had at least a hope of electing whom they nominated Judge Williams deservedly ranks among the first lawyers of the State, and he has won the position by the steady and industrious application of a superior intellect to the study and practice of law for many years. As a lawyer his practice was large and varied, and his success as a Judge, and his high character as a man led to his nomination two years ago, and now, as a fit person to take a place on the Supreme Bench of the State.
The nomination of Packer for Governor has about as much fitness as that of Pershing for Judge, but on the question of availability the comparison ceases. He is a man, not of varied but of inexhaustible resources. His nomination was made with a view to his election, and not for the mere purpose of completing the ticket. He has made a gigantic fortune in speculations, most of it out of the circumstances created by the rebellion, and by means of this fortune he is to be made Governor.
The Democratic party, the assumed champion of the poor man, nominated the prince of rich men for its candidate. He who has ground the faces of the poor until his fortune is colossal, now asks the poor man to make him Governor. The Democratic party is opposed to monopolists. A thousand times has it declared itself so in conventions and on the stump. It is also the avowed enemy of monied aristocracy. These were its strongholds upon the masses, and when it raised its cry against them the people rallied to its protection and defense. Alas! the completest monopolist, the most perfect specimen of a monied aristocrat, is to-day the vaunted champion of the Democracy, and their only boast is of his wealth, and his railroads, and his coal fields. To what humiliating shifts is this boasted poor man's party driven to.
Divest Packer of his money, and divest him of the immense power which it has brought him; put him, in this respect, in the same position with Governor Geary, and make him your candidate for Governor. He would stand before the people as bald as a plucked chicken. Wipe out his wealth and you wipe out his existence. Such is the poor man's candidate for Governor.
Franklin County Horticultural Society
A Card
Court Proceedings
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The August term of Court commenced on Monday last, His Honor Judge Rowe presiding, during the temporary absence of Judge King. Associates Ferguson and Armstrong were present. The following cases were disposed of:
Com. vs. Matthew Sharpe. Fornication and Bastardy. Oath of Margaret M'Claine. Deft. pleads guilty, sentence deferred.
Com. vs. Wm. Bowermaster. Assault and Battery. Oath of Wm. Byers. Verdict guilty and sentenced by the Court to pay a fine of one dollar, costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of thirty days.
Com. vs. Robert Harris. Horse Stealing.--Oath of Dr. John Montgomery. Verdict not guilty.
Com. vs. Brandt Williams, et. al. Conspiracy. On trial as we go to press.
There were a number of Surety of the Peace cases also before the Court.
John Harmony will be tried for the murder of Frank Spitle this court. The REPOSITORY published the circumstances of this sad affair at the time of its occurrence. This trial will excite great interest in Chambersburg, and should the evidence disclosed be similar to that produced before his Honor Judge Rowe, on a writ of Habeas Corpus, it will give the criminal jurisprudence of this county one of the most remarkable cases on record.