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The page includes advertisements.
Washington. The Second Pennsylvania Artillery--Fort Bunker Hill--The Draft--Men Wanted--The Re-Election of Gov. Curtin--Festive Soldiers
(column 1)
Describes the Second Pennsylvania Artillery, Fort Bunker Hill, the draft, and the re-election of Gov. Curtin.
Philadelphia. The Late Political Campaign--Gov. Curtin's Efforts--Unhappy Death of the Democracy--The City Councils--The "Green Spot."
(column 1)
Reports on the late political campaign.
The Tender Mercies Of Slavery
(column 2)
Prints the story of a Southern man who married and inherited wealth from his father. The community was shocked when the sheriff arrested the man as the slave of his father. The man insisted that his father had manumitted him, but he was forced into slavery.
Origin of Article:
The New York Evening Post
Proclamation By Gov. Seymour
(column 3)
Recounts the change of heart by the governor of New York to support Lincoln's request for more soldiers.
"In this emergency it is the duty of all the citizens to listen to the appeal sent forth by the President, and to give efficient and cheerful aid in filling up the thinned ranks of our armies."
The School Appropriation
(column 3)
Summarizes the Harrisburg Telegraph's explanation of the uneven distribution of money for schools to various districts of Pennsylvania.
"By the plan of division for this year the districts that have sent the most scholars to the public schools, and sent them the most regularly, will receive the most money."
Page 3
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The page includes an article on agriculture and advertisements.
War's Lessons To Farmers
(column 1)
An advertisement that gives suggestions on growing corn to feed cattle; a complaint of too many fences in Franklin County; a suggestion that mules should be used more in farming operations.
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The page includes advertisements.
Headquarters of Provost Marshal
(column 4)
List of men exempt from the military draft held October 26-31. Eli Alloway--Anthony Carver are exempt by reason of physical or mental disability. William Gossert--Edward Mostoller are exempt by reason of having paid commutation. Zalmon Holliday--William Trent are exempt by reason of non-liability on account of age. John W. Tabb--Henry Nangle are exempt by reason of being in service on March 3, 1863. Levi D. C. Houser--Snively Strickler are exempt by reason of having furnished an acceptable substitute. Charles Smith--Frederick Hasselbreath are exempt by reason of alienage. Francis A. Warner--Peter Lint are exempt by reason of being the only son of aged or infirm parent or parents dependent upon his labor for support. John Ham--Alexander Enos are exempt by reason of being one of two or more sons of aged or infirm parents subject to draft, elected to be exempt by father; or, if he be dead, by mother. Daniel Bowser--Edward Robison are exempt by reason of non-residence. George D. Brant--Daniel B. Zimmerman are exempt by reason of being the father of motherless children under twelve years of age dependent upon his labor for support. Henry N. Coleman--L. Winter Tritle are exempt by reason of having had a substitute in service on March 3, 1863. Andrew J. Cramer--Lewis M. Statler are exempt by reason of being the only son liable to military duty of a widow dependent upon his labor for support. Jacob Richey--Lewis Fyrestone are exempt by reason of father and sons in same family and household and two in military service.
Names in Announcement:
Eli Alloway; John W. Tressler; Daniel Tice; Dedrick Shoemaker; William Holliday; Rev. John McIntire; Jonas Nicklow; John Burgess; Joseph H. Miller; James Sproat; Charles Baird; James Harris; Tobias Miller; Abraham Yutsy; Harmon Long; Samuel Brubaker; John J. Blough; Samuel Countryman; Rev. F. A. Edmonds; Jacob H. Wingerd; William Wagoner; Adam Fogel; Gabriel Bickley; John Gower; George Decker; Peter S. Hay; Solomon Grine; John Forbes; Dr. David Welfley; John Deitel; Josiah M. Hay; Solomon Pile; Aaron Shannon; Isaiah Silbaugh; Josiah McClintock; Joseph Enos; James F. McCormick; Jacob Lenhart; Isaiah Miller; C. B. Darral; William Palmer; Milton Hoodcock; John Fesler; David Houp; Joseph Gardil; Daniel Hoover; Alexander Cober; Jackson Gladwell; George Stahl; Peter Fogel; Joseph Wilt; Elias Cunningham; Rev. Edward S. Miller; Alexander Musser; Abraham Mort; Joseph Dively; Dennis O'Lary; George Cable; George Grove; Reuben Palmer; Benjamin Gilman; William J. Miller; George R. Parker; Christopher Gurletz; Simon Barron; William Burkholder; Henry H. Fisher; Lewis Bowser; Levi Saylor; Samuel Crichfield; John Ash; Isaac Friedline; George W. Bruner; Benjamin Enos; Noah Schmucker; David Rumel; David Horner; William P. Huston; William J. Shanley; Levi Lochbaum; William Welfley; Simon Harchler; Jacob Wenger; Emanuel Thomas; Isaac W. Gordon; John Light; Newton Griffith; William Treasler; Jacob H. Moon; Emanuel Fyerstone; John C. Wingerd; Archibald Mahon; Michael M. Grove; Jonathan Pritts; Ruel Miller; Philip Mowrer; John A. Young; Jeremiah Wilt; Elias Crissey; Jacob J. Zimmerman; Henry F. Knepper; Herman Shaffer; Christian Strong; David Stump; Harmon H. Walker; Martin Allbright; Samuel Bear; John A. Bruner; Peter Shallis; Isaac Kimmel; Jacob Ehresman; Alexander Hoffman; Daniel Witt; Ruel Peterson; Jacob Schmucker; Daniel Berkley; Josiah Barron; Silas Harchler; Jeremiah Lohr; Hiram Findley; John F. Rider; John H. Picking; Perry Hatzell; Zachariah L. Tannehill; George Styers; Alexander W. Shultz; Jacob M. Saylor; Jacob Recter; Joseph Tressler; John Dwire; Adam Mowrer; Jonas Wirich; Andrew Plough; Alloisus Washer; Jacob Spangler; George Metzgar; Conrad Kieffer; George Brooks; Samuel Ripple; Cornelius Bowman; Gabriel Spangler; Frank B. Countryman; John Wallace; Henry Gardner; Samuel Horner; Albert Lohr; David Marteny; Frederick Laus; John Berkley; George W. Pile; John Shand; John Mier; Samuel Weimer; Levi Ware; Gaphart Ling; Levi Ross; Jacob Fleck; Henry Waltor; Charles Will; George Repley; John F. Hunter; Anthony Carver; William Gossert; William Clippinger; Marshal Bowlen; George W. Ford; David D. Myers; John Holdry; John K. McClintock; George W. Peck; Joseph Willtrout; Edward Bittner; Moses Snider; Levi L. Snyder; Amos McCulloh; Henry Hoover; John Musser; Daniel A. Brubaker; John Boyd; Jacob C. Philson; Jacob Eash; Elijah Stahl; Noah [illegible]; Hiram Plough; Isaac Y. Kauffman; Frederick Kring; John Newman; Franklin O. Livengood; Emanuel Hershberger; Moses Thomas; Christian Shetler; John D. Baker; Reuben Folk; Michael Hochstetter; Jonas Brown; B[illegible] Scott; Hitkiah K. Gaff; Samuel M. Ringer; Eli Burnumth; Adam Ingrund; Daniel J. Miller; David Shannon; Jackson Holliday; Samuel Ringer; Peter Snyder; Jesse Hoover; Simon Berkey; William H. Koontz; Sylvester A. Topper; David L. Meyers; William P. Snyder; Frederick Knepper; Daniel J. Brubaker; Jonathan Bear; John S. Miller; John W. Forney; John Custer; George Millhouse; Samuel Spicker; Josas Plough; Jonas J. Pike; Jonathan W. Clevenger; Daniel Kauffman; Tobias J. Kauffman; Samuel Minder; Samuel Border; Leonard Maust; Samuel D. Livengood; Dennis Wagner; William D. Boyd; Levi Hochstetter; Joseph Schmucker; William Bell; Alexander Meyers; Nathaniel Dickey; Aaron J. Kreger; Henry Bowman; Frederick Welmer; Cornelius Shoemaker; George S. Blaucit; James H. Kauffman; Aaron Geiger; Edward R. Harned; Jeremiah Livengood; Noah Lohr; Henry C. Kreager; Henry Bear; Jonathan Kimmel; Jacob Deats; B. Frank Cramer; Samuel Foust; Josiah Weaver; Tobias Beachley; Peter P. Gidlesperger; Charles H. Dickey; Daniel Wagoner; Manoah Tannehill; Charles Weigle; Samuel L. Berkebile; Joseph Horner; Joseph Miller; Philip Lape; William C. Burnett; Pearson Lohr; Samuel Lape; Thornton L. Benford; Channcey H. Berkey; Samuel E. Berkey; John Lohr; James Hanlin; John H. Rishaberger; Francis J. Shaffer; Wilson Gernand; George Close; John F. Hepfer; John W. Gardner; John Keim; James McNeal; John Fadley; Levi Fulton; John Altfather; Samuel Snyder; William Blough; Noah Short; Elijah Shockey; Samuel Bearl; Hiram Barnes; John P. Heller; John Stuft; William Blough; Noah Shaffer; Michael Good; James Rogers; Henry Penrod; Samuel Barron; Daniel Flickinger; Edward G. Etter; John Swank; George Barnhart; Jacob Powell; Charles Sarber; Peter Sipe; Jacob Lenhart; Frederick Shanlis; Henry Schmucker; Adam Berkebile; John Benford; Peter J. Shanlis; Edward Mostoller; Zalmon Holliday; Joseph Cummins; John W. Ringler; John Baker; Curtis R. Grove; Phineas Walter; Joseph Grush; Noah Gonder; Joseph Lape; John Poorbaugh; John Smith; John C. Livengood; Adam K. Keaffer; Peter Beck; John W. Patton; Christian Yinker; Aaron Barndt; Jonathan Giffin; William Trent; John W. Tabb; Joseph Wilt; Amos Knepper; George Brallier; Charles Woy; Daniel Border; Jacob N. Hubert; Cyrus A. Yowler; Andrew Griffith; Solomon Poorbaugh; William Shaffer; Charles Rayman; Gideon Sees; Jacob Zufall; Amos Schrock; Henry Nangle; Levi D. C. Houser; Lewis A. Turner; E. F. Earl; William Beatty; Simon Griffith; Frank Hulbert; Henry J. Humbert; Luther Benedict; Oliver J. Stoner; Noah Clingerman; Chauncey Bittner; Jonas Saylor; Samuel Wilt; Snively Strickler; Charles Smith; Rev. William A. Graver; William Zinn; Ludwick Ebecke; Henry Henningcamp; Peter Knierim; Franklin Spotts; Augustus Herbst; John Smith; Henry Zinn; Harmon Dice; Frederick Statler; Frederick Hasselbreath; Francis A. Warner; Andrew Flick; Casper Jacobs; David Harbaugh; Franklin Himes; George Ankeny; Peter Rayman; John Fogle; Peter Lint; John Ham; Henry Altfather; George L. Countryman; Jacob Berkley; Josiah Short; Alexander Enos; Daniel Bowser; Samuel G. Meese; Charles Livengood; Edward Robison; George D. Brant; George J. Schrock; George B. Shafer; David Barnhart; Alexander Mc[illegible]; M[illegible] Beachey; Daniel B. Zimmerman; Henry C. Coleman; Harmon Lehman; Joseph Stutzman; Josiah Gerehart; Daniel Huffman; Thomas Gallagher; Isaac Barron; Samuel Phillipy; L. Winter Tritle; Andrew J. Cramer; Hiram Giser; Franklin H. Irwin; Lewis M. Statler; Jacob Richey; Isaac Miller; Lewis Fyrestone; George Eyster, Capt. and Prov. Marshal; J. T. McIlhenny, Commissioner; R. S. Seiss, Surgeon
Page 6
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The page includes advertisements.
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The page includes advertisements.
Page 8
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The page includes advertisements.
The Call For Volunteers
(column 1)
Details the quota for volunteers in Franklin County, the payment schedule for veteran soldiers, and the salary for new recruits.
Frauds Upon Drafted Men
(column 2)
Criticizes Democratic lawyers, some of whom extort money from drafted men in order to help the men find an exemption.
(column 3)
Reports that O. E. Shannon, a lawyer from Bedford who has handled several exemption cases, compliments the Board and assistants who have run the draft in Franklin County.
Names in Announcement:
O. E. Shannon, Esq.; Provost Marshal Capt. George Eyster; Surgeon R. S. Seiss; Commissioner John T. McIlhenny; D. A. Wertz; Jeremiah Cook; John M. Gilmore; Barnet Earley; Charles H. Taylor; B. C. Downy; Charles Mull; Collecter Scull
(column 3)
Discusses the commission of J. F. Kurtz as a Notary Public in Waynesboro. The Old Savings Institution has changed into "First National Bank of Waynesboro" with the directors to be elected soon.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. J. F. Kurtz
(column 3)
Relates the gratitude of the Matron of the Franklin Hall Hospital to Stouffer, Greenawalt, Fuller, Noble, Bigley, and Fayetteville for their food donations.
Names in Announcement:
Mr. Stouffer; Mrs. Greenawalt; Mrs. Fuller; Mr. Noble; Mrs. Bigley
Our Citizen Prisoners
(column 3)
Prints a letter from J. Porter Brown, one of the Franklin County citizens held prisoner in Richmond. Brown informs that John P. Culbertson, Jason Hamilton, Allen C. McGrath, Thomas H. McDowell, and George S. Heck have been taken to another prison in Salisbury, North Carolina.
Names in Announcement:
J. Porter Brown; John P. Culbertson; Dr. Jason Hamilton; Allen C. McGrath; Thomas H. McDowell; George S. Heck
Mr. Enion Elliott
(column 3)
Mentions again Enion Elliott's death. Elliott was a Hamilton Township citizen and former sheriff of Franklin.
Names in Announcement:
Enion Elliott
Dr. B. Frantz
(column 3)
Notes that Dr. B. "Frantz, near Waynesboro, had twenty sheep killed by dogs one night last week, on his farm near Hopewell."
Names in Announcement:
Dr. B. Frantz
"By Thomas Williams, M. C."