Franklin Repository
Repeated articles (from previous issues) on the election.
Serial fiction on a Haunted House; the proclamation for the General Election.
List Of Premiums
General election articles; reminders to vote Republican.
The Spirit And The Campaign
Cincinnati Platform
Buchanan And Filibusterism
Preference For Negro Labor
Full Text of Article
The locofocos profess to be very indignant when we call them the "Nigger Democracy;" or charge them with preferring the labor of negroes to that of white men. That they do we have never doubted. Every charge to that effect which we have made was based upon observation of facts which all could become familiar with, who would take the trouble to investigate the matter. The President, his Cabinet, the Supreme Court, and every convention of that party, use all the means in their peculiar situations, to exclude free, white, working men and their families from every one of our territories, upon which the haughty slaveholders may see fit to fasten their covetous gaze. This fact is so patent that no sensible man will dare to deny it.
Now, however, another kind of preference for negro labor has developed itself. They are hired to fill offices, in Washington City, which white men would be glad to occupy; thereby excluding Free, White men from Offices which belong as much to them, as to the purse-proud nabobs who fill any of the offices under the Government. They, as the property of wealthy planters, are hired, by the administration of old Mr. Buchanan, to serve as messengers, door keepers, &c., &c., from their aristocratic owners, and the wages for this negro office holding is drawn by the Master. Truly, the love of the administration party for the darkey is amazing. How do the hard-working white men of the North like this preference? When will working men get their eyes open to the true position of the labor-crushing party which professes to be the poor man's friend? All they care about working men is to get their votes. Are they not truly, and emphatically the Nigger Democracy? Are they not the lovers of darkey labor? rather than the true friends of white men. Who ever heard of the like? negroes holding office under a democratic (?) administration, and hundreds of poor white men out of employment.
Adopted Citizens
McClure's Vote
Full Text of Article
Since we informed the Spirit of the manner in which their candidate for State Senator has been voting, every time McClure has been in the field, they have conceived [sic] the idea of retaliating, by making a similar charge against our candidate--Col. A. K. McClure. But, fortunately for the Col., if any body in our party has any doubt about his having voted the clean People's ticket, he can prove by that high minded, honorable man, that first-class citizen Mr. Jacob Henninger--one of God's noblest works, and honest man--all about how he voted. Mr. Henninger will swear, when called upon so to do, that he examined the Col's ticket, just before he handed it into the window, and, was him giving the same ticket to the Inspector, it was the Opposition ticket from top to bottom--the clean wheat--not a locofoco name on it. Try some thing else, neighbor. That card will not win. McClure's political record, and his private character--the Spirit's statements to the contrary notwithstanding--are altogether too correct to suit the depraved nature of the Spirit's editor--in all the Sprit's [sic] charges against him, the wish is father to the thought. The petty insinuation that he scratched honest James Crawford is too trifling to require refutation. Nor will it cause Mr. Crawford to feel unkindly toward Col. McClure. He knows him too well to allow anything the Spirit can say to effect [sic] his feelings toward him.
One Of The Dodges
Walk Up To The Rack
Too Sly To Be Caught. Pete On Guard Again!
Lager Beer Dutch
Continuation of Lager Beer Dutch article from page 4; general election discussions; advertisements.
The Great Gathering
Facts For Voters
List Of Caused For Trial At October Term of 1859, Commencing Monday 31st.
Gand and Traverse Jurors. For October Term, 1859.
Anecdotes; national news stories; advertisements.
Repeated election and political articles from previous issues.