Franklin Repository
A letter from Pike's Peak; Facts and Fancies
Look Out!
A Visit To Franklin County
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Springfield, O., Sep. 9, 1859.
Messrs. Editors:--After an absence of a couple years duration, I determined to return to your vicinity, for the purpose of rusticating two months amid my old familiar friends, and the attractive haunts of other days. While on my way hither my mind was highly delighted with the majestic mountain scenery, which met our vision everywhere along the Pennsylvania Railway, me-thought that I had never realized their grand sublimity with a due degree of appreciation before. After arriving in Chambersburg, my attention was arrested by the evidences of improvement that met my vision on every hand. Splendid temples of trade, and excellent private residences, were taking the places of antiquated structures in rapid succession. After remaining a short time in your substantial borough, we started on our way to the hospitable village of Marion which had nourished and cherished us in our earlier years. With what joy we return to the places in which we whiled away the tedious hours of restless boyhood. How our bosoms throb with emotion, as we approach the hallowed influences that threw their shielding wings around us, to guard and guide us on our important journey over the sea of life. The first sound of our own Village Blacksmith's anvil is sweeter to us than all the music of harmonious instruments. After meeting with my dear friends and relatives at home, I went to visit an esteemed and venerable Uncle, and assisted him to gather in his harvest of golden grain. From his orchard we procured the golden apples and pears with much less bodily exposure than did Hercules obtain the same, from the garden of the Hesperides; and this luxury we have enjoyed many more times already than we shall in all probability enjoy again. We also passed by the "old Cedar School House."--Here, in former times, we underwent a domiciliation, and in all candor, we believe that then, the pupils gave many more practical examples of "Barter," than arithmetical computations of the same. The chief commodities used in these shrewd business transactions were apples, nuts, rulers, balls, pencils, and pen-knives; and wo betide the unlucky urchin, who failed to get his goods concealed before the master approached too nearly; for if so fortunate as to aviod [sic] the confiscation of their property, there was imminent danger of their contracts being made void, and a proclamation in the "imperitive [sic] mood," requiring the restoration of exchanged articles, and these although apparently complied with were never actually obeyed, and the traffic though perilous was profitable.
After wandering in delightful rumination through parts of your county, for the space of nine weeks, our time had arrived for leaving. This was the most regretful part of the visit. To turn my back on that time-honored village, with only one Federal officer, and the population of which is numerically diminished one per cent, by every emigrant from its precincts. But wonderful to tell; sometimes the quality is made much better by the exit of its inmates. Farewell, Dear Marion! mayest thou ever be worthy of the most devout reverence of thy departed sons. MARION PHILO.
(No Title)
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We protest against the late Locofoco County Convention reading its leading men out of the party. The Spirit tried its hand at that and received a handsome rebuke from the party for it; and afterwards the Convention passed a resolution which condemns Judge Nill and Mr. Reilly in positive terms.--It denounces the use of money to carry elections; and it is well know that Messrs. Reilly and Nill used more money last fall in this County to carry their elections than all the People's candidates put together! If the Spirit and the Convention kick leading men out of the Locofoco party, the party will soon be conveniently small and beautifully less.--If it was right for Nill and Reilly to use money freely a year ago to carry their elections, why should they be denounced for it now?--Was it done to cover the retreat of Douglas?--or was it done to wipe out a few small bills still standing against the party in this place?
Anecdotes; advertisements.
Story of death by lightning stroke; Advertisements.
Praise for Republican candidates; Story of a devestating fire in Chicago; Anecdotes and general news.
"Old Buck" Subdued
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Soon after his inauguration "old Buck" became seized with the belief that he could accomplish more than has ever fallen to the lot of a Northern chief executive--secure a second term. He, therefore, the withered old celibate, the tenant at will of the people, assumed the most arbitrary course toward his life-long friends in order to drive them a little space from him to make room for those who had denounced him, in unmeasured terms for many long years. He did not design to quarrel with those who materially assisted in elevating so unworthy a man to the highest position in the world--the chosen ruler of a free people---he only intended pushing them a little beyond arm's length, within hailing distance however, so that he could call them to his aid when the proper time would arrive for their assistance; but they did not understand the harsh treatment and, taking him at his word, stepped outside of the circle of his immediate influence, and are now, for the first time since they commenced serving him, free men.--He made nothing by the movement. He only produced half-way friendship in the bosoms of his old foes by gathering them around him, and filling up his best offices with them and their friends; while he raised up an army of relentless enemies in those for whom his cold heart should have beaten with undying gratitude. Nor will he, thereby, succeed in having himself re-elected; for there are "giants" fighting against him.
Other longing eyes are also turned in the direction of the "White House." Other covetous hearts, even among his principal advisers, desire to succeed the old man feeble. One of the most painful thorns in the old man's flesh is the "little giant"--the "lion" of the west. The "Unicorn of official power" has had, and is now engaged in, a fierce and bitter conflict, with the "lion of popular sovereignty." They, the "lion" and the "Unicorn," are fighting for the crown, when up jumps the little dog--the editor of the Valley Spirit--and threatens to knock them both down.
Johnny Cooper, the editor of the powerful organ, (?) the Chambersburg Valley Spirit, and his employer, Jerry-go-nimble, have determined, in the wise counsel-chamber of the nation's Attorney, that one of them shall carry off the palm of victory, at the Charleston Convention. The matter is all settled. It is scarcely worth while for that mighty body to assemble. All the plans were fully agreed upon before the matter was considered sufficiently prepared for the eye of the party. For many long months they have been cogitating this very important step. Even for this same purpose--having himself puffed into notice by a powerful, (?) influential, (?) able (?) newspaper--did the astute Judge promote the editor of the Spirit from a third class clerkship, at Harrisburg, to being the private, confidential clerk of himself, at Washington. In view of the President's mania upon this subject, it was a bold step for the valiant pair to take.--The two great men of this mighty nation--Johnny Cooper and Jerry Black--knew that they were about playing a desparate [sic] game; were about to risk the fat places they now so lazily fill for the shadowy prospect of a doubtful honor--the nomination of one of them for President, in 1860, with the almost certain prospect of defeat staring him boldly in the face.
They had fully determined to risk the throw of the political dice box; but resolved, at the same time to subdue "old Buck." Accordingly, something like the following scene occurred at the rooms of the Attorney General, preparatory to its being reacted [sic] in the August presence. We push the door ajar, and, peeping into the private office of the Judge behold Johnny Cooper, mounted upon stilts, painted in full Indian war fashion, brandishing an adz for a tomahawk, grasping the chief of the Black-hawk tribe by the top-knot, apparently in the act of adding his reeking scalp to the many trophies of victory already attached to his belt. The chief, however, in acting his part of the farce, draws back, apparently terror-stricken, when the valiant Johnny finds himself master of the scalp without shedding blood--his hand holds the sham-work covering of the sham filled cranium. The Judge, seeing how well the thing was done, and observing how brave the little hero looked, declared it the height of perfection of the tragi-comedy [sic]. This being the rehearsal, and proving entirely satisfactory, the next step was to prepare the mind of the man before whom the scene was to be re-acted, so that it would produce upon him the desired effect--subdue him. Johnny not being a real Indian; only being a make-believe, it was necessary, before the performance at the white house, that he should acquire some kind of reputation as a desperate character. Accordingly, in order to appear courageous, and even terrible, the Spirit of the 7th inst., just one week before the appearance of the heavy leader, "Judge Black for President," through the pen of the redoubtable Johnny, gave utterance to the following ominous, threatening sentence:
"Walnut and cherry are indigenous to our soil, and our cabinet-makers furnish coffins on the most reasonable terms."
Thus the bruiser of the Spirit, "Jackey the giant killer," proclaims to the astonished world that it is altogether too dangerous a game for timid men to engage in--crossing his path, or thwarting his schemes. The fighting editor, the raw-head and bloody-bones, of the Spirit, must certainly have a private grave yard of his own, in which he has interred the victims of his bloody rage; for he speaks quite familiarly of our cabinet-makers. One could not, it seems, make enough coffins to bury Johnny's dead; it takes a number of them. If we can learn who Johnny's cabinet-makers are, we will enquire how much money they have made by making coffins for the thousands whom he has slain.
We can readily imagine the subduing effect of the grand scene upon the feeble occupant of the chair of State, after reading this bloody prelude. The old man trembled in his boots--affrighted out of measure--as troops of ghosts from Johnny's grave yard passed in almost endless procession before his terror-stricken vision. No wonder then, that he was fully prepared to be subdued by the tragic feat of the histrionic pair. Having put up his chum for President, Johnny confidently calculates upon being Secretary of State; or piggy to lick up the dish water of the kitchen cabinet. No matter which, only so it pays.
Stop The Praise
Qualifications Of Voters
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The law requires a person who claims the right to vote, to have been a citizen of this Commonwealth "at least one year, and in the Election District at least ten days immediately preceding such Election, and within two years to have paid a State or County Tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the Election. But a citizen of the United States, who has previously been a qualified voter of the State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided in the Election District and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after residing in this State six months. But citizens of the United States, between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-two years, who have resided in the Election District ten days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid taxes.
ARE YOU ASSESSED?--See to it that you are assessed. SATURDAY, the 1st of October, is the last day on which this duty can be attended to secure a vote at the ensuing Election--as the Election takes place on Tuesday, the 11th of October.
Voters of Peters Township.--We are requested to say, that the Assessor of your township, Capt. McGrath, will be at home on NEXT SATURDAY, the 24th inst., for the purpose of attending to the Assessment of all who are not already assessed; and on Saturday, the 1st of October, he will also be at home, which will be the lst day on which you can attend to this duty, so as to secure a vote at the ensuing election.
Attend The Meetings!
(No Title)
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The Spirit of last week devotes seven columns to Col. McClure. It evidently is afflicted with convulsions resembling hydrophobia, whenever it sees or hears the name of McClure. To follow it through its tortuous windings and slimy filth would be as distasteful as it is needless, and we shall leave it to enjoy its systematic blackguardism alone.--To vindicate Col. McClure from its impotent ravings, would be to attach degree of importance to its madness that no one either in or out of its own party concedes to it. That Col. McClure has ever libeled Dr. Boyle, no one for a moment believes. He has never named Dr. Boyle on the stump or elsewhere in his political efforts, and we presume he will be scarce of employment when he amuses himself in that way. That Col. McClure has been a faithless man betraying his friends and defeating his ticket, was left for the blind ravings of the Spirit to discover. The peculiar zeal of his friends throughout the County, abundantly shows his fidelity to his principles and to his friends; and the Spirit might save its falsehoods on that point. The last speech made by the lamented Crooks was made in Greencastle in 1857 to contradict and denounce the slanders of the Spirit clique. He declared there that no man supported him with more zeal and fidelity than Col. McClure. We bid the Spirit speed in its work of defamation and falsehood. Let it give seven columns of such vituperation against Col. McClure each week from now until the election and he will receive one thousand majority over Douglas in October next!
General news; advertisements.
Stories and anecdotes; advertisements; the proclamation of the General Election.
Advertisements; general and national news.