Franklin Repository
May 11, 1859
Page 1
Page Description:
Page covered by European news and national features.
Page 2
Page Description:
Page covered by advertisements and "A Romantic Story"
Page 3
Page Description:
Page covered by advertisements, "A Fashionable Woman" and other human-interest stories.
Page 4
(column 4)
Delegates to the State Convention
(column 3)
A Correct Democratic Doctrine
(column 3)
"The Doylestown Standard holds that no member of the Democratic party has a right to exercise his own judgment in regard to public matters. He must `go it blind' with the party, right or wrong, or be excommunicated. A pretty position for an intelligent freeman! To be a good Democrat he must endorse what his judgment condemns! Pennsylvania we think is tired of swallowing such stuff."
County Superintendency
(column 6)
Page 5
Teachers' Convention
(column 1)
Look Out for Burglars
(column 1)
Home Industry
(column 1)
Travelling Water Works
(column 1)
Platform of the States-Rights Democracy
(column 2)
Page 6
Page Description:
Page covered by "Pot of Gold: A True Story" and advertisements.
Page 7
Page Description:
Page covered by "A Word to Mothers," other human interest stories and advertisements.
Page 8
(column 2)
(column 2)
(column 2)