Valley of the Shadow
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Gov. Packer's Annual Message

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" . . . had the Governor advocated the extreme views of the Southern leaders of the Democratic party-views that germinate only in the hot-beds of nullification and disunion--the Spirit would have urged his claims upon the Charleston Convention as its favorite candidate for the Presidency in 1860."

Full Text of Article

Gov. Packer's Annual Message appeared in the Spirit last week without a solitary word of comment, pro or con, upon its merits, or without ever saying to the reader--"In this number of the Spirit will be found Gov. Packer's first annual Message." Had his Excellency denounced the sale of the Public Works, our neighbor would have thrown up his hat in ecstasy; had he favored the Free Trade policy of the English Merchants and Manufacturers--a policy that has been forced upon the Democratic party by its wild and reckless Southern leaders, and which has worked so disastrously to the great interests of our own county--a chuckling grin would and he would have and he would have [sic] clapped his hands with joy; had the Message contained an argument in behalf of the beauties of Slavery and of the Slave Trade, it would have been, doubtless, eulogized by our neighbor as one of notible [sic] merit, and its author, as a Democrat of the straightest sect; had the Governor advocated the extreme views of the Southern leaders of the Democratic party-views that germinate only in the hot-beds of nullification and disunion--the Spirit would have urged his claims upon the Charleston Convention as its favorite candidate for the Presidency in 1860.

But Mr. Packer has seen proper to take the reverse of the above positions, and the consequence is that a large number of the so-called Democratic papers of the State are denouncing him for the independent utterance of his views, and the Spirit is a mum as the grave, which is equivalent to an open opposition.

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Pennsylvania Legislature - Standing Committees

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Agricultural Meeting

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Court Proceedings

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"The following were the proceedings in the several Courts of our countyup to the time of our going to press.

Court Week

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"The January term of Court has brought a great many people to our town. Several interesting trials are to come off, and as usual the niggers are well represented and several days and some hundreds of dollars of the people's money will be spent in this most rediculous farce of the law. We think, if it could be done, a seperate Court, in which the darkies, iwth the Lawyers and Migistrates could get justice, should be established and until this is done, let the people recollect that at MILLER's Drug Store, on the Diamond, is the place to buy the best and cheapest of medicines."

Seriously Burned

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"On yesterday morning John Gibbens, of this place, while standing near a large fire at the Blacksmith Shop of Mr. S. Funk, in a state of intoxication, fell into the fire, and the family being at breakfast at the time, he was not discovered before he was so severely burned that his life is despaired of."
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