Valley Spirit
Columns 1-3 list and review current books and periodicals, including the Atlantic Monthly, Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, Love Me Little, Love Me Long
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Page is difficult to read. Markets in column 4.
The Growing Evil
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--The number of peddling imposters, and itinerant quacks, perambulating the county in every direction, and imposing upon the people, are becoming a nuisance to every neighborhood, and demand some denunciatory notice from the press generally. There is not a town, village or farm house any longer free from their intrusion.--They will thrust themselves into your presence anywhere and everywhere and insist in palming upon you their notions, and should you refuse to purchase, you are expected to put up with whatever quantity of bluster and abuse they may think proper to bestow on you for daring to assert that you are not disposed to be humbugged. In your dealings with such characters, in nine cases out of ten, you are sure to be cheated, if not in the quality of the article, in the price demanded for it. Your own dealers, you will find, can always supply your wants, at fair prices, without requiring you to patronize such "birds of passage." No class of men better understand the value of a favorable newspaper notice than these vagrants, and they make a bold push in every town they visit to secure something of the kind. For such characters we have no affinity--no liking--and if any of them reckon on our services to aid them in fleeing the community they will most assuredly "reckon without their host." Honest praise we admire; and wherever we can say a word in commendation of the handiwork of our own mechanics, or of our merchants, or professional gentlemen, "anything in their line," we will do it most cordially; but strolling mountebanks must excuse us from perpetrating any notice of them calculated to "tickle their fancy," and they may too, make up their minds that their bluster in relation to us is the very worst means possible, to which they can resort, to secure our silence. We would regret to wound the feelings of any worthy man, if there is any such to be found among this class, but so far as our notices of them may be a drawback to their illegitimate traffic we have no regrets to express past, present or future.
A Fine Boat
A Splendid Monument
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--Among the many works of art and skill which adorn the burial grounds attached to the Presbyterian Church, the Monument just erected over the grave of the former wife of our late esteemed townsman, George S. Eyster, is not only an appropriate tribute of affectionate regard from her children, but stands unrivalled for beautiful workmanship, excellence of design and massive proportions. This splendid work of art was executed by Mr. McFadden, of this place, and will add much to his already high reputation as a skillful worker in marble.
Proceedings of the Franklin County Educational Association
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