Augusta County: John Scott to Samuel Hunt, November 18, 1865
Two days after establishing an AMA school in Staunton, Scott writes to report on his initial activities in the Valley. He states that he has been looking for rooms in which to hold school and explains that the teachers "get frequent sneers, but good treatment to the face."
S Hunt
Nov 18/65
Dear Sir
It is Saturday night and I am very weary. Our school commenced night before last and we had two rooms full. The first 3 days of the week we spent in Hunting for rooms in which to teach, the people being bound to keep us out. Last night we had three rooms open and full. To day I have been at work fiting up the the fourth room ready for Monday. The four will hold at least 200
Mr Coan came last eve and will stay thro' the Sabbath
We get frequent sneers, but good treatment to the face. But we are to have to a colored Prayer Meeting here this eve, and I must hurry. They have shut the colored People out of a church which they helped to build and own 1/2 of it. We shall have to open our school rooms for them, altho' I believe they allow them to occupy their own church
If they will have a white leader. I love my work. The books have come that you sent.
But I write you about my trunk. I am suffering for it Send it immediately, or write me God Bless you.
John Scott