Valley of the Shadow
The Eve of War
Fall 1859–Spring 1861

1860 Census and Summaries

Party Affiliation

We were able to identify 300 party activists in Franklin County through the newspapers: 57 percent Democrats and 43 percent Republicans.

Party Activists

Frequency Valid Percent
Democrat 171 57
Republican 129 43
Total 300 100

Household Wealth Cohorts

$0 - $499 $500 - $1,299 $1,300 - $3,599 $3,600 - $9,739 $9,740 + Total
Democrat 14 16 14 31 21 96
Republican 9 10 16 19 25 79
Total 23 26 30 50 46 175

Farm Size (in acres)

0 - 99 100 - 299 300 - 499 500 - 999 1000 + Total
Democrat 4 19 4 0 1 28
Republican 5 16 1 1 0 23
Total 9 35 5 1 1 51

Farm Value

$0 - $2,499 $2,500 - $4,795 $4,796 - $7,799 $7,800 - $10,999 $11,000 + Total
Democrat 2 5 5 9 7 28
Republican 0 5 7 4 7 23
Total 2 10 12 13 14 51

Soil Ratings

Best Medium Worst Total
Democrat 87 76 3 166
Republican 55 70 0 125
Total 142 146 3 291

Proximity of Household to Town

Greater than 1 mile Less than 1 mile Total
Democrat 42 124 166
Republican 34 91 125
Total 76 215 291

The data are based on the GIS of Augusta and Franklin households—maps are derived from a D. H. Davison map of Franklin County, published in 1858, and Jedediah Hotchkiss map of Augusta County, published in 1870 and based on surveys completed “during the war.” The maps have been georeferenced at the Virginia Center for Digital History, using ESRI Arc Info to produce a Geographic Information Systems map and database of households based on U.S. census data from the population, agricultural, and slaveowners schedules.