Valley of the Shadow
The Eve of War
Fall 1859–Spring 1861

1860 Census and Summaries

Age and Party Affiliation, and Precinct Voting in 1860

In Augusta Whigs and Democrats drew party activists from a similar range of ages. In the 1860 election precincts with high levels of Bell, Douglas, and Breckinridge support had similar average ages of voters. In Augusta in the 1860 election, the age of voters did not substantially differentiate the parties.

Age of Head Cohorts: 1860 Candidate

Age of Head Cohorts Bell Breckinridge Douglas
30 years old or younger 4 1 1
31 - 40 years old 12 2 4
41 - 50 years old 10 2 0
51 - 60 years old 3 2 2
More than 61 years old 8 2 1
Total 37 9 8

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts: 1860 Candidate

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts Bell Breckinridge Douglas
30 years old or younger 8 1 2
31 - 40 years old 12 3 4
41 - 50 years old 9 3 1
51 - 60 years old 5 1 1
More than 61 years old 3 1 0
Total 37 9 8

Age of Head Cohorts: Party Affiliation

Age of Head Cohorts Whig Democrat
30 years old or younger 10 1
31 - 40 years old 22 11
41 - 50 years old 12 3
51 - 60 years old 14 6
More than 61 years old 17 6
Total 75 27

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts: Party Affiliation

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts Whig Democrat
30 years old or younger 14 1
31 - 40 years old 26 16
41 - 50 years old 13 4
51 - 60 years old 16 4
More than 61 years old 5 2
Total 74 27

Age of Head Cohorts: Precinct and Victor

Precinct Victor 30 years old or younger 31 - 40 years old 41 - 50 years old 51 - 60 years old More than 61 years old Total
Staunton, Precinct No. 1 Bell 2 15 11 7 3 38
Staunton, Precinct No. 2 Bell 4 19 13 7 6 49
Waynesborough Bell 5 14 6 6 8 39
Churchville Bell 6 15 16 11 7 55
Mt. Sidney Bell 5 14 6 13 9 47
Middlebrook Bell 3 5 7 6 7 28
Greenville Bell 1 7 5 10 3 26
Fishersville Bell 14 12 5 6 7 44
New Hope Bell 10 41 21 15 10 97
Mt. Meridian Bell 7 10 8 5 10 40
Mt. Solon Bell 10 18 16 8 5 57
Deerfield Bell 2 7 8 9 7 33
Craigsville Bell 5 11 2 4 6 28
Stuart's Draft Bell 5 7 7 6 12 37
Swoope's Draft Bell 9 5 12 12 4 42
Shernado Bell 4 7 4 6 0 21
Parnassus Douglas 7 11 10 11 6 45
Spring Hill Bell 4 8 10 8 6 36
Newport Bell 2 8 3 5 3 21
Midway Bell 2 2 3 5 2 14
13.40% 29.60% 21.70% 20.10% 15.20% 100%
Total 107 236 173 160 121 797

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts: Precinct and Victor

Precinct Victor 30 years old or younger 31 - 40 years old 41 - 50 years old 51 - 60 years old More than 61 years old Total
Staunton, Precinct No. 1 Bell 6 16 10 4 1 37
Staunton, Precinct No. 2 Bell 7 23 12 2 4 48
Waynesborough Bell 6 18 7 3 4 38
Churchville Bell 13 18 13 7 2 53
Mt. Sidney Bell 9 19 6 7 4 45
Middlebrook Bell 5 5 11 5 2 28
Greenville Bell 3 9 4 7 1 24
Fishersville Bell 17 14 7 2 4 44
New Hope Bell 21 41 18 11 6 97
Mt. Meridian Bell 11 10 13 3 3 40
Mt. Solon Bell 13 21 14 7 2 57
Deerfield Bell 3 10 8 7 5 33
Craigsville Bell 4 10 5 6 3 28
Stuart's Draft Bell 7 12 9 3 4 35
Swoope's Depot Bell 10 14 9 6 2 41
Shernado Bell 6 6 3 5 1 21
Parnassus Douglas 7 17 13 6 1 44
Spring Hill Bell 6 10 15 4 1 36
Newport Bell 4 8 4 4 1 21
Midway Bell 3 7 2 1 1 14
Total 161 288 183 100 52 784

Age of Head Cohorts: Precinct and High Candidate Support

Precinct High Candidate Support 30 years old or younger 31 - 40 years old 41 - 50 years old 51 - 60 years old More than 61 years old Total
Churchville Bell 6 15 16 11 7 55
Deerfield Bell 2 7 8 9 7 33
Craigsville Bell 5 11 2 4 6 28
Average High Bell 4.3 11 8.7 8 6.7 38.7
Percentage 11.10% 28.40% 22.50% 20.70% 17.30% 100%
Stuart's Draft Breckinridge 5 7 7 6 12 37
Sherando Breckinridge 4 7 4 6 0 21
Middlebrook Breckinridge 3 5 7 6 7 28
Average High Breckinridge 4 6.3 6 6 6.3 28.7
Percentage 13.90% 22.00% 20.90% 20.90% 22.00% 100%
Spring Hill Douglas 4 8 10 8 6 36
Parnassus Douglas 7 11 10 11 6 45
Mt. Sidney Douglas 5 14 6 13 9 47
Average High Douglas 5.3 11 8.7 10.7 7 42.7
Percentage 12.40% 25.80% 20.40% 25.10% 16.40% 100%
County Average 13.40% 29.60% 21.70% 20.10% 15.20% 100%

Age of All Voting Males Cohorts: Precinct and High Candidate Support

Precinct High Candidate Support 30 years old or younger 31 - 40 years old 41 - 50 years old 51 - 60 years old More than 61 years old Total
Churchville Bell 13 18 13 7 2 53
Deerfield Bell 3 10 8 7 5 33
Craigsville Bell 4 10 5 6 3 28
Average High Bell 6.7 12.7 8.7 6.7 3.3 38
Percentage 17.60% 33.40% 22.90% 17.60% 8.70% 100%
Stuart's Draft Breckinridge 7 12 9 3 4 35
Sherando Breckinridge 6 6 3 5 1 21
Middlebrook Breckinridge 5 5 11 5 2 28
Average High Bell 6 7.7 7.7 4.3 2.3 28
Percentage 21.40% 27.50% 27.50% 15.40% 8.20% 100%
Spring Hill Douglas 6 10 15 4 1 36
Parnassus Douglas 7 17 13 6 1 44
Mt. Sidney Douglas 9 19 6 7 4 45
Average High Douglas 7.3 15.3 11.3 5.7 2 41.7
Percentage 17.50% 36.70% 27.10% 13.70% 4.80%
County Average 13.40% 29.60% 21.70% 20.10% 15.20% 100%