Valley of the Shadow
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Judge Black On Political Preaching

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The Soldiers' Convention

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We give in this week's issue a pretty full account of the great Johnson Clymer Soldiers' Convention held at Harrisburg on Wednesday last. This convention was a grand success, exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its friends. Over several hundred regularly elected delegates were in attendance, representing every county in the State. In addition to the regular delegates, large delegations of soldiers from various parts of the State were present, who came a spectators to give encouragement by their presence to the great cause for which they fought in the field--namely, the maintenance of the Union and the Constitution. At least five thousand veteran soldiers were in Harrisburg on that day, many of them maimed and giving other evidence of hard service in the field, and all animated by a firm determination to complete with the ballot the great work for which they took up arms and risked their lives on the bloody field of battle. It was encouraging to see the noble enthusiasm which inspires these brave men as they sent up cheer after cheer for JOHNSON, CLYMER AND THE UNION.

This grand demonstration of the "boys is true" has struck terror in the hearts of the Geary disunionists. It is the handwriting on the wall which portends their utter and overwhelming defeat in October. Before the convention met they undertook to ridicule it, but since it has proved a magnificent success they have no other resort than hard lying to counteracts influence on the people. The Harrisburg Telegraph we should judge, has been employed by its party to lie by contract and for pay. That any editor, however depraved would do the wholesale lying of the Telegraph merely for the fun of the thing is hardly a supportable case. And more than that, Bergner has not the representation of doing the dirty work of his party for nothing--it is not his style. We suggest to Mr. Jordan, Chairman of the Republican State Committee, to pay the Hessian well, in order to atone in some degree in this world for the torments he will have to endure in the next. The work, however has not been well performed by the Telegraph--its lies have been gotten up in rather a bungling manner for an adept in the business. For instance, it characterizes the convention as a "failure," a "fizzle," &c., and then calls for a [UNCLEAR] meeting of Geary soldiers to "counteract the influence" of the "fizzle." If the Clymer Convention was a "fizzle" where is the necessity of counteracting its influence? A "fizzle" could hardly be said to have any influence to counteract.

But all the lying the Telegraph and kindred sheets in the State can do will not destroy the influence of this Convention or the October election. It shows conclusively that the hearts of the real soldiers--the ranK and file of the army are--with US TWO TO ONE. It will inspire the conservative masses of the State with fresh courage and lead them to increased exertions on behalf of Constitutional liberty and a restored Union. It is a bright omen of the election of Hiester Clymer by not less than twenty thousand majority

The Congressional Nomination

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The Democratic Conference for this district will meet shortly to nominate a candidate for Congress. There are three candidates in the field, Messrs. Sharpe, Coffroth and McSherry. Somerset and Bedford have instructed for Coffroth, Franklin and Fulton for Sharpe, and Adams for McSherry. This makes it an interesting fight, with Adams county holding the balance of power.

We have nothing to say against any of the gentlemen named--they are all good men and would doubtless represent the district in Congress with credit alike to themselves and their constituents, if elected--but we hope to be pardoned for making a mere allus on the distinguished gentlemen presented by the Democracy of Franklin county. We present the name of J. McDowell Sharpe, Esq., a gentleman whose eminent talents and unbounded popularity are known and appreciated not only throughout this district but throughout the State. We ask his nomination at the hands of the conference, first, because our county, being the largest in the district and not having had a candidate since the district was formed, is properly entitled to the nomination; and second, because we believe, without intending to disparage the popularity of the other gentlemen named, that Mr. Sharpe will poll a larger vote in the district than any other man that can be nominated. This is our claim in a few words, and we respectfully ask the conference to give it a careful consideration when it meets.

The New Orleans Riot

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Very Significant

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The Clymer Soldier Convention

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Local and Personal--All Honor To Mercersburg

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Local and Personal--Fatal Accident

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Local and Personal--The Disunion County Convention

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Local and Personal--A Sad Accident

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Local and Personal--Leg Broken

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Local and Personal--Base Ball

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Local and Personal--Another Fire

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