Valley of the Shadow
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Includes a reprint of a letter about opposition to abolition in Tennessee, as well as a report on a rally in Detroit to protest the arrest of Vallandigham.

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"We were almost ready to issue when the rebel Jenkins made his first appearance, and we again attempted it last week, and were just ready to go to press when the whole rebel army arrived in town and again suspended operations."

Full Text of Article

Some weeks since, the editor of the Vicksburg Whig, apologized for the non-appearance of his paper, by saying the Yankee shells burst so close to the windows of the office that the hands were unable to work. We must give our readers a similar excuse for the non-appearance of our paper for the last three weeks. It will be seen the outside of this issue bears date June 17th. We were almost ready to issue when the rebel Jenkins made his first appearance, and we again attempted it last week, and were just ready to go to press when the whole rebel army arrived in town and again suspended operations. We hope the interruption is now over, and will issue this number, thought the suspension and irregularity of the mails, renders it uncertain whether our subscribers will get their papers at the usual time.

The State Convention

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New York First in the Field

(column 1)

The Battles of Gettysburg

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"All honor to this gallant Army! Nobly and completely has it redeemed the disasters of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville! And a terrible lesson has it taught the defiant rebel horde who flaunted their banners so insultingly in our faces, and boasted that they could march and plunder and destroy wheresoever they pleased."

Full Text of Article

The reports which the newspapers and eye-witnesses bring us of the three great battles near Gettysburg, are not very full and satisfactory, but enough is known to warrant the assertion that we have achieved a complete and glorious victory over the enemy. The first engagement began at nine o'clock on Wednesday morning, July 1st, about two miles this side of Gettysburg, on the Chambersburg turnpike. The forces engaged on our side were only the first and eleventh corps, under command of Generals Reynolds and Howard, the other corps not having arrived on the field. We were compelled to fall back a mile or so, during the great portion of the day, but regained nearly all the lost ground before night. During the night the greater portion of our army came up, and all were in position by daylight. The enemy did not commence the attack until four o'clock in the afternoon. The engagement lasted until dusk, and the enemy were repulsed at all points and driven back with great slaughter. At daylight on Friday morning the fight was again resumed, the enemy being the attacking party. We held our own until noon, when an advance was made along our whole line. The rebels hotly contested every foot of ground, but were driven back to the foot of the mountain, leaving the ground covered with their killed and wounded. Our forces captured several thousand prisoners and a large number of cannon. This engagement is said to have been the hottest of the war. So completely were Lee's columns shattered that he commenced rapidly to retreat along the mountain the same night, our cavalry and artillery harrassing [sic] him at every step. He took the route by Millerstown, through Monterey towards Boonsboro, and will doubtless, unless he is completely cut off, go by way of Hagerstown to the river at Williamsport. Here his retreat has been most effectually checked, by the destruction of his pontoon bridges by Colonel French. A large portion of our forces will probably succeed in getting between the retreating army and the river. In which case, if the rebel general is brought to bay, he may make an obstinate stand, and another desperate battle may be fought, probably on or near the old Antietam battle-field. Whether any considera[b]l[e] portion of the rebel army ever succeeds in recrossing the river, there can be no doubt that the greater part of their immense wagon train will be captured. This train retreated by Newman's pass through Greenwood, New Franklin and Greencastle. Already fifty or sixty wagons have been taken, and if the river continues high, the entire train must fall into our hands. Thus far the victory of our army, under command of the gallant Meade, has been most complete and over-whelming; and it only remains to be seen whether the scattered remnants of the rebel host succeed in gaining the Virginia shore and saving themselves annihilation. Meade has been largely reinforced, and he has already done so magnificently that we hope of still better things from the Army of the Potomac. All honor to this gallant Army! Nobly and completely has it redeemed the disasters of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville! And a terrible lesson has it taught the defiant rebel horde who flaunted their banners so insultingly in our faces, and boasted that they could march and plunder and destroy wheresoever they pleased.

The Rebel Invasion

(column 2)


"So much for the 'pomp and circumstance of glorious war.' We might stop here, and call this the sunshine of war. But the picture must have its dark shading. At first this advance of the rebel army seemed like some grand review, but soon we began to feel the heavy burden, and to tast[e] the gall and worm-wood of bondage."

Full Text of Article

Southern Pennsylvania has again been occupied by a portion of the rebel army. The apprehension of another invasion of the State had been general amongst the people since the latter part of May; and that apprehension was confirmed by the large body of the enemy's cavalry which General Pleasanton found massed on the upper Rappahannock, and by the subsequent news of the disaster to our arms in the Valley of Virginia. By eight o'clock, on Monday morning, the 14th of June, there was no longer any room to doubt the whereabouts and purpose of the Confederate army. A portion of Milroy's supply train, which fortunately was absent from Winchester when our forces evacuated, and was making its escape northward, when near Chambersburg, was seized with a frightful panic, and dashed through the town at a furious rate, the teamsters shouting "The rebels are coming!" "They are close after us!" Such a scene of wild excitement and consternation we have never witnessed before. Drivers were swearing and yelling at the top of their lungs; wheels were run off from wagons, and horses fell dead in the streets from sheer exhaustion; and still the grand stampede continued, every man and horse seeming animated with the one desire of saving himself from rebel clutches. This extraordinary spectacle served to alarm our citizens seriously. The merchants at once proceeded to close their stores and to remove and secrete their most valuable merchandize; and the timid and fearful prepared to "skedaddle" without loss of time. About this time a telegraphic message was received from the operator at Hagerstown, to the following effect, "The rebels are in town, I am off." While this dispatch showed that the enemy were not yet in Pennsylvania, it also proved that they were on their way hither. And so the preparations for their reception were continued. It was too late to prepare for defense against such a large body as was reported advancing, and all who remained in town resolved to make their property as secure as possible, and then calmly submit to their fate.

The vicinity of the Cumberland Valley depot presented a scene of lively interest. The Railroad Company were preparing to remove their rolling stock and the machinery from the shops; and almost every family had some valuables they wished transported to places of greater safety, while many were anxious to go themselves. Those who had horses and cattle were startling them down the eastern turnpike or running them off to the mountains. Our colored populations, and particularly the "contrabands," were alarmed beyond measure. Some fled to the woods, others sought protection in the houses of the citizens, and others succeeded in getting charge of some of the "skedaddling" horses, and thus made good their own escape and, at the same time, conveyed the hors[e] flesh to a place of safety.

About dusk, Lieutenant Palmer, of the provost guard, came in and reported the rebels in force this side of Greencastle and advancing towards Chambersburg. And at eleven o'clock at night, the advance guard arrived at the southern end of town, enquired for some of the principal citizens, demanded the surrender of the town, and gave notice that the town would be burned if they were fired on from any of the houses. Subsequently a squad of them dashed down Main street, and when near the Diamond were met by a party of citizens, who succeeded in capturing three of them and running off their horses. The remainder the party wheeled and retreated to their main column, which soon advanced and took possession of the town. General Jenkins, the officer in command, established his headquarters at Montgomery's hotel. While the main body proceeded to the eastern end of the town, and encamped in and around the farm of Colonel McClure. They then threw out their pickets towards Green Village and Scotland, a portion of whom proceeded to burn the railroad bridge over the Conococheague, at the latter place, as a precaution against an advance of the federal forces. Guards were also thrown along all the roads leading out of the town, and thus all egress and ingress of the citizens was effectually stopped, and we were cut off from the civilized world.

On Tuesday morning, Jenkins issued an order requiring the dry-good's, grocery and drug stores to be opened; and assured the citizens nothing should be taken but such clothing, provisions and drugs as the men needed. Each of the four drug stores was placed in charge of a surgeon, who examined the stock on hand, and indicated such artitcles [sic] as they wanted; which articles they packed in boxes and took with them, and for most of which they paid the prices asked in Confederate money. The dry goods and grocery stores were crowded with customers during their stay; and the rebels generally seemed willing to pay in their own scrip whatever prices the merchants placed upon their goods. Jenkins also ordered the immediate release of the three prisoners, who had been taken by the citizens, and declared immediate release of the three prisoners, who had been taken by the citizens, and declared he would hold the borough authorities responsible for the return of the captured horses. The prisoners were released, and as the horses could not be found, having doubtless been run off to the mountains by their captors, the Town Council, after a brief consultation, determined to give them $900, in rebel scrip, which was obtained from the druggists and merchants. This seemed to satisfy them for their loss.

On Wednesday morning Jenkins issued an order to Colonel Hoskinson, Chief Burgess, requiring him to have all the arms in possession of the citizens delivered at the Court House, by ten o'clock, in default of which all the houses were to be searched. Quite a number of the citizens complied with the order. About four hundred and fifty guns were handed over, but many of them, being shot guns or light fowling pieces, were given back to their owners. They, however, succeeded in getting some fine rifles, in this way. And about ten o'clock, the same day, a courier arrived at Jenkin's headquarters, from the direction of Hagerstown, bringing, as it proved, an order for him to fall back. For immediately after the arrival of this messenger, the General gave orders for his command to prepare for a backward movement. They commenced to fall back at once, and by one o'clock in the afternoon had all left town. Just before leaving, some of the rear guard fired the warehouse of Messrs. Oaks & Linn, but the flames were soon extinguished by the citizens and a large and destructive fire thus prevented. Some of this party were fired on by citizens and the fire was returned, but no one was injured on either side.

In their departure, this force of Jenkins carried away a large number of our colored population, old and young, male and female. Some of these were "contrabands," who had come to us from Virginia, but many of them were free, and had been born here and had lived here all their lives. Some were driven along the road by a guard, others were mounted behind some of the cavalry, and others were tied to the wagons. Some of them were very cruelly treated, and the general distress and consternation among them was pitiful to behold.

It was first thought that this move of Jenkins was a mere raid, and, when they left us, we had almost begun to think the worst was over. But we soon learned that they had retired no further than Greencastle, from which point they made incursions to Waynesboro', Mercersburg and McConnelsburg, and scoured and ravaged the whole southern portion of the County. We also learned that Ewell's and Longstreet's corps were at Hagerstown, and then the impression became general, that Jenkins advance was a reconnaissance in force, to be followed, at an early day, by a general movement of the rebel army.

During Thursday, Friday and Saturday, nothing of importance occurred. The Rail Road company, with commendable energy and alacrity, proceeded at once to rebuild the Scotland bridge. And the citizens began forming themselves into companies as rapidly as possible. The great obstacle to such organizations was the want of arms. But assurances were received from Governor Curtin that as soon as these organizations were completed, and transportation could be had, the arms would be furnished. Some four or five companies were almost full, when the second sudden appearance of the rebels, and the want of arms, served to disband them for the time.

On Sunday the Eighth regiment of New York militia marched into town, and met with a perfect ovation from the citizens. Cambric and the Union colors fluttered from almost every window, and cheer after cheer rent the air. They halted in the Diamond and were soon supplied with loads of substantials and delicacies from the hands of the fair ones; to which the brave defenders responded by many a hearty cheer for the ladies and citizens of Chambersburg. They marched to the Southern end of the town and there encamped for the night, where they were joined on Monday by the Seventy-first New York and a battery (both of which also met a cordial reception), and by as many of the citizens as were supplied with arms. Brig. Gen. Joseph F. Knipe, also arrived on Sunday and took command.

On Monday evening it was found that the enemy were again advancing in great force, and all our infantry and artillery were withdrawn from the southern end of town and sent towards Shippensburg. At the same time the post-office was also removed. The information then received proved correct. At a quarter before eleven o'clock on Tuesday, the cavalry of Jenkins again entered the town. Squads were at once detailed to cut down the telegraph poles and destroy the wires, which they did most effectually. They also went down the rail road, tearing up the rails, placing the cross-ties in heaps and burning them, and throwing the rails into the fire, for the purpose of warping them. They attempted to burn Scotland bridge again, it only having been completed the day before, but the timber being wet, they failed in their attempt, and then proceeded to destroy it, as far as they were able, by cutting and sawing the timbers. About eleven o'clock at night this party again fell back. And at ten the next morning the general advance was made--First came an immense body of cavalry, steadily and quietly, every man with his hand on his carbine, and his eye glancing suspiciously at each open window and door. Then came the infantry, Ewells celebrated corps, formerly commanded by Stonewall Jackson, full fifteen thousand strong, in three divisions, each regiment bearing the "Stars and Bars" or some regimental or State flag, and their bands, or drum corps discoursing "the Bonnie Blue Flag," "Dixie," or "The Marsel[l]aise." There was but little confusion or noise, nothing but the tramp, tramp of thousands of feet, and the continual monotonous rattle of canteens and equipments. First came a brigade, then its artillery, then its ambulances, and then its baggage train. And so the march continued, during the entire day, until the novelty wore off, and the eye began to tire with the endless succession and the heart grew sick over the gloomy prospect before our happy valley. One division of Ewells corps, that of Early comprising 5,000 men and twenty guns, with a small cavalry force, had been sent by way of Greenwood directly over the mountains towards Gettysburg. On their way they burned the furnace of Thaddeus Stevens, located at the western base of South mountain. On Thursday came the corps of A.P. Hill full twelve thousand strong; and on Friday came that of Longstreet. They occupied almost these entire three days in passing through town. And the entire force numbered, by actual count, fully fifty thousand men two hundred and ten cannon, twelve, twenty-four and thirty-two pounders, and over two thousand wagons. This of course does not include Earley's division, and one or two other brigades, which are known to have positively gone over the mountain by other routes than the turnpike from this to Gettysburg. We would not estimate the rebel force which passed through this valley at less than 75,000 strong, and it might reach 85,000.

General Lee and staff entered town with the corps of Hill, and made their Headquarters for two days, in what is commonly known as Shetter's woods, about a fourth of a mile east of town. The General is a stoutly built man, apparently about fifty years of age, with gray hair and a stiff, scrubbly gray beard. He was dressed very plainly, with not a single mark of his rank about him, wearing a black slouch hat without ornament, dark blue or black military cape, and plain gary [sic] pantaloons. The men with whom we conversed speak of him as a rigid disciplinarian, but think he is the greatest general the world has ever produced. "Old Bob Lee," as they all call him, whatever may be his real ability, at least possesses the unbounded confidence of his men, and herein lies the great secret of his previous successes.

Stewart's and Imboden's cavalry brought up the rear of the army on Thursday, July 2nd. They had scarcely reached town when a courier came from Lee, hurrying them and the regiment which was here doing provost duty, on to Gettysburg. This was the first intimation that we had that the great battle was imminent. By Friday evening there was not a rebel to be seen in town, except some stragglers, who were taken prisoners, as fast as they came in, and confined in the jail or sent east.

Captain Boyd, of the First New York cavalry, who had been scouting between this and Shippensburg, made a brilliant dash upon a party of Stewart's cavalry, near Stoufferstown, about one mile from this place, on Thursday afternoon, and succeeded in taking forty prisoners, losing none in killed and only one or two slightly wounded. Captain Boyd and Lieutenant Palmer have done gallant service in harras[s]ing the enemy in this vicinity, and have taken a large number of prisoners, wagons and horses.

Early on Sunday morning Ex-Sheriff Taylor, David Taylor, Alexander Martin and one or two others of this place, captured a rebel train of ten wagons, containing fifty wounded men from the battle of Gettysburg.

Among the celebrities of the army we succeeded in seeing Lee, Ewell, A.P. Hill, Longstreet, Early, Rhodes, Picketts, Wright, E.T. Johnson, Imboden and Stewart. Ewell lost a leg at Anteitam [sic], and when riding is strapped to his saddle; Early also seemed to have a wooden leg; Hill, Rhodes and Picketts are comparatively young men; Imboden and Stewart are well up in years. Colonel Battles of Alabama was the first provost marshal of the town. He established his headquarters in the Court-House, he was courteous and gentlemanly, and his guard, with scarcely an exception, behaved well. Afterwards the guard was changed every day, and we had some rough customers to deal with. The promises and pledges made one day were invariably broken the next; and interferance [sic] with private property finally became the rule and not the exception.

So much for the "pomp and circumstance of glorious war." We might stop here, and call this the sunshine of war. But the picture must have its dark shading. At first this advance of the rebel army seemed like some grand review, but soon we began to feel the heavy burden, and to tast[e] the gall and worm-wood of bondage. Soon after Jenkins' second arrival he issued a requisition upon the citizens of Chambersburg for fifteen hundred rations. There was no alternative but to furnish them; at least there was only one alternative, and that was to have the provisions taken from their houses by force. A stranger, visiting town about this time, would have thought we were preparing for some grand picnic. Old and young might be seen trudging along with their baskets or bundles of provision. When Ewell entered town, he made his headquarters at the Franklin House, and his first act was to issue the following requisitions:

Headquarters 2nd Army Corps,
June 24th, 1863.

To the authorities of Chambersburg, Pa.:

By direction of Lieut. Gen. R.S. Ewell, I require the following articles:

5,000 suits clothing, including hats, boots and shoes.
100 good saddles.
100 good bridles.
5,000 bushels grain (corn or oats.)
10,000 lbs. sole leather.
10,000 lbs. horse shoes.
400 lbs. horse shoe nails.
Also, the use of Printing office, and two printers to report at once.

All articles except grain will be delivered at the Court House Square, at 3 o'clock, P.M. today, and the grain by 6 o'clock, P.M., today.

J.A. Harmon.
Maj. and Ch.Q. 2nd Corps De Arm.

Headquarters 2nd Army Corps,
June 24th, 1863.

By command of Lieut. Gen. R.S. Ewell the citizens of Chambersburg will furnish the following articles, by 3 o'clock, this afternoon,

6,000 lbs. lead.
10,000 lbs. harness leather.
50 boxes tin.
1,000 curry combs and brushes.
2,000 lbs. picket rope.
500 pistols.
All the caps and powder in the town.
Also, all the neats foot oil.

Wm. Allen, M and C.

Subsequently another requisition was sent in for the following articles:

50,000 lbs. bread.
100 sacks salt.
30 bbls. molasses.
500bbls. flour.
25 do vinegar.
25 do beans.
25 do dried fruit.
25 do sour-kraut
25 do potatoes.
11,000 lbs. coffee.
10,000 lbs. sugar.
100,000 lbs. hard bread.

A meeting of the citizens was called at once. It was estimated that the articles called for would be worth between three and four hundred thousand dollars, and it was decided peremptorily to refuse to furnish anything, and a number of gentlemen were appointed to wait on Gen. Ewell, and refuse the demand, and at the same time represent that we were in his power, and that all we asked was to be governed strictly by the rules of war. After this refusal, guards were sent to all the stores, the military authorities took pos[s]ession of such groceries, hardware, flour, drugs, soaps &c. as they wanted. And then the merchants were directed to keep their stores open and sell to those who wish to buy for confederate scrip, on pain of having their doors burst open and their goods taken without any remuneration. Mr. S. S. Shryock sold books and stationary to the amount of $8000 in Rebel paper. The Messrs. Eyster sold dry goods and groceries to the amount of $5000, and a number of others to the amount of $2000 and $3000. There was not a store of any prominence that did not suffer heavily. Those who did not open at the first demand were compelled to see their doors broken in. The officer who seemed to have particular charge of this delightful piece of work was a Major Tod[illegible]a brother of Mrs. Lincoln. The doughty Major come [sic] very near getting his skull split, however, by one of our brave and patriotic young ladies. She had taken her position in the cellar of her father's private house, which they insisted on searching, and as they came to the cellar stairs, she stood there with an axe in her hands, and calmly informed the major if he came one step further she would knock his brains out. Thinking discretion the better part of valor the major withdrew.

At eight o'clock on Wednesday morning, July 1st, the destruction of the Railroad works began. During the present season, the engine house, carpenter shop, blacksmith and machine shops, which had been burned by Stuart in his raid last fall, had all been again erected, in an improved style and almost fire proof, and the only way to destroy them was to blow them up or tear them down by hand. The latter plan was adopted. The first assault was upon the engine house. The large wooden doors and window shutters and sash were torn loose, thrown upon the turn table and burned, as was also the wood work in the other shops and in the company's ware house. Then the work of destruction commenced in reality. Parties of a half a dozen, using railroad iron as battering rams, began to undermine the walls about a foot from the ground, after thus undermining a certain distance, each wall crumbled and fell of its own weight, bringing a portion of the roof with it. This mode of destruction was most complete. The entire ends and sides of several buildings fell out, leaving scarcely one brick upon another; and the few walls which were left standing were so shattered as to be of no service. They attacked the wooden car house and the small building occupied by the telegraph office with axes and saws and had not completed their work in this quarter, when the order came from Lee to prepare three day's rations and start immediately for Gettysburg. Had it not been for the interruption, they would doubtless have cut down and burned the whole of these buildings. The turn table is on an improved plan, being constructed entirely of iron; and the object of having the burning material upon it, was to warp and crack the iron, so as to render it unservice[a]ble. In this they were only partially successful, and the damage can be readily repaired.

Among the heaviest losers are the Messrs Taylor, who had an entire drove of two hundred fat cattle captured, in McConnell's Cove, Fulton County, while on their way to this place from Western Virginia. Their loss will reach eleven thousand dollars. Some of our millers too have been very heavy losers. The Messrs Harkleroad have lost very heavily, as also Mr. John Barr and Mr. Henry Greenawalt. And all those farmers who did not send away their stock had them taken, some of whom cannot well afford the loss. What the general loss in this county will be when booked up, we have yet no means of telling; but it is safe to say, that, leaving out of consideration the general damage to property and land, it will not fall under two hundred thousand dollars. So much for three weeks of rebel rule in Franklin County.

The rebel army were better clad and shod than we expected to see them. Their clothes were much worn, faded and scuffed, but there were comparitively [sic] few whom you could positively call "ragged," and we did not see a hundred men in their bare feet. Their general demeanor was civil and quiet, though several citizens were deprived of hats, coats, and shoes, which some of the dilapidated chivalry immediately appropriated to their own use, and one or two lost their watches and pocket books. As soon as the enemy entered town, guards were placed over all the liquor that was reported to the commanding general, the soldiers were refused admittance into any of the bar rooms or saloons. And we only saw one or two cases of drunkenness. Lee's first order was as follows:

Headquarters Army of Northern Va.,
Chambersburg, Pa., 27th June, 1863.

General Orders,

No 73.

The Commanding General has observed with marked satisfaction, the conduct of the troops on the march and confidently anticipates results commensurate with the high spirit they have manifested.

No troops could have displayed greater fortitude or better performed the arduous marches of the past ten days.

Their conduct in other respects has, with few exceptions, been in keeping with their character as soldiers and entitles them to approbation and praise.

There have, however, been instances of forgetfulness on the part of some, that they have in keeping the yet unsullied reputation of this army, and that the duties exacted of us by civilization and christianity are not lest obligatory in the country of the enemy than in our own.

The Commanding General considers that no greater disgrace could befall the army, and through it, our whole people than the perpetration of the barbarous outrages upon the unarmed and defenceless, and the wanton destruction of private property, that have marked the course of the enemy in our own country.

Such proceedings not only degrade the perpetrators and all connected with them, but are subversive of the discipline and efficiency of the army, and destructive of the ends of presenl [sic] movement.

It must be remembered that we make war only upon armed men, and that we cannot take venge[a]nce for the wrongs our people have suffered without lowering ourselves in the eyes of all whose abhorrence has been excited by the atrocities of our enemies, and offending against Him to whom vengeance belongeth, without whose favor and support our efforts must all prove in vain.

The Commanding General therefore earnestly exhorts the troops to abstain with most scrupulous care from unnecessary or wanton injury to private property, and he enjoins upon all officers to arrest and bring to summary punishment al who shall in any way offend against orders on this subject.

R.E. Lee, General.

In despite of this order, however, a number of private houses and offices were entered, and two or three book cases and iron safes were broken open, and many valuable books and papers destroyed and carried away. A number of farmers houses in the country were also ransacked and pillaged.

A notable feature in the rebel army was the immense quantity of wagons and horses they brouget [sic] with them. Many of those were captured from our forces, and others were taken from the surrounding country. A large number of horses, wagons, ambulances and caissons bore the mark "U.S." There is a probability that a great portion of their immense train will be recaptured.

The Great Battle Near Gettysburg

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Page also includes War Department circulars concerning the draft, as well as an article detailing the nomination of Vallandigham for Governor by Ohio Democrats.

The Fourth

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"The rebels had all disappeared and it was resolved to honor the day with appropriate ceremonies as far as circumstances would permit."


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Hung Himself

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"The rebels had carried away all his stock and grain, and his mind became totally impaired."

Full Text of Article

Early on Sunday morning last, Mr. Absalom Shetter residing half a mile east of town, committed suicide by hanging. The rebels had carried away all his stock and grain, and his mind became totally impaired. He was found hanging in the orchard, whither he had wandered during the night. As soon as he was discovered, an inquest was summoned by Esquire Hamman, who returned a verdict of death by hanging.


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"The Keystone Brigade"

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"Col. McKibben, in command of the 158th, is a brave and gallant soldier, and the men composing his regiment are among the best that has yet left our County for the field."
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Classified advertisements