Valley of the Shadow
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The Emancipation Proclamation--General Order Issued by Gen. McClellan

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"'The remedy for political errors,' (says the order) 'if any are committed, is to be found only in the action of the people at the polls.' Well said, noble 'Little Mac!' That is the remedy, and the people are about to apply it to the wounds which have been inflicted upon our country, our Constitution and our laws."

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General Order Issued by Gen. McClellan.

General Order No. 163.

Head-Quarters Army of the Potomac, Camp near Sharpsburg, October 7.--The attention of the officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac is called to General Order No. 132, War Department, September 29th, 1862, publishing to the army the President's proclamation of September 22d.

A proclamation of such grave moment to the nation, officially communicated to the army, affords the General Commanding an opportunity of defining specifically to the officers and soldiers under his command, the relation borne by all persons in the military service of the United States towards the civil authorities of the Government.

The Constitution confides to the civil authorities legislative, judicial and executive powers, and the duty of asking, expounding and executing the Federal laws. Armed forces are raised and supported simply to sustain the civil authorities, and are to be held in strict subordination thereto in all respects. This fundamental rule of our political system is essential to the security of our Republican institutions, and should be thoroughly understood and observed by every soldier.

The principle upon which, and the objects for which armies shall be employed in suppressing Rebellion, must be determined and declared by the civil authorities, and the Chief Executive, who is charged with the administration of the national affairs, is the proper and only source through which the views and orders of the Government can be made known to the armies of the nation.

Discussions by officers and soldiers concerning public measures determined upon and declared by the Government, when carried out beyond the ordinary temperate and respectful expression of opinion, tend greatly to impair and destroy the discipline and efficiency of the troops by substituting the spirit of political faction for that firm, steady and earnest support of the authority of the Government which is the inherent duty of the American soldier.

The remedy for political errors, if any are committed, is to be found only in the action of the people at the polls. In thus calling the attention of this army to the true relation between the soldiers and the Government, the General Commanding merely adverts to an evil against which it has been thought advisable during our whole history to guard the armies of the Republic, and in so doing he will not be considered by any right minded person as casting any reflection upon that loyalty and good conduct which has been so fully illustrated upon so many battle-fields.

In carrying out all measures of public policy this army will, of course, be guided by the same rules of mercy and Christianity that have ever controlled its conduct towards the defenceless.

By command of Major General McClellan.
James A. Hardie.
Lieut. Col. A.D.C., A. Assist. Adj. Gen.

This general order, says the Constitutional Union, is characteristic of the gallant man who issued it. It assumes no dictatorial tone; but, in temperate, respectful and conciliatory language, counsels--not orders--submission; and deprecates discussions which might possibly impair and destroy the discipline and efficiency of the troops. It also points to the remedy!

"The remedy for political errors," (says the order) "if any are committed, is to be found only in the action of the people at the polls." Well said, noble "Little Mac!" That is the remedy, and the people are about to apply it to the wounds which have been inflicted upon our country, our Constitution and our laws. God be thanked, that while Abolition zealots would deny free speech--imprison without cause and without hearing--set truth and justice at defiance, that there is yet a remedy left us. The people yet remain. The glorious privilege of the right of suffrage is, for a while at least, guaranteed us, and that privilege will be exercised in its fullest, broadest and most significant sense on Tuesday next. Prudential reasons may properly draw forth General McClellan's order No. 163, and prudential reasons will draw forth thousands on Tuesday next to vindicate the laws and the Constitution of the Union.

Abolitionism Against Working White Men

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"If the Abolition Republican party have control of the next Congress, they will bend all their legislation in favor of negro labor, and in opposition to the interests of white men. The question now is, 'black against white labor.'"

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We find the following correspondence between E.M. Stanton, Secretary of War, and Brigadier General Tuttle, commanding the Federal forces at Cairo, Ill., in the Western papers. It is highly important to white men:

Cairo, September 18, 1862.

To Hon. E.M. Stanton, Sec'y of War, Wash'ton:

General Grant is sending here a large lot of negro women and children, and directs me to ask you what to do with them. Parties in Chicago and other cities wish them for servants. Will I be allowed to turn them over to responsible committees to be so employed? If so can I transport them at Government expense?

J.M. Tuttle.
Brig. General, Commanding District of Cairo.
Washington, Sept 18, 1862.

To Brigadier General Tuttle, Commanding:

You are authorized to turn over to responsible committees negro women and children who shall take them in charge and provide them with employment and support in the Northern States, and you may furnish transportation at Government expense.

Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.

This black labor movement of the Abolition-Republican party should arrest the attention of white laborers in the North. That they are in earnest cannot be doubted. If not, why should Secretary Stanton send negroes to the North at the expense of the Government; or the Reverend Dr. Tyng and his Abolition associates propose to hold meetings in aid of the scheme? They mean to antagonize white labor with cheap negro labor from the South, and if white men are opposed to this movement they must act in concert at the polls. There only an they put a stop to this wicked plot against the laboring men of the Northern States. If the Abolition Republican party have control of the next Congress, they will bend all their legislation in favor of negro labor, and in opposition to the interests of white men. The question now is, 'black against white labor.' The Abolition Republican party has openly declared in favor of black labor, and white men must defeat them at the polls by voting for the Democratic party which is in favor of the Union, the Constitution, and the interested white men.--Fulton Democrat.

Official Report of the Losses in the Late Battles of Maryland

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Reprints of the election articles run on page 4 of the previous week's issue.

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Classified advertisements.

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Democrats, to the Polls!

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"There is no better way to cram this lie down the foul throats of its utterers, and to do it effectually, than by defeating those miserable demagogues and slanderers at the polls and electing Democrats to offices of trust and responsibility."

Vote the Whole Ticket

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Conservatism vs. Abolitionism and Secessionism

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No headline

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""The Abolition leaders hope for and expect a dissolution of our glorious Union, and the formation of a strong government in the northern portion of our country."


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"The people have become dissatisfied with being represented by Lawyers, Storekeepers, Editors, Colonels, and Majors. Messrs. JON. JACOBY and WM. HORTON, the Democratic candidates, are plain, unassuming, honest working men -- men of common sense and sound judgement, whose interests are identical with those of the Farmer and the laboring man, and are just the kind of men to represent us in the next legislature."

Wm. McSherry Esq.

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"If you vote for S. E. Duffield, the Republican candidate for the Senate, you vote for one who warmly defends the Negro Freeing Proclamation and the Negro Policy generally."

Josiah Fickes

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Samuel Brandt

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Voters Remember

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What They Want

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Wm. D. McKinstry, Esq.

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Another Falsehood

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The name of one of wounded at Sharpsburg is illegible. Page also includes miscellaneous war news and three columns of classifieds.

The Rebel Raid

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"About 7 o'clock a company of them [Rebel Cavalry] appeared in the Public Square carrying a flag of truce and demanding a surrender of the place. No military force being here, able to resist, the town was surrendered on the terms that private property would be respected and citizens be unmolested."

Full Text of Article

On Friday evening last, our citizens were much surprised and considerably excited by reports of the advance of a large force of Rebel Cavalry by way of Mercersburg. Men arrived on horseback who had been hotly pursued by them to within three or four miles of Town.

About 7 o'clock a company of them appeared in the Public Square carrying a flag of truce and demanding a surrender of the place. No military force being here, able to resist, the town was surrendered on the terms that private property would be respected and citizens be unmolested. They then took full possession of the place, and on the next morning took their departure to the direction of Gettysburg leaving a guard to fire the Depot buildings. The Depot House, the Machine Shops and the Warehouses of the Messrs Wunderlich and Nead were entirely consumed with a considerable amount of Government stores and other property. The Rebel force numbered about 1500 Cavalry and Artillery under Generals Stuart and Hampton. They have stolen about 1000 Horses in this County, but from last reports and the preparations made for their capture, we feel confident that the whole force will be captured and the stolen property recovered.

We are hurried in getting to Press and can give no extended notice of this humiliating Rebel invasion of Pennsylvania soil.

Our Dead and Wounded

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Assistant Assessors

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Death of Jacob Keggereis Esq.

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Rev. Dr. Harbaugh

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Classified advertising.

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Classified advertising.

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Classified advertising, including reprints of judicial notices.