Valley of the Shadow
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Letter from Gen. Wool

(column 1-6)
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Gen. McClellan

(column 1)

The True Union Party

(column 1)


"Let the Democratic party maintain its organization everywhere--stand by the Union--condemn the abominabe [sic] doctrine of Secession, and while upholding the Government in the War, fearlessly condemn the corruptions of the present Administration and its attempts to trample on the Constitution and the rights of the people."

Full Text of Article

The Democratic party has ever maintained the proud position of being the sincere friend of the Union. It has never expressed itself as being in favor of "letting the Union slide." It possesses the same ardent devotion to the Union to-day that it has ever exhibited, and is ready to pour out its best blood in upholding that glorious Union. It is not now, or never, has been, a Union party for the North, or a Union party for the South, but for the WHOLE UNION. For the sake of the Union it has joined hands with its political opponents, to enable the Government to put down rebellion, that the Union may be restored; but in doing this it has not agreed to adopt the principles of the Chicago platform by any means. The Democratic party draws a wide distinction between supporting the Government and sustaining the corruptions of the present Administration, and detests Republican principles now as cordially as it ever did. It holds that the Chicago platform has broken up the Union and that it cannot be restored or maintained by standing on that rickety concern. Let the Democratic party maintain its organization everywhere--stand by the Union--condemn the abominabe [sic] doctrine of Secession, and while upholding the Government in the War, fearlessly condemn the corruptions of the present Administration and its attempts to trample on the Constitution and the rights of the people.

The War Tax

(column 2)


"The odious War Tax...does not even meet with the approbation of the Republicans in Congress. The Times is ready to gulp down the abominable measures of Lincoln's Administration that honest Republicans themselves revolt at."


(column 2)

The Assailants of the Democratic Party

(column 2)

Jeff Davis's Threats

(column 4)

The Ultra Press

(column 5)

A Republican Member . . .

(column 5)


"All abolitionists ought to have a halter slipped around their necks the moment they open their mouths on the subject of abolishing slavery anywhere at this critical moment."

Full Text of Article

"A Republican Member of Congress presented a bill before that body, a few days ago, asking to have slavery abolished in all territory in Virginia now taken in possession by the Federal troops. Of course, it is laid by for the present. Such acts as this in the halls of Congress will not help the cause of the Union, but do much to weaken it. This is not the time to talk about abolishing slavery, in or out of Congress. All abolitionists ought to have a halter slipped around their necks the moment they open their mouths on the subject of abolishing slavery anywhere at this critical moment. They have the Government to sustain and the Union to reconstruct which should be done at all hazards.

Peace Resolutions

(column 6)
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Military reports, columns 1 & 2; markets and statement of the Bank of Chambersburg, column 2; advertisements, columns 3-6

How a Mason was Preserved from the Fury of a Rebel Mob

(column 1)

A List of Grand and Traverse Jurors

(column 3)
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