Valley of the Shadow
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Also on this page are a synopsis of a speech by President Davis, advertisements, and notices.

Public Meeting

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Public Meeting.

At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Augusta County, held at their Court House on Monday the 27th day of February 1865. General Kenton Harper was called to the chair and Wm. H. Tams. Wm H.H. Lynn and Richard Mauzy were appointed Secretaries.

Gen. H. on assuming the chair forcibly explained the object of the meeting.

Col. Wm. H. Harman, in behalf of the committee appointed by the primary meeting held in Staunton, and which called this meeting, reported the following Preamble and Resolutions:

Whereas, The people of these Confederate States have had a distinct and unmistakeable [sic] issue presented to them by the Despotic Ruler of the United States, We are emphatically informed that the abject surrender of our liberty as a people is demanded, and further contumacy and assistance is to be visited with all the horrors of a subjugation which carries in its brain deprivation of personal freedom for ourselves and children; confiscation of our property, and the destruction of every right we hold dear. The Government created by us and fairly representing us, has met this insolent demand with a manly defiance, which we re-echo and endorse. Placing our trust in the Lord of Hosts; relying upon the justice of our cause; preferring death to dishonor--determined to bequeath the precious boon of Independence which we inherited from our Fathers, to our children, or die in the effort; willing to lay our all if need be upon the altar of our country, resolved never to submit to the yoke of such a people as those with whom our brothers and sons have been engaged in deadly struggle for four years, and who have delighted in sacking and destroying our houses, devastating our lands, insulting our women and murdering our citizens; the People of Augusta County have assemble[d] in primary meeting, and do solemnly Resolve:

1st. That we have a firm and certain conviction of the justice of our cause, and will maintain it at every sacrifice of blood and treasure.

2nd. That the watchfires of Liberty lighted in 1861 burn with undiminished brilliancy in this the 5th year of the cruel war waged against us by our unscrupulous and vindictive foe; and though occasional disasters have and may occur to our gallant armies, they cannot be extinguished until our independence as a people is fully established.

3rd. That the noble, defiant and patriotic resolves coming up daily from our gallant armies in the field and from our people at home, give renewed assurance of unspoken determination to persist in the struggle until that end shall have been attained.

4th. That our subjugation cannot be effected if our people are united--and notwithstanding the vaunted superiority of our enemy in numbers, having full faith in the justice of a righteous God, in the valor of our veteran soldiers and in the patriotism of our people, we may, and do set their threats of extermination at defiance.

5th. That we regard reconstruction as but another name for submission to tyranny, and "we pledge our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor never to entertain even the idea of it, but to resist it in the future as we have done in the past, to the utmost extremity.

6th. That our confidence in our Rulers, civil and military and our noble armies is unabated.

7th. That for the sustenance and support of our Government and our soldiers we are prepared to meet all demands which are made upon us, and to this end, if it be deemed necessary, we are willing to open our Store Houses, and reduce our families to half rations, or even less.

8th. That having given our sons and brothers to the cause we would be "less than man," if we were not ready to make any sacrifice of property, or hesitate to respond to the calls of our chosen leaders.

9th. That whilst some of our fellow citizens oppose the arming of our negroes, we are content with the knowledge that we have the sanction of God for using all the means in our power to resist wicked oppression, and if this means of resistance be deemed necessary and available by such men as President Davis and by Gen. Robt. E. Lee, we shall not stop to discuss abstract questions, but will cheerfully give our servants, as we have our sons to our country.

Which at his instance, were laid upon the table until after the speakers had been heard:

Col. Harman then read to the meeting letters from Hons. J.P. Benjamin, J.B. Baldwin and G.A. Henry and Brig. Genl. H.A. Wise, which are hereto appended, explaining the reasons of their declination to accept the invitation extended to them to address the meeting; and verbably [sic] explained that his public duties prevented Hon Bolivar Christian from being present.

Richmond, Feb. 20th 1865.


It would afford me great pleasure to accept your invitation and to address the people at your meeting on the 27th inst., but I regret to say that during the session of Congress my public duties do not permit my leaving Richmond more than a few hours at a time.

I am, very respectfully

Your ob't serv't

J.P. Benjamin.


Messrs Wm H Harman, T J Michie, B Crawford and others.


Messrs Wm H Harman and Others, Committee.


I have received yours of 17th inst., inviting me to address a mass meeting of the people of Augusta County on the 27th inst. on the condition of the Country &c.

I have already taken occasion, as far as my public duties would allow, to speak to the people and the army as to what I regarded as the duties of the home, and it would give me great pleasure to be present among my own people on the occasion referred to, to give and receive counsel in this time of our country's trial. If my duties here will allow of my absence I will be with you, but I fear it will be impracticable, in which event please explain the cause of my failure.

Respectfully Your ob't serv't,

John B. Baldwin.


Richmond, Feb 21st 1865.

Dear Sirs:

Your note of the [illegible] was duly received, inviting me to address the people of Staunton on the 27th inst., at a mass meeting of the people. If Congress adjourns before that date, I will be with you if possible, if it does not and I must say I think it will not, I do not see how I can comply with your wishes and certainly with my own. My heart is with you and I pray you to assure the people, we are not conquered, and will not be if the people are true to themselves and our country. Be firm, let the people be bold and hopeful and self sacrificing of property, and blood, and life, if need be, and all will yet be well. We have no choice, we must fight on, and fight ever or be subjugated by a low born Despot, the worst calamity that can afflict a free people.

Ever yours,

G.A. Henry.


Head Qr's Wise's Brigade,

Trenches Near Petersburg Va,

February 21st 1865.

To Wm H Harman and Others


I received yours of the 17th inst., yesterday; requesting me to attend and address a mass meeting of the people of Augusta on the 27th inst. I wish it was in my power to do so. Glorious old Augusta has so often and so early in this war spoken to my heart, that in never ending gratitude I would speak back to her with my whole heart and soul: Go on! don't falter and you will not fail, if you are sorely pressed strive only the more: the darkest hour is just before the day breaks, we want light, and let every watch fire be kindled. Light every match and shed every ray--if it be but from a rush light or a camp-match. Don't despair, despondency is darkness and death. I don't forget that as Patrick Henry seized the Magazine at Williamsburg so the men of Augusta seized the arsenal at Harper's Ferry; and as she began the struggle and set the first ball of revolution in motion in Virginia, so let her gallant and devoted people keep it rolling on until it reaches the mark of our entire, separate [sic] and sovereign independence? Fight, march, suffer, struggle, starve, perish rather than take any thing short of that! Think not at all of submission or subjugation but with hot indignation and abhorrence! Be men! be free! you can be free if you will. You have but never to cease your efforts, to be united and self-denying and self-sacrifising, and to trust to yourselves and to God alone. He can make us "a chosen generation, a royal pries[t]hood, a holy nation, a peculiar people." My duties here in front of an unceaseingly [sic] active enemy, and a severe attack of bilious influenza, with a distressing cough, will prevent my attendance. But you have my best cheers to animate your efforts and my prayers that God will secure you.

Devotedly Yours,

Henry A. Wise, Brig Gen.


Hons J.M. McCue, J.R. Tucker and H. W. Sheffy invited speakers, were several[l]y introduced and entertained the meeting with able patriotic and spirited addresses. Hon. A.H.H. Stuart being then called upon by the meeting delivered a most forcible practical and patriotic address.

The following "Appeal to the people of Virginia" was introduced by Maj McCue in his address and by direction is published here with and commended to the people of Augusta.


Appeal to the People of Virginia.

Richmond Feb 22d, 1865.

Fellow-Citizens: Commissary General St. John, at his recent entrance upon the duties of his bureau, invited several gentlemen of this city, including a number of clergymen, to a conference as to the best means of increasing the supplies of food necessary for the subsistence of the Army of Northern Virginia. At this conference the undersigned were appointed as a committee to prepare and issue an address to the loyal people of the State, for the purpose of placing before them such facts and of making such suggestions as will, it is confidently believed, ensure a general and hearty co-operation in this great and necessary work.

You are aware, fellow citizens, that the movements of the enemy in South Carolina and Georgia have interrupted our communications with the Southern States, and seriously embarrassed the operations of the Subsistence Department, so that immediate and energetic action on the part of the Government and the people is demanded for the support of the army.

It is ascertained that the supply of food in the acces[s]ible counties of North Carolina and Virginia is ample for the subsistence of both of soldiers and citizens. Of the four modes of obtaining it for the use of the army, viz: by impressment, purchase, loan, and voluntary contributions, it is believed that when the exigency, now existing, is clearly understood, the last mentioned method will be the one most approved by the people, and therefore the one which will command the most cheerful, immediate, and generous aid on their part.

The resources of the people have already been severely taxed. Vast puantities [sic] of food have already been obtained by impressment, loans, and voluntary contributions. but for these extraordinary efforts our armies would have long since been disbanded, and without a continuation of these efforts our soldiers cannot accomplish the task yet before them. Apart from all those considerations of honor and duty, which most constrain high-toned and patriotic men, these liberal contributions on the part of citizens are necessary to the preservation of their own rights of property and personal safety. Interest itself demands any and every sacrifice necessary to prevent subjugation.

On this point, one testimony will be sufficient. Virginians and patriots all over the Confederacy will regard with implicit belief and profoundest respect any statement on such a subject emanating from our beloved Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Robert E. Lee. in reference to the very appeal we are now making, he writes: "I cannot permit myself to doubt that our people will respond to it, when they reflect on the alternative presented to them. They have simply to choose whether they will contribute such commissary and q[u]artermaster stores as they can possibly spare to support an army which has already borne and done so much in their behalf, or, retaining their stores, maintain the army of the enemy engaged in their subjugation. I am aware that a general obligation of this nature rests lightly on most men--each being disposed to leave its discharge to his neighbor--but I am confident that our citizens will appreciate their responsibility in the case, and will not permit an army which, by God's blessings and their patriotic support, has hitherto resisted the efforts of the enemy, to suffer now through their neglect.

Such being the emergency, and the corresponding obligation it only remains now to consider the best practicable means of attaining the end in view.

There is in every county accessible to us in the State an officer or agent of the Bureau of Subsistence, charged with the duty of collecting by purchase or otherwise army subsistence, and forwarding the same to this city. It is also proposed to appoint two or more gentlemen of influence, energy and intelligence, in each county, (who shall appoint others in each magisterial district,) to call the attention to every family to the wants of the army, and to urge them to contribute in some way as large a portion of their supplies as can possibly be spared. These contributions can be made as donations, sales or loans, at the option of the owners, and the supplies, so obtained will be sent to some convenient point to be indicated by the local officer, where he will receive and receipt for the same, and give the parties, when required, an obligation in kind or in currency.

But, as already intimated, there are difficulties in the way of obtaining supplies either by purchase or by loan, which one be best overcome by the spontaneous and free-will offerings of the people, generously contributing of their substance for the support of the army now battling and suffering in their behalf.

For the information of those who desire to aid the cause by voluntary contributions we beg leave to state that the following plan has been considered and approved by the authorities.

1. Let every citizen, who can, pledge himself to furnish the rations of one soldier for six months, without designating any particular soldier as the recipient of the contribution.

2. Let those thus pledging themselves furnish, say 80 pounds of bacon and 180 pounds of flour, or their equivalent in beef and meal, to be delivered to the nearest commissary agent.

3. Let the donor bind himself to deliver one half of the amount above stated, viz: 40 pounds of bacon and 90 pounds of flour (or its equivalent) immediately, and the remainder at the end of three months, unless he prefers to adopt the better plan of advancing the whole amount pledged at once.

4. Let the pledge of each individual subscribing and furnishing the rations of one soldier for 6 months be made the basis of larger subscriptions. Those whose generosity and whose means will enable them to do so, may obligate themselves to provide the rations of 5, 10, 20 or any other number of soldiers for 6 months; while even the poor who could not offord [sic] to supply the ration of one man, by uniting their contributions may authorize one of the number, 20 combining, to make the designated subscription of at least one ration for one man for six months.

We trust that this plan, so intelligible and so easily put into execution, will commend itself to thousands of our patriotic people, who, by reason of age, sex or infirmities cannot serve in the field, will yet take pride and pleasure in being represented in the field in the persons of soldiers whose rations they themselves furnish.

On this subject, Gen. Lee expresses the opinion that almost every one who has a family, especially among our farmers, could afford to support one more in addition to his present number and that this plan will not require a man to do more than to send to a soldier what he would always be able to give in the way of hospitality to such soldier, were he an inmate of his house.

The scheme thus explained presents a system which may be contracted or expanded according to the ability of the contributor--not excluding the poor, and giving scope to the largest liberality of the rich; and, in fact, presents a plan for securing all the food in the country which can be obtained by voluntary contribution.

And now, in order to carry it into immediate execution, the co-operation of legislators, magistrates, ministers of the Gospel, and all persons of influence and standing in every county is earnestly invoked. The cause is one which makes its own appeal to fathers and mothers who have sons in the army; to men of wealth who have large possessions to protect; to men in humble circumstances, to whom the liberties of their country are equally dear; to all classes in the community, whose security and happiness are involved in the issue of this struggle for the right of self-government. Every right-minded and right-hearted man must feel that citizens in their comfortable homes, exempt from the privations and perils of the field, should be willing to exercise the severest self-denial, if necessary, that the army to which, under God, we are indebted for our present safety, and to whom we must owe our final deliverance from the presence and the power of the enemy, should at least be supplied with the food which is essential to the vigorous health and comfort of its soldiers. A claim so reasonable and just must and will be satisfied.

And now, in concluding our appeal to you, fellow-citizens, we do not forget that Virginia has already suffered sorely in this struggle to obtain all that is dearest to the patriot's heart. The bloody tide of battle has swept over almost every portion of her territory; the sa[c]rifices, as well as the services, of her sons have been great; yet the spirit of her people has never flagged, nor are her resources exhausted. She has hitherto responded nobly to every call the Confederate Government has made upon her; and it is not doubted that now, when made aware of its present wants, her people will prove themselves both able and willing to relieve them.

Moses D. Hoge,

J.L. Burrowski

John E. Edwards,

Chs. Minnigerode,

M.J. Michelbacher,

W.J. Pettigrew,

T.W. McCance,

R. Edmond,

S.J. Harrison.

At the conclusion of Mr Stuarts address, he proposed the following paper for the consideration of the meeting "we the undersigned agree and promise to provide for the use and support of the soldiers in the army of Confederate States the amount of funds and of supplies annexed to our names respectively" whereupon sixty-six of those present subscribed about 135 bbs of flour upwards of 7000 lbs of Bacon, and about $115,000 in C S Treasury notes and bonds.

On motion, a central Committee of --- was appointed to issue an address, and to appoint sub committees, in each Majisterial [sic] District, to circulate said address and to solicit further subscriptions of provisions and money. (The names of said Committee will be announced hereafter)

On motion it was ordered that the proce[e]dings be published in the Staunton Vindicator and communicated to the Richmond papers for publication.

On motion the meeting adjourned.

Kenton Harper, Chairman

W.H. Tams, Sec'ty

W.H.H. Lynn, Sec'ty

R. Mauzy, Sec'ty.

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Also on this page are a list of persons who have mail being held for them at the post office in Staunton as of March 1, 1865; political announcements for local elections; advertisements; and notices.

War News

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War News.

We are sorry that we are unable this week to give our readers any very late intelligence from our armies either in Virginia or North Carolina.

The interruption of communication, both by Railroad and Telegraph, caused by Sheridan and his vandals is our apology for the paucity of army news this week.

Not having the most implicit confidence in the various reports in circulation (relative to our armies) based upon the authority of Madam Rumor, and some reliable Gentlemen, we are compelled to confine ourselves to the dispatches of Genl Lee (published below) and some extracts from the Lynchburg Republican of the 18th inst., handed us by a friend, believing that they contain the only authentic information up to that period.

Headq'rs March 9, 1865.

Hon J.C. Breckinridge:

Gen. Bragg reports that he attacked the enemy yesterday, four miles in front of Kinston, and drove him from his position. He disputed the ground obstinately, and took a new line three miles from his first.

We captured three pieces of artillery and fifteen hundred prisoners.

The number of the enemy's dead and wounded left on the field is large.

Our loss was comparatively small.

The troops behaved most handsomely.

Maj. Gens. Hill and Hoke exhibited their accustomed zeal and gallantry.

[Signed] R.E. Lee,


Head'Qrs, March 10, 1865.

Hon Secretary of War:

Gen Hampton attacked Kilpatrick at daylight this morning and drove him from camp, capturing his guns wagons, many horses and several hundred prisoners, and releasing a great many of our men who had been captured.

The guns and wagons could not be brought off for want of horses.

Many of the enemy were killed and wounded.

Our loss was not heavy.

Lieut Col. B.L. King was killed, and Brig Gen Hume, Cols Hayne and Harrison and Majors Lewis, Ferguson and others were wounded.

(Signed) R.E. Lee, Genl.

Later accounts in the Republican state that Genl Bragg, the next day after the fight at Kinston, was compelled by force of superior numbers to fall back in the direction of Goldsboro.

We are also indebted to the Petersburg Express for a little more information in regard to the fight between Genls Hampton and Kilpatrick, which will be (to say the least) very amusing to our readers. The Editor states that he is informed through private sources, that the attack of Hampton was like a like [sic] thunderbolt from a cloudless sky--and of course a most complete surprise.

Kilpatrick was aroused from his slumbers--all the more profound because it was the early morning nap--and had barely time to leap from his couch, enrobed in only a shirt and socks, and mount the nearest horse. The weather was cold, and the rain was falling fast, and the Georgia uniform at such a time, was of all others the least calculated to contribute to one's comfort. But there was no time to procure thicker clothing. The Georgia uniform, or surrender to the gallant Carolinians were the only alternatives, and of the two evils, General Kilpatrick preferred the former. It is said that his coat, pantaloons, boots, spurs, pistols and sword, fell into the hands of our men--and we can well imagine how highly the Palmetto boys will prize such trophies. Gen Kilpatrick for once realized the truth of the couplet, "That he who "don't fight," but runs away, will live to fight another day."

From the Raleigh Progress of the 13th we learn that the enemy occupied Fayetteville on Saturday the 11th inst., and that our forces are falling back in the direction of Raleigh. A concentration of all our forces, and a big battle near this place is thought probable. The same paper of the 15th states, that a rumor was in circulation that the advance of the Federals were crossing at McNeils Ferry--about 30 miles from Raleigh. It is also stated that Yankee troops were moving at the same time towards Goldsboro.

From Richmond we learn that Grant is moving troops to the North side of the James, as if intending to mass for an attack on that portion of our lines. This is thought to be a ruse, and that the attack, if any is made, will be on our right, with the hope of getting possession of the South side Railroad.

Later. Before going to press the following official dispatch of Gen R E Lee was handed us:

Hdqr's A.C.S., March 20th 1865.

Hon J C Breckinridge Sec'y of War:

Genl Jos E Johnson reports that about 5 PM on the 19th inst. he attacked the enemy near Bentonville, routed him, capturing three guns. A mile in the rear he rallied upon fresh troops, but was forced back slowly until 6 P M, when receiving more troops, he apparently assumed the offensive, which was resisted without difficulty until dark. This morning he is entrenching, our loss small. The troops behaved admirably well. Dense thickets prevented rapid operations.

Sheridan's Raid

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Sheridan's Raid.

From the best information we can get we give the following statement of Sheridan's force and movement.

His force consists of two Divisions and one Brigade of Cavalry under the command of Genls Custer, Merritt and Devin, with four pieces of artillery, the whole numbering from seven to nine thousand men.

He broke camp at Winchester on Monday 27th Feb. and reached Staunton on Thursday morning and pushed on to Waynesboro, meeting and scattering Gen Early's small force at that place, capturing, it was supposed by persons who saw them pass through Staunton, about six or seven hundred prisoners, and pressed with his advance through Rockfish Gap to Greenwood that night. He entered Charlottesville Friday 3rd inst. about 2 P.M., the Mayor and Council having surrendered the town and received promise of protection. He remained at Charlottesville until Monday at 10 A.M., when he moved in two columns, on the Lynchburg and Scottsville roads, the first column leaving the Lynchburg road, moved in the direction of and struck James River at New market, thence this column moved down the Canal, preceded by the column from Scottsville, to Columbia, whence they diverged in the direction of the Va Central R R, which they struck at some point between Louisa C.H. and Beaver Dam, and it is supposed have made their way around our extreme left to Grant. They destroyed the bridges and depots, except at Charlottesville, on the Central Road from Staunton to Shadwell, tore up the track of the Charlottesville and Lynchburg R R about 8 miles from Charlottesville and destroyed the bridges and depots on the road as far as they proce[e]ded. They burned the locks and otherwise damaged the canal from New Market to Columbia and it is supposed have destroyed the track of the Central Road at and for some distance beyond Beaver Dam. In many of these depots they destroyed considerable quantities of Government supplies.

In the country along their march they behaved with their characteristic vandalism, insulting women, stealing, plundering and burning.

Owing to the fact that our forces had been scattered at different points for the purpose of more easily securing a supply of forage, Sheridan was enabled to move over the whole line of his march, almost without an impediment. It is to be hoped that our forces may be kept more concentrated hereafter, to do which the Farmers of the Valley and adjacent counties east of the Blue Ridge, must be willing not only to furnish their tithe, but must spare all they can to supply the army, if they desire to save their property from the devastating tread of the Barbarian Yankees.

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Old Augusta Acts

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Old Augusta Acts.

Never, perhaps, was there a grander assemblage in the County of Augusta, than the meeting which convened here on Monday the 27th ult., certainly not in the fruitfullness of its results. It was an assemblage of men who came not to talk but to act.

The meeting was addressed by J.M. McCue Esq., member of the House of Delegates from this County, Hon. J. Randolph Tucker, Att'y Gen. of Va., H.W. Sheffey Esq., speaker of the House of Delegates, and A.H.H. Stuart, Esq., of Staunton. The speeches were all patriotic, practical and telling. At the conclusion of Mr. Stuart's speech, contributions or provisions and money were solicited when sixty-two of those present subscribed 135 barrels of flour, 7100 pounds of bacon and $115,000 in money and bonds. The rush to lay their provisions and funds on the alter of their country was exciting and the scene grand, beyond description, being the offerings, not only of the man with his thousands, but also of the poor man with his mite.

The proceedings of this meeting will be found in another column.


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$100 Reward

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$100 Reward.

Ran away from the Gen'l Hospital at Staunton, Va., on the night of Feb. 20th 1865, my boy Charles, a bright mulatto, 15 years old and 5 feet 4 inches high. I will give the above reward to any person who will apprehend said boy and deliver him at Staunton jail.

Thomas Opie.

March 3--4t.