Valley of the Shadow
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Also on this page are a poem, advertisements, and notices.

From the United States

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The Chicago Convention

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Bad Eggs and Things

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Bad Eggs and Things.

A great many people are unhappy if they can't have beefsteak for dinner, or lament the failure of the vegetables this season. We pity the helplessness of such poor creatures. The earth, the air, the waters abound in materials for food. Almost anything that you can crack is good to eat. Since the refreshing rains, with an ingenious friend of ours, we have been gathering mushrooms. He is a person of exceedingly active appetite, and is ever ready to lend us his experience in the preparation of a breakfast. With prejudices against what we had vulgally [sic] associated with the agaric muscarius, or devil's snuff box, and which we ascertained from our friend was a fungus putting up from decayed vegetables, or decomposing animal matter--we have found the champignon a most delightful article of food--a rare and notable delicacy. Care only must be taken in the selection, the rules for which may be found in Miss Leslie's familiar Cookery Book. The Agaric Campestri, or common mushroom, is found out on the commons, in grassy lanes, in meadows, &c. It is cooked with milk, butter and crackers--seasoned with salt and pepper. Care is to be taken in the distinguishing between the good and the bad, as we have remarked, as the calling of the toad stool has the effect of killing you.

Among the most difficult articles of food to procure now are bread and salt; that these are not absolutely necessary, is proven by the fact that the Laplanders never taste either; they substitute animal oil and exercise.

Rats are another well known, but neglected source of commissary supplies. The Chinese have them in their markets, just as we have hares and partridges.

Frogs are said to be of exquisite flavor, and are numerous, almost any evening on Main street. An excellent article, akin to this, is fried snails. They are greatly relished in l'aria. Almost any well is full of them." (not fried.)

The young rook is eaten in England, and as we know of no difference between the rook, and the crow, we do not see why young crows may not be eaten, or, indeed, in war times, old crows.

For consumptive people, snakes are excellent: the receipt for making viper-broth may be found in the pharmacopoea.

This month of August is the season for locusts, and numbers may be gathered in any yard. Locusts and wild honey it may be remembered, were the food of a celebrated character, whose example we recall to our Baptist friends.

In China, the common earth worm is always in good dinners. They are, we believe, eaten either cooked or raw. Birds' nests would probably answer, though, of course, less delicate. The head of the ass is also greatly fancied by the chinese, as well as cats and dogs, (the latter already known to be numerous here from statistics already published.

The old Romans stuffed their pheasants with assafoetida, but this, we take it, is hard to get now. In his feast, in the manner of the ancients, Dr. Smollett speaks of a very pleasant dessert, which was a sort of jelly composed of a mixture of vinegar, pickle and honey, boiled to a proper consistence, and candied assafortida, called among the ancients the laser Syriucum, and esteemed so precious as to be sold to the weight of a silver penny.

The article commonly known as "bad eggs" is eaten with avidity in Cochin China, but we have as unconquerable aversion to it.

"A word to the wise is sufficient," we merely throw out these hints. Talk about starving the South.--Charlottesville Chronicle.

United Synod of the Presbyterian Church

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Also on this page are war news, advertisements, and notices, including a number of estray notices.

Chicago Nominees

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Chicago Nominees.

The Chicago Convention met on the 29th ult., and on the 31st ult., selected Gen. Geo. B. McClellan and Geo. H. Pendleton as its candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, respectively.

General McClellan was allied with the war party in the effort to subjugate the Confederate States, but, although some hard things were charged against him, it was always considered as undoubted, while in command of the Union army, that his heart was not wholly in the cause to which he had attached himself.

George H. Pendleton is a man of Southern birth and feelings, and is classed by the Northern press among the Copperheads of the "yellowest hue," meaning by that term that he favors the immediate cessation of hostilities, and the acknowledgment of Southern independence.

This ticket is thought by some to be the strongest one that could be presented to the Northern people, and was the best, perhaps, that the Convention could make, composed of many elements as it was. it seems to us that out-and-out peace men, on a purely peace platform, was the surest way to defeat Lincoln and secure peace and prosperity to the United States.

If the candidate for the Presidency, who once lent his ability to Southern subjugation, "is of the same opinion still," and consequently for coercion if "other peaceable means" fail to restore peace "on the basis of the Federal Union," we cannot see how the change from Lincoln to McClellan can be desired by, or be of advantage to the people of either the United States or the Confederacy; but if he assumes as true, the acknowledgment of the Convention, that "the war to restore the Union, after a four years' trial, is a failure," and believes that, with a cessation of hostilities, the war between the United States and the Confederate States should end, on account of its failure to accomplish the purpose intended--the restoration of the Federal Union--whether peaceable means would accomplish it or not, then would accomplish it or not, then would his election be preferable to that of Lincoln, as the result would be alike beneficial to both republics. His letter of acceptance may give an insight into his present views, and we therefore await with some anxiety its publication.

Democratic Platform

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Democratic Platform.

The platform put forth by the Democratic-opposition Convention at Chicago, which we publish in this issue, is the most singular compound of the sort we remember to have seen.

If we read it, discarding the second resolution, we are compelled to consider the Democratic-opposition party of the United States as committed to the preservation of the Union at all hazards, even at the risk of national ruin by the continuance of wasting, desolating war, whereas if we discard the first and fourth resolutions, its tone is evidently for a peaceable solution of the difficulties, whether it results in union or separation.

We are led to conclude with one or two of our co[n]temporaries, that it was framed to meet coming circumstances. If the result of the campaign of the next two months be favorable to the Union armies, it is a war platform, but if favorable to the Confederate forces, then will the advocates of McClellan and Pendleton herald and proclaim it as the platform of a party whose expressed desire is for peace.

Our armies must continue, as they will, to hold their own for a brief time, and the peace party in the North will be a fixed fact. The Northern people will then be demonstrative for peace, and we will speedily, as we must ultimately, wring from them the acknowledgment of our independence.

War News

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War News.

The wires and the press a few days since gave us the unexpected intelligence that Atlanta, after a gallant and heroic defence of nearly seven weeks, had fallen.

After the occupation of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad by the enemy, the close proximity of the Atlanta and Macon Read rendered the holding of Atlanta only a question of a very few days. As General Hood was unable to dislodge the enemy from these railroads, Atlanta was no longer of any use to him, and he therefore vacated it. In the language of one of our co[n]temporaries, "neither General Johnson nor General Hood was able to defeat the enemy, and the place has fallen because there was not men enough to properly defend it."

The following is Gen. Hood's official dispatch to the War Department:

Headquarters, Sept. 3.

On the evening of the 30th August the enemy made a lodgement across Flint river, near Jonesboro. We attacked them there on the evening of the 31st, with two corps, but failed to dislodge them. This made it necessary to abandon Atlanta, which was on the night of the 1st September.

Our loss on the evening of the 31st was small.

On the evening of the 1st September, Gen Hardee's corps in position at Jonesboro, was assaulted by a superior force of the enemy, and, being outflanked, was compelled to withdrew during the night, with the loss of eight guns.

The enemy's prisoners report their loss very severe.

J.B. Hood, Gen'l.

The evacuation of Atlanta took place on Thursday night, 1st inst. and the enemy occupied the city on Friday. Gen. Hood blew up his ordnance supplies, destroyed his commissary stores, and fell back on the Macon road to Lovejoy's Station, distant 20 miles from Atlanta. At this place he formed a junction with Gen. Hardee, where the whole army is now concentrated.

Whilst the fall of Atlanta is regretted, the army and the people are not discouraged. The following is the latest despatch from Gen. Hood:

Lovejoy's, Sept. 5, 1864.

Gen. Bragg: The enemy withdrew from my front in the direction of Jonesboro' last night.

(Signed) J.B. Hood, Gen'l.

From Petersburg we learn that every thing is quiet since the terrific artillery duel on Sunday night. The Express says it lasted for several hours, and was tremendous, but did no other damage than to arouse the unoffending women and children of the city.

On Monday evening the enemy demonstrated on our right with infantry and artillery, but the movement resulted in nothing. An impression prevails in Petersburg, and the Express seems to concur in it, that Grant intends to make an effort to gain possession of the South Side Railroad. This was the opinion several days ago of an intelligent correspondent of the press now sojourning with the army of Northern Virginia.

From the lower Valley we have received nothing of interest during the past week. The Northern papers seem to have changed their tune within a very short time, a few days since they stated that Early was retreating up the valley, and Sheridan in close pursuit. They now say:

"In the first place Early has not left, and has no intention of leaving the Valley. His headquarters are at Bunker Hill, half way between Martinsburg and Winchester.

"He is busily engaged in repairing and putting up the telegraph wires, and already has telegraphic communication with Richmond from this side of Woodstock.

"Early is receiving reinforcements, and Fitzhugh Lee is known to have received 500 fresh horses for his cavalry, who are said to number 7,000.

"There is a regular stage from Winchester to Staunton, which runs every day, and several officers and soldiers are receiving short furloughs to go home and return to Winchester, which does not look as though they intended leaving the Valley.


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Field Infirmary, Augusta Co.,

August 21st, 1864.

To the Ladies of New Hope and its Vicinity:

In behalf of the wounded soldiers who were left at this Infirmary, I return you my sincere thanks for your kind attentions and invaluable services. While in a state of extreme destitution, without food and many without clothing and with no means of communication with our authorities, you came to their relief and administered to their wants with an energy and liberality that have at all times characterized our southern women. Most of the recipients of your kindness have been sent to their homes and will there relate to grateful relatives the history of your benevolence and hospitality. Some have been returned to their commands and will often enliven their camp fires with glowing descriptions of their treatment while in old Augusta. Some of them now fill the patriots grave and in their last moments blessed the hands that soothed them. To all this you have added the sublime sacrifices of christianity. Like the good Samaritan of old you have "bound up your enemies wounds" and "poured in the oil and the wine." In hospitable acts, charitable deeds and christian devotion you have no superiors. Long may you live and enjoy the fruit of your labors!

I would notice particularly the names of the following who were indefatigable in their attentions, viz: Mrs. Col. Crawford, Mrs. Thomas Walker, Mrs. Sallie Johnston, Mrs. Sallie Stout, Mrs. Livie Marshall, Misses Martha Walker, Lucy Stout, Cornelia Stout, Matha Rankin and Sallie Crawford.

Chas. H. Harris,

Asst. Surgeon in Charge.


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Ran away from the subscriber Saturday night last, my boy William, very black, low and chunky built, height not known, about eighteen years old, and dressed with a round about coat and cotton pants.

I will pay a very liberal reward for his return to me, or confinement in any jail, or any information that will lead to his recovery.

John Myers,

Churchville, Augusta Co.

Sept 9--3t.