Valley of the Shadow
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Poem, "Celt and Saxon" in column 4, "Strange Women Wanted" in column 7.

From the Rockingham Register, Messrs. Editors

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Full Text of Article

"The time seems at length to have arrived when a member of the M.E. Church in Virginia can speak his sentiments, freely and fully, upon the subject which, most of all others, has engrossed our attention, and wounded our hearts for a period of eight or ten years--I mean the subject of slavery in our church."

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Congressional notes in column 2. Discussion of the assassination of the Japanese Prince Regent in column 4. Letter from PAX to "Alexandria" about the M.E. Church in column 5. Biographical sketch of Abe Lincoln in column 5. Also several article from various papers on the wheat crop. Whole page is very difficult to read.

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Full Text of Article

The Romney (Va.) Intelligencer tells of the mobbing of a citizen of Springfield, Hampshire co., by a party of negroes in Blairsville, Pa. He had gone thither in pursuit of fugitive slaves. He was unarmed at the time of the assault and was very severely beat. The Blairsville Record says:

"It is supposed there were not less than fifty persons looking with apparent complacency on this barbarous and inhuman tragedy, many of whom would have the world believe that they are quite intelligent and respectable characters.

We have only limited time and space to say, that officers of the law were present, whose duty it is to maintain the public peace, and we expect to see those darkies and those who countenanced them brought to condign punishment. We intend to recur to this diabolical and disgraceful affair next week."

The Intelligencer says:

"We are informed by one of the party, that shortly after arriving at the county seat of Indiana county, two of the party, wearied and fatigued, they were waited upon by the Attorney for the Commonwealth of that co., a beautiful specimen of a conservator of the peace he must be, who informed them, that he was authorized or rather deputised by a public meeting to say to them that fifteen minutes would be allowed to them to leave the place, and that in case they did not do so, they would be tarred and feathered, and that he, although sworn to see that the laws were not violated, would assist in doing it! Out upon such a rascal!"

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Bear Captured

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D., D. and B. Institution

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Central and Orange Alexandria Railroads

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Democratic National Convention--Baltimore

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Full Text of Article

Democratic National Convention

BALTIMORE, June 18.--The Convention assembled here at [?] o'clock to-day. The Theatre was densely packed. The assemblage was called to order by the Hon. Caleb Cushing. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. McCro--. The President congratulated the Convention on its re-assembling, and expressed the hope that harmony would prevail.

The New York delegation introduced a resolution that the claims to seats by delegates from the Cotton States be referred to the Committee on credentials, and that the report of that committee be final, with the understanding that no one be admitted who does not pledge himself to abide by the decision of the Convention, and support the nominees.

An hour was spent in discussing points of order and motions to adjourn. The New York delegation . . . [word missing] . . . to sustain the call for the previous question, which was lost.

Mr. Gilmer, of Pa., offered the following resolution:

Resolved, That the President of this Convention be directed to issue tickets of admission to seats in the Convention to the delegates from the States of Texas, Florida, Mississippi and Arkansas, in which States there are no contesting delegations.

The Convention then adjourned 'till 5 o'clock, P. M.

The Convention re-assembled at 5 o'clock. The President stated that he had had placed in his hands credentials of gentlemen claiming seats in the Convention from the States of Delaware, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas, including in that . . . [text missing] . . . in this place, by Mr. Howard, of Tennessee, in behalf of the gentlemen claiming seats from the State of Mississippi, and in addition to that, there has been addressed to the chair a communication from Mr. Chaffee, claiming a seat from the State of Massachusetts.

Mr. Gilmer, for the purpose of arranging difficulties, withdrew his resolution, and asked leave to offer another, embodying the original resolution with an addenda, as follows:

Resolved, That the President of this Convention be authorized to issue tickets of admission to seats in the Convention to the delegates from the States of Arkansas, Texas, Florida and Mississippi, in which States there are no contesting delegations; and that in those States, to wit: Delaware, Georgia, Alabama, and Louisiana, where there are contesting delegations, a committee on credentials shall be appointed by the several delegations to report upon said States.

A spirited and able debate was continued up to near nine o'clock. The previous question on the pending resolution and amendments was moved and seconded, when a motion to adjourn until ten o'clock Tuesday morning prevailed.

SECOND DAY.--BALTIMORE, June 19.--The Convention met this morning at 10 o'clock.

The resolutions on the admission of delegates were amended so as to read that the credentials of all persons claiming seats in this Convention, made vacant by the secession of delegates at Charleston, be referred to the committee on credentials.

This was adopted under a call for the previous question.

The Convention then adjourned until 5 P. M., to await the report of the committee.

At 5 o'clock the Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and the Committee on Credentials not being ready to report, adjourned until to-morrow.

THIRD DAY.--BALTIMORE, June 20.--The Convention met at five o'clock, and adjourned till ten to-morrow. The Committee on Credentials are still unable to report.

Mr. Avery, of North Carolina, Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, and other Southern Delegates, waited on Dean Richmond, Chairman of the New York delegation, to- day, with a proposition to admit all the seceding delegates, with the understanding that no candidate shall be nominated who was voted for at Charleston, thus excluding Douglas, Hunter, Dickinson, Lann, Guthrie, Davis and Johnson, but it is not probable that the proposition will be accepted.

There is no foundation for the report that the Douglasites have threatened to withdraw from the Convention under any circumstances.

It is rumored that the delay of the report of the Committee will embarrass the Seceders, as the Convention in Richmond is advertised to meet to-morrow. But this is not entitled to credence, as it is known that the President of that Convention, together with the South Carolina delegates and others, are now in Richmond, ready to meet at the appointment of the time, and adjourn from day to day till the rising of the Convention here.

Wesleyan Female Institute

(column 3)

From the Valley Star

(column 6)
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Military Meeting

(column 5)

The M. E. Church and Slavery

(column 5)

Singular Affair

(column 6)

The "Rail Maker"--A Keen Retort

(column 7)

North Carolina

(column 7)

The Railroad Connection--Difficulties Answered

(column 7)
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European news in column 1. Story of 14 year old girl and 31 year old man getting married in column 2. Small blurb about Lincoln in column 2.

Shocking Tragedy in Texas

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Vigilance Committee

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Apportionment of the Capitation Tax

(column 5)
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