Valley of the Shadow
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Review of Judge Douglas' Article in Harper's Magazine by Judge Black

(column 1)

Slavery in Western Virginia

(column 3)

Douglas as Independent Candidate

(column 3)

The Eclectic Magazine

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(column 3)

Full Text of Article

We call the attention of our readers to the "Contribution Box for the Washington Monument," which is placed just below the general distribution letter box at the post-office. Each son and daughter of America who acknowledges a debt of gratitude to Washington, is solicited to contribute his or her mite towards the erection of this tribute to the memory of the "Father of his Country."

We confidently predict that the loyal and patriotic citizens of "West Augusta," will not be niggardly in their contributions to so holy a cause.


(column 3)
(column 4)

Laying the Corner Stone

(column 5)

Typhoid Fever

(column 6)
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