Valley of the Shadow
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A Card

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Interesting Information

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A Letter from Mr. Buchanan

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The Elective Franchise

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Full Text of Article

Under this caption the Richmond Examiner, has a long, calm article, deploring the inertness, and indifference of the people, concerning the various elections which are held throughout the country, and the actual absence from the polls, of a large, a fearfully large, number of the very best, and most reliable voters. This is a lamentable fact, made more apparent by every succeeding election, and especially in the late election for Judge, in this district, when we think hardly one third, perhaps not that much of the vote of the district was polled. This is an evil, which a people, from whom as the original source, all power and all government emanates, should ponder deeply.

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Full Text of Article

Of course the Opposition repudiates the extreme Southern platform, "for such a policy would 'knock into a cocked hat' that precious scheme of a coalition with 'all the elements of Opposition,' Whigs, Know Nothings, Abolitionists, Free Soilers, Free 'Niggers,' etc. which, at present, is the darling object of the Opposition heart."

The Elective Franchise

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Religious Meeting

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The Springs Travel

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The Gas

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To the Editors of the Vindicator

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